If video games create such amazing storytelling opportunities, then why are 99% of games have shitty stories?

If video games create such amazing storytelling opportunities, then why are 99% of games have shitty stories?

99% of everything is shit you dumbass

really makes u think...

Because cliché stories that touch common settings are the ones that sell the most, this isn't exclusive to games, there's a reason if Adam Sandlers got away with his shit for so much time.

he's not wrong

But when you look at movies or novels, yeah, most of them are shit. But the good ones have good storylines. The top few movies of the year will have great storylines.

With games, even the top few games have shitty storylines.

>lisa the painful rpg
>yumi nikki
>zero escape series
>the world ends with you
>ghost trick: phantom detective
>corpse party series
>the legend of zelda: majora's mask
>jak 3
>pokemon mystery dungeon: explorers of the sky

>explorers of sky
Patrician taste, user.

Yeah, and that's several times less than 1%, so OP's point still stands even though it's a stupid one.

>Majora's Mask
>Jak 3
You almost had good taste. Almost. And then you ruined it all.

Don't get me wrong, those are good games, but the stories are fucking shit.

yeah because story is secondary in games

games that focus on story a bad video games most of the time

games are much better at world building / letting a player explore an established world


It's shit. I liked the game but the writing is garbage full of "lol so wacky" characters and then the game except you to care about characters who could be described as "is a joke"

You're a retard honestly

MM has the best story of all Zelda games so far

Because games with storyline frequently present themselves as movies where you control the fight scenes, which if the OP picture is anything to go by, shifts you between 2nd and 1st person perspectives and disconnects the game from the story it is telling. People bitch about cutscene logic for this reason - I just killed fifty guards, why is Snake surrendering to one?
Games that build a framework and let you fuck around have great 'storytelling' if you think of first person storytelling as inherently different to second/third person storytelling.
Go to any Dwarf Fortress thread and someone will have a harrowing tale of their personal fortress that had some emotional impact for them, the player, despite the game actively impeding traditional storytelling. The Belan the Looter website shows someone's adventures in Ultima Online and that is a fantastic 'story'.

Of course, you also have videogame writers usually being people who couldn't cut it at something else, or writers who dream too big for a game and end up compromising everything (xenogears). That probably contributes as well.

That diagram is really reductive. Not every game is about the player. Sometimes there isn't even a character.

Like where does Cities Skylines fit into that diagram?

This diagram was made by some fucktard who just plays nothing but skyrim.

>the author describes the subject to the audience

Because people doesn't understand that if the character is in control of the player he most probably won't create a narrative deep or dramatic, instead he will spent most of the time fishing or slashing everything he sees.

The few games that brake this normally put the player as a manager of the system instead of the protagonist

>>Jak 3
>You almost had good taste.
>Jak 3
I bet you're the type that praises Mass Effect on it's story, or maybe even Fallout 4?

If games are done in first person
Why do so many people watch video games?
Christians 1 Atheists 0

"Videogames create such amazing storytelling"
Give a genius sand and he will do something amazing, give an idiot the whole multimedia industry and he will produce something idiotic

This. There hasn't been a good movie in almost 20 years.

Video game writers are still finding the best ways to tell stories taking in consideration the players action. The major problem is that the writer is usually not that important in the actual production, just a guy who writes what other people tell him to. Like Uncharted being made of set pieces they wanted to do and telling the writer to find a thread of logic in between them.
I think the Darkness writer said in an interview that they wanted to have collectibles so he decided to create an entire cult or background to the powers based only on the collectible items they'd already made.

>yume nikki
incredible patrician taste

How is anyone supposed to solve that?

>implying film can't deceive the viewer

>Literature only exists in the form of audiobooks now

>literature can't be first person

As if any of these are genuinely good stories. Maybe if your cultural absorption is limited to anime and you prefer 'depth' of Kill la Kill to Evangelion.

Are you telling me movies are a majority second person?