What games let me scam people and run away with their money?
What games let me scam people and run away with their money?
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I mean he sold his property to Microsoft, but how did Notch scam money?
Honestly want to know.
Notch sold out to M$ but the product he created was complete and very fun, if just a bit novel. No scamming involved.
He screwed over his friends. He let MS buy Minecraft and gave his friends a package of 200k each while he left with the millions.
from left to right
Sean Murray No Man's Sky
Russ Bullock Mechwarrior Online
Markus Persson AKA Notch Minecraft
Randy Pitchford Colonial Marines/Blunderborn
Peter Molyneux Fable
Tim Schafer Broken Age/Psychonanuts
Keiji Inafune Mighty Blunder Scam
Todd Howard Skyrim/Fallout 4
Chris Roberts Scam Citizen
Notch promised a shitton of things that never ever made it into Minecraft, got into a permanent short vacation, and suddenly he slapped a 1.0 version to Minecraft and called it a day.
Selling it to Microsoft was the best business decision he made, yes, and I don't hate the guy, probably i would have done the same thing too, but I can see him being in the same list as the rest.
Sean, Randy and Keiji are the most shameless of the bunch
Holy shit
Omerta: City of Gangsters lets you scam people using various schemes
>Ever paying for anything off of promises
Might be those people have been scammed, might also be that they just invested poorly.
MOJANG has not been stingy with paying people they money back if anyone felt genuinely disamayed about the direction Minecraft took.
But how is that a scam?
They were not owners.
Of course, they weren't HAPPY about it. But that's not the same.
>implying you wouldn't have done the same
>Literally took the money and ran
Didn't actually scam anyone though.
He din't scam anyone, he's just a piece of shit.
i wonder if star citizen will incorporate that feature
The only scam about Keiji is how he made it appear as if the team was fully functional, and that he had the experience it would take to create a game similar to Mega Man in all respects.
When really they weren't qualified.
They did actually spend all the money on what it was supposed to be spent on.
>Notch instead of Dean Hall
impossible to choke on something so small
Has anyone determined if Molyneux is an actual fraud, or just a guy who's really fucking enthusiastic about his games?
I hate his fucking scams but he seems genuine
He's no more a piece of shit than the pieces of shit that picked fights with him, however.
Who are all of these people?
people Sup Forums made famous
Achievers that underachievers devised a way to hate.
behold, the face to a genre of cons
Nobody in particular
Eve Online - Though it will take some time to achieve
I'd definitely drink a beer with him, but I wouldn't let him plan my wedding.
It's possible to choke just from a foul stench.
He's an ideas guy who loves jabbering about his ideas. He's at least open with his games not always living up to his dreams but he still made some cool games.
Another "Todd is a con artist too" meme. Bethesda develop pretty good games, and Todd never promised anything the final product didn't deliver. Sure, fallout 4 was lacking in rpg mechanics, but that doesn't make him a liar or a thief...
need to add Metzen and the guy who made MGS series
>and Todd never promised anything the final product didn't deliver.
That's like saying ,"I'm gonna sell you a house with 6 rooms", but 4 of them are completely destroyed but it's ok bruh I didn't ACTUALLY make any false promises.
I can respect the man for opening up like that on several occasions.
He's had a pretty wild ride, but stays so incredibly fucking optimistic.
That's a shit comparison.
His games have always been sold up front.
You never had to buy what he sold you if you weren't enticed by the end result.
If you bought someone merely off of hype, then you're a fucking idiot that should be put down.
He showed the games skill mechanics, speech mechanics, shooting mechanics, AND building mechanics before the game even dropped. Fallout 4 at e3 was the same fallout 4 at release...
He didn't lie about anything.
kill yourself, they did nothing wrong
Molyneux is the Original Scammer every other scammer aspires to emulate.
But bragging about your game is not scamming anyone.
They're steal free to read a review and see if what they wanted made it into the game, before they buy it.
>they didn't watch the Oblivion dev videos
>But bragging about your game is not scamming anyone.
Lying about it is, though, which is what he's done with almost every post-Bullfrog game he's been involved with.
Just look at the dev history of Godus and tell me this wasn't a fucking scam.
> Schafer did nothing wrong.
> Blew thru Broken Age KS money and had to release the game in 2 parts.
> Spacebase DF-9 was in Early Access, they suddenly called it "finished" and abandoned it.
> Right after that, they throw a lavious industry party featuring DJ Fishsticks
Yeah, clearly the fat fuck has done nothing wrong.
I did.
That is hardly relevant.
>No Man's Sky
more like No Man's Scam
You mean One Man's Scam
>he screwed over his friends for money
That's how capitalism works. He didn't do anything wrong.
lol look at this marxist faggot
The way I meant it is that no man ever attempted that level of scam. But after re-reading it, yours sounds better
I think you're using the word scam too liberally.
Lying is not scamming it itselt.
Being incompetent with other people's money is not a scam in itself either.
For something to be a scam, you need to have had an ulterior motive for swindling people out of their money.
You need to say one thing but do another, purposefully.
I don't really see it as if that's been happening.
Certainly not in a way that is worth talking about.
Star citizen is making progress so it might not be a scam.
>tons of shitty shoverware at steam
>no EA/ Ubisoft Simulator
literally took the money/awards off other people's hands
Great counter xDD
>Lying is not scamming it itselt.
Lying for monetary gain is.
>I think you're using the word scam too liberally.
I think you're ignoring reality in order to preserve whatever unwarrantedly heroic image of Peter Molyneux you have.
Again, just look at Godus. Barely any of the initial promises that were made *with the specific intent of getting people's money for the purpose of crowdfunding* were actually kept. The game was/still is a scam, plain and simple. I'm not giving them the benefit of the doubt either, because they (the devs including Moly) *continued* to lie about the game even after they got scolded for their shitty, barebones Early Access release. Fuck them and fuck people like you who make excuses for this sort of thing.
>heroic image of Peter Molyneux
No. Fuck him. He fucked up Dungeon Keeper 2, and I have liked any of his games since.
That doesn't mean that it's a scam to run a kickstarter and try to make a game, even if you're bad at it.
I feel sorry for you if you backed it or bought early access, though. You ought to demand your money back.
>haven't liked any of his games since
Notch has fuck you money
He could deny the Holocaust and still have billions.
how did he screw them over? and how is this a capitalistic problem?
its a human one, you will always prefer yourself over another, if you re saying that you would totally give your friends more than you keep yourself you re just a flat out liar
>I'll give you infinite quests
it's actually 3 quests that repeat ad infinitum
>Ask a girl "how many sex partners did you have?"
>she says 7
(while omitting that it was 7 this week, and it's only Tuesday)
Absolute madman
When did he promise infinite quests?
Punchable face power ranking
1. Sean
2. Schaffer
3. Randy
4. Inafune
5. Roberts
6. Todd
7. Bullocks
8. Molyneux
9. Notch
Did you ask her about time frames? No.
There are infinite quests, he didn't lie.
People like Sean Murray flat out said features were in the game, when they aren't.
what did todd do wrong?
Lmao, those quotes make him sound like a less retarded Tommy Wiseau, I swear.
Have you ever played a bethesda game?
Does golgom games count?
Pretty much just particularly aggravating exaggeration
Check the first e3 demo for Oblivion, it looks ridiculously better than the game
Might well just make a list with devs you can trust, gonna be a small list.
How the fuck is that not relevant? Kill yourself, holy shit
It was at some games con. He was on stage and literally used the term "infinite quests" to describe the game. There's footage of it, but I can't recall what kind of convention it was.
I don't know why I made this picture.
>ctrl+f kotick
>0 results
You guys forget quick, huh?
Notch didn't con or scam anyone.
I hate when people make fun of Peter Molyneux. The guy obviously suffers from some kind of compulsive illness yet I've seen ton of people mock him and that abrasive interview some guy did from rock, paper, shotgun a few years back was just over the line.
Molyneux didn't work on Dungeon Keeper 2 though. He was no longer with Bullfrog by the time the game came out.
Did Miney Crafta really scam people? Kiddos and autists have been playing the game for years now, it can't be that bad for a $20 product.
>Piggybacked Konami's piggybank to take 100% credit
Makes you wonder what the reaction would be if he was an American.
where is kojima?
You mean Konami, right?
a hack
Kojima did nothing wrong, it's all Konami's fault.
It's not.
EVE Online. Scamming people is perfectly within the rules as long as you don't use cheats/exploits.
Anyone have a link to that really long story about that guy who scammed a bunch of guys by pooling funds together for battleship blueprints then running off with the money?