weebs entirely BTFO by superior english voice actors.
I like the main guys, Noctis especially improved a lot from the Duscae Demo
Luna sounds really good.
>Movie has a different cast to the game
Nice consistancy already.
They already said they had them cast for the game too but there was scheduling conflicts.
we're able to assault luna?
maybe i won't cancel my pre-order just yet
God, that sounds so terrible.
The Japanese Va is still vastly superior but at least the English cast now has some that don't sound absolutely shit
I could have sworn that the Ignis VA was the same as Balthier but apparently not
>The blonde character is played by a blonde character
You sound so terrible lmao
Yes they did.
I like all the english voices except Gladio's
It's far too deep/husky and doesn't work.
Stuff like this is why i wanna get into voice acting, sucks that i dont sound traditionally cool and if i ever really get into it ill be stuck voicing faggy characters comparable to mikelo but whatever
Fuck off weeb. You dont even understand Japanese.
Why do they think all this cliche shit they're saying is moving?
Shit that guy better check himself into the nearest burn center
>You dont even understand Japanese.
Even if that was the case it doesn't matter because the performance is superior in the Japanese version.
If I can choose between fitting voices and good acting or a language I understand I'm going to pick the first option
Any hope I had for the story being interesting just flew out the window.
Just your typical boring coming of age shit we've seen a million times over.
I want to fuck that princess
So they called up hollywood stars after the voice of Luna and Regis were busy? And spent months rendering their faces like the stars? I call BS on them.
>proceeds to show her battered and kneeling with her skirt ripped
Wasn't as bad as I expected. Not that good either.
Well they man who voiced the bad guy seemed to have had a great time doing it
Good for him
They didn't use the faces of the stars, are you blind? They used different people for the mocap. Bean and Headey just did ADR voice overs for the movie. They were cast in the game originally too but scheduling conflicts.
I don't recall anything about scheduling conflicts but all the way back in March with Uncovered they had stated the Kingsglaive voices were different than the game.
>but scheduling conflicts.
you mean lack of funds
>proceed to show her fucking up Leviathan
Ok keep crying Stellacuck
To be fair she's 1v1ing a sea god.
>No Troy Baker
>Mcree though
>Matt Mercer in everything these days
I know the dude is the substitute Troy Baker but he's slowly becoming him. He's minutes away from being Naughty Dog's next protag.
God, she sounds so fucking boring.
>cares about everyone so purehearted
>typical magic caster shrine maiden shit
but she's le strong women guize this is what the gaming industry needs! Die cis male scum!
nice blog.
The street cinematic shows the Romeo and Juliet theme that Noct and Stella's families are at war and they have to fight but at the same time they love each other.
Well it's long gone now but it could have been be a neat setting.
Luna is love.
>implying the bros aren't going to show up and save the day
Don't fool yourself.
>Playing FF with EN dub
The Kingsglaive chick in the movie sounded so off, her voice didn't match the character at all.
No money for Bean, kek.
McCree and goddamn Reinhardt
Mercer turned into the new Troy Baker when Baker decided to only do AAA american games
I have no problem with that since I like him better
>he's slowly becoming him
I got that impression too when he took over Baker as Kanji's VA, but like I said, I don't really mind it
>I would rather listen to noise than to understand the story
you're such a fucking embarrassment
>prompto is just comic relief
I knew it.
Ashe's ENG VA is Aranea by the way.
Do you have a source for that?
Gladio is Junkrat
>"I am a weaboo who believes no good dubs exist and every sub is flawless"
Did not catch the Reinhardt on that. This dude has range.
Baker hit that VA fun money. Good on him.
Man im so mad. I was like the only one who defend Luna this entire time, and now its like everyone love her. I hate you fucking bandwagoners.
What a weeb
i feel so mad over never getting this piece of shit motherfucking open world game in the original fucking japanese YOU BETTER NOT FUCKING HAVE ANY BRITISH VOICE ACTORS
>The street cinematic shows the Romeo and Juliet theme th
Fuck off with this headcanon Nomuracuck.
>Voice actors
Alrighty. Is the combat still shit, though?
>Luna is purehearted borefest
I don't know what I was expecting.
>subs don't exist
The stars for most of the movie did not do the motion capturing/likeness for them like Nyx, Regis, and Luna. They just did the VA. Check out the wiki for the actual motion actors and modeling for the characters.
Ardyn seems like a good pick, yeah.
Not him, but there are very few good dubs.
Subs have their own issues, this is granted... but often times dubs are gratingly bad.
She also played Saber from F/SN, Haruko from FLCL, and loads of other things
He says they didn't want him to be just comic relief
No she actively fights against the gods, better than trash Stella any fucking day
>Good on him.
I guess it is good for him
I just wonder how long will it take for Matt Mercer to leave us as well?
>hate everything about Cor's role and design
>voiced by matthew mercer who was chrom and other fire emblem characters
If you don't know Jap then you won't be able to tell that their voicework is inferior.
you can go back to gamefags now.
Combat was good since Platinum demo, i don't know what are you talking about.
back the fuck off?!
Should I watch Kingsglaive or Brotherhood first?
Nice meme
Ray Chase (Xenoblade Chronicles X, Killer Instinct) as Noctis
• Adam Croasdell (Shadow of Mordor, Reign, NCIS, Once Upon a Time) as Ignis
• Robbie Daymond (Sailor Moon, TMNT: Mutants in Manhattan) as Prompto
• Chris Parson (Overwatch, Assassin’s Creed: Revelations, Rango) as Gladio
• Jim Pirri (Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst, The Penguins of Madagascar) as Regis
• Amy Shiels (Twin Peaks remake, Call of Duty: Black Ops) as Luna
• Matt Mercer (Overwatch, Resident Evil, Fallout 4) as Cor
• Darin De Paul (Overwatch, Doom, Star Wars: The Old Republic) as Ardyn
• Kari Wahlgren (Rick and Morty, Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness) as Aranea
Least he's not fat anymore unlike you.
He is a dumbass but he never accused anyone of samefagging
Playing the game first seems like a solid idea.
Are you fucking for real?
Combat is good now.
He says he didn't want to play him as comic relief despite recognizing that he was. Nice selective hearing.
FFXV dub didn't seem all that bad, just a little too generic and repetitive, but I guess that couldn't be avoided.
Kingslays however is terrible, it's like they aren't even trying.
Was it really?
Maybe I couldn't tell because I didn't fully understand it and because I was too busy suffering because of the game randomly turned into a slideshow
Except for the 4 characters we'll hear the most
-grabs him by the throat- back the fuck off!?!?
>hating Cor
The issue is that when you start assuming every dub is shit you stop noticing when there's a good dub out there. This isn't a bad dub, you want a bad dub look at fucking Mobius Final Fantasy for a bad dub. Only Wol sounds ok in that and that's only because he sounds like he literally does not give a single shit about what's happening around him
It's obviously XV-kun mad that people are praising his snorefest maiden waifu.
no I'm for fucking ur mom lmao
Platinum demo was boring as fuck.
>Grab these weapons at the end of the demo for it to get good.
That's retarded. So either you get those weapons from the start to have an even remotely passable combat system, or you trudge through who knows how long with a dinky ass piece of shit weapon until you finally get one of the few not-shit-weapons who knows how much later? Do you see how dumb that is?
Release order
I hope she would treat Noctis like a mom, embarrassing him in front of his friends due to her age.
>those side burns
Nah senpai cor a shit
blah blah blah you suck shit at the game blah blah blah. Fuck off, the combat is good now.
I mean yes, performance was trash but for ARPG game had its own depth.
I don't recognize most of the cast, which is good.
Im not XV-kun, im Luna-kun. The only thing i care about in this game is Lady Lunafreya.
Im pretty sure XV-kun is just another pedophile who loves Iris.