Life is Tumblr

>See Sup Forums circle jerking over this game
>Decide to try it out
>It's more than a movie than Heavy Rain with time travel mechanics
>Max is a total aspie and Chloe is the biggest cunt ever
>Give up after 20 minutes
When can you guys stop having such shitty taste in video-games?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Not being a cunt

All the characters are cunt with some exceptions also, mostly of the decisions are you fuck the situation 1, you fuck the situation 2.

I agree, though I lasted a little longer (played 2 episodes) to see if it got any better. It didn't. Don't see the appeal. Hella shit.

>>See Sup Forums circle jerking over this game
No, you saw a small amount of fags with no taste circle jerking over that game.

I always thought those threads were Sup Forums trolling people into playing the game.
There are people that genuinly like this game?

>See Sup Forums circle jerking over this game

I have literally never seen a single positive word uttered in reference to this game on Sup Forums, are you sure you weren't on Reddit?

Yes. I went into one to ask if they actually liked this shit and they started talking about how great it is because their slutty lesbian waifus are in it.

Is that supposed to be a comedic scene?

So Sup Forums

>a small amount
This. It's just waifufags with a bit of feelsfags mixed in


Difference between truth and bait. This game ie literally shit.

I pirated it and played for about an hour and I still feel about it, like I fell for an obvious scam and deserve to be mocked for it.

>"if I act contrarian enough, Sup Forums-sama will finally accept me and I will fit in"

Wouldn't you be the contrarian one then, since you like this game?

You do realise just how popular this game was on release on Sup Forums and still is, particularly on /vg/? But please by all means, continue shit posting if it makes you feel better

Trained ex marine who would fit into the angrymarines cant kill a professor. I litterally died for that sequence.

>You do realise just how popular this game was on release on Sup Forums and still is
It wasn't as popular as you're making it out to be, there were just as much people shitting on it as there were threads praising it
>particularly on /vg/
Who cares about /vg/? Going by that logic LoL is well liked here because the general is still running
>You're just shitposting!

>making a thread purely to shit on a loved game isn't shitposting

Literal autism

>Sup Forums shits on sony for movie games
>this game is literally a movie
>tfw there used to be a point I took opinions on this board seriously

>max is total aspie
we all were when we were in high school but the awkward high school stuff is what makes this game so good. it´s like a fucking time machine that takes me back and unlike in highschool you can make the right choice even if you´d fuck up on the first try

>He knows who makes the threads on an anonymous imageboard
If you're a mod you should be doing your job instead of posting here

>fit in
please explain how would that even work on an anonymous indian macrame imageboard

When I finished this game I cried myself to sleep.

kill yourself my men

They just wanted the tumblr audience

I feel incredibly envious of the guy that gets to coat her face with cum

Sup Forums doesn't like it because it wasn't made by gooks, I agree this game was pretty trash but nowhere near as egregious as dogshit waifubait like persona and neptunia and whatever the fuck else which gets parroted around here every day

I guarantee if everything else was kept 100% the same but they made all the character models more anime-esque and claimed it was made by some japanese studio Sup Forums would have a fucking field day with it

everytime i see this game i die a little inside
i finished episode one and that was it.

it's basically a tumblr post made into a game with a tumblr artist for the art to top it up

You only finished episode 1, that's the problem here. The game gets fucking moody and depressing in Episode 2, even more in 3.

You missed all the fun in episode 4 & 5

I'm surprised critics even liked this "game" since it seems like the premise itself was ripped from some anime.

It's okay when the west does it, I guess.

You're kidding me right? The premise is basically Donnie Darko, which Steins;Gate ripped off of. So west ripped west.

Chloe doesn't even show up until more than 20 minutes in you fuckin liar.

Save the bay is the best and true ending

Definitely wrapped everything up. That's all I care about.