Hey Sup Forums wanna hear a joke?
Hey Sup Forums wanna hear a joke?
only if it tickles my funny bone
Fuck off Carlos I tell way better puns than you you could say my puns are Magical
Also the joke is why didn't the skeleton go to the family reunion?
I don't know user.
Why didn't the skeleton go to the family reunion?
Cause he had no brother to go with
good one sans
my bro is still around in my timeline
Go where?
Live and let die, user. Wait can you do that being a skeleton?
To the "family" reunion
>it's a tumblr thread
He should've gone anyway.
>implying Undertale is 100% tumblr
Dumb Frogposter
>it's a dumb frogposter
dumb phoneposter
Depends on what type of person you are
>implying there's something wrong with that
Dumb PCPoster
>Sent from my iPhone.
I bet you unironically browse Reddit.
get over it
people use their phones to post here these days
Reddit is cancer fuck off
>no g-guys, i'm not from r-reddit.
I'm not from Reddit but maybe you are and your too embarrassed to admit it
Fuck off
>Reddit is cancer
Redditors are equally as acceptable as phoneposters.
>it's a cancerous RP from a shit game thread
I wish I could direct the attention of this thread to a single post but I'm on my phone
Just your opinion
>le spongeboob maymay
Have this (You)
>what happens when you invite papyrus into your hous
you get a dusty house