Am i missing something or this game is fairly hard? I've never had so much trouble with other tactical strategies

Am i missing something or this game is fairly hard? I've never had so much trouble with other tactical strategies.

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git gud

Snipers are gods in that game

Sell all items that were dropped by enemies (assuming you don't need them)
Sometimes retreat is acceptable, don't always fight to the last merc standing.
Use your weapons correctly, long rifles aren't that good indoors, sidearms aren't good for long range engagements, etc.
Defend your income, if you lose a mine or a town, it will be really hard to regain control of the region.
Train militia, they are great at helping to defend sectors
Also what said


Well, that's what I'm talking about, i have no idea how to even approach enemies, they just lie on the ground and snipe with pistols through the entire screen.
No percentage for successful hit is not helpful either.

Roll stealthy / night-ops.

No, that's why I frustrated.

Some people suggest rolling merc with stealth / knife throwing.
- One of biggest advantages is time saved during enemy turns which will get longer and longer.
- The point is to sneak a lot and backstab / throw knifes directly into enemies.
- The sound of gunfire will immediately grab enemy attention, You might see someone calling radio, thus every hostile will be aware of your presence

Personally I was rolling for mechanic / leader type with huge wisdom. Repairing shit is important, since reliability below 95% will shit to jam a lot.

You mean, that You get HUGE ASS COUNTERATTACK after freeing first city with mine?
There is .ini file set be default to TRUE.

Flank. Don't just exchange peashooter fire with your half-blind bargain bin mercs. Swim and cut through fences if you have to. Crawl through fields.
Night ops are a good idea too.

If the vanilla game is giving you a hard time, 1.13 is going to wipe the floor with you.

Early in the game when you're just rolling with pistols you'll probably want to stick to attacking at night, play passively and let enemies come to you. That way you get interrupts and they get fucked, to make your life a little easier try and hire on at least 2 medics and 2 repair guys. Don't be afraid to blow a hole in a building, better a building than one of your mercs right?

Yes. It is very hard.

Last time I played this it kept crashing with obscure in game messages, thanks PC gaming

I know, that's why i decided to play base game first.
>attacking at night, play passively and let enemies come to you
I tried, but they often don't move from covers.
Also action point system is quite frustrating, every turn you get different amount somehow and certain actions cost differently.

early on kinda sucks since you will most likely get stuck with pistols
you can hire an expensive merc+gear for a day or something then just use his gear when he leaves

The amount of APs you get drops due to wounds and fatigue. Especially the former will tank it.

If they're not leaving cover try and flank them, if they're just not moving at all try moving your whole team a little bit at a time leaving enough AP for interrupts. Things get a lot easier when you get shit like undersling grenade launchers and sniper rifles, or anything capable of suppressing enemies in one turn.

AP costs change depending on how much you spent last turn and the amount of breath your merc has left

Back in the old days the games expected you to man up.

You might also enjoy Silent Storm, which is also fairly difficult and has great environmental destruction.

Snipers are OP in this game, use them
Sniper + Spotter teams are even more OP - most of the times sniper doesn't even have to see the enemy as long as spotter does.
Flanking is also generally great idea.
For indoors use short guns - pistols and smgs
For long range use rifles
Shotguns for short-to-medium ranges
Mustard gas grenades are somewhat fun, mustard gas mortar shells are lots of fun
dont use the latter on sectors with civilians
also dont forget gas mask
night ops might be good idea as long as you got nvgs
extended ear is great
some peopel say that 1.13 is in general harder than vanilla but it also introduces a lot of things that make game easier

Energy drops faster if they're over 100% of their recommended weight carrying, canteens can restore it, also you can drop your backpacks during battle and pick them up afterwards but I think that's just a 1.13 feature.

>drop your backpacks during battle and pick them up afterwards but I think that's just a 1.13 feature.
yeah, 1.13 feature also not all backpacks only those with quick release

>Back in the old days the games expected you to man up
As I said, i played similar games, original xcom for example. Not even close in terms of difficulty.
I played silent storm, it's one of my favorites. but again not that hard as ja2.
That's why I have a feeling that I'm missing something.

My general rule is don't use backpacks except for Technicans, Medics, Mules and someone in a mortar squad/RPG man

Well XCOM drops you into a mission and you have to figure it out from there.
The problem with JA2 is that you have this world map and don't know if you are approaching the game right.
I've never finished the game so I can't really give you advice.

I'm kinda baffled that more games didn't try such an interesting concept.

>not having full 6-man squad with one mortar and 5 backpacks full of mustard gas shells

it's like you don't even want to commit war crimes

I like some the more gorey animations, like when you actually blow someone's head off.

my favorite game of all time, i stopped my replay because NCTH is fucked, have they fixed it or should i just go back to the original system?

with a .50 cal?

or maybe with 25x40 airburst grenade?

>"Augh, blagp, I got some brain in my mouth, blarp! Hey...sweet!"

>you have this world map and don't know if you are approaching the game right
Yeah, maybe that's the reason. I attacked anti-aircraft base after Drassen, barely finished it with basically savescumming. It seems that enemies get stronger after this. Is there some kind of autoleveling?

There needs to be another insurgency simulator like JA2

Video games need more war crimes in them

I know that enemies get stronger over time and you can trigger events which make them stronger too.

Honestly, I would use a guide. You can fuck around with alternative approaches in the second playthrough.

janky russian game
lots of neat ideas though

how did you beat the counter attack?

packed all my mercs in the bathroom and used my superior reaction time to shoot them all in the face one by one. How do you handle this without cheese, im actually curious

I always found JA2 to be hard at the start where you are so inaccurate and do no damage but once you get into the game some more and find better guns and equip scopes to them, you'll start doing a lot better.

An easy way you can win pretty much any fight is to have all your mercs hide in a windowless room with 1 door and have them all facing the door while luring enemies towards you by shooting or making noise then when the enemy opens the door, you should get a bunch of interrupts and be able to kill them, then close the door with any remaining action points and keep going until the area is clear. I did this for the Drassen airport and counterattack.

Also I've never been able to play the original Xcom at all, my dudes just get massacred no matter what I do.

>install 1.13
>install IoV
>install cosmod
>install several other assorted weapon / gear packs
>check Bobby Ray
>there are WW II weapons (from all sides of the conflict)
>there are WW II uniforms (again, all side of the conflict)
>mfw ragtag group of mercs dressed like nazis using german weaponry, "liberating" town after town

start preparing for counterattack before it even starts.

booby trap edges of map, train guerilla, position your mercs in good spots etc

Just installed 1.13 what mods to get?

Instruments of Violence is a must

>I've never had so much trouble with other tactical strategies.
Pretty much all the other tactical strategies are simplifed and never suceeded to top Jagged alliance.
That being said the start of jagged alliance is extremely easy and early enemies are complete crap.
I'd advise buying a single good mercenary (marksmanship above 80, 90+ if you can fit in budget) and a guy or two to cover him. Hardest thing early on is hitting things and having an elite merc is gonna do wonders with that.
Lynx has been my go too mercenary for all 15 years of playing because of his reasonable price and great stats.
I'm actually replaying the game right now without him and god it's a pain until your guys are trained up.

1.13 is massively harder than vanilla without some tweaks.

It's a toughie, but it's totally doable. The Trick is to conquer the airfield first and instantly start training militia to second tier (blue). This makes it super important to have at least two mercs that have high leadership skill since you want to train militia fast (mercs charge by the day after all, and depending on your difficulty you need funds quick this early in). Once that is done, rather than attacking the second grid below the airport, go around and straight up capture the mine and start training militia there as well. The attack will not initiate until you have completely conquered the whole town anyway so you have time and funds to prepare. Once you have militia and trained mercs, conquer the rest of the town, send your mercs and top tier militia to the sector with the mine (Deidriana will always attack this sector first, but leave some militia in squares as a defence from "probe" attacks). Sett your militia and mercs to defensive with many on the roofs and have them hold their position. The enemy will attack from 2-3 directions and if you have your guys placed at the far right corner and on the roofs, as well as inside the buildings you have a good chance of winning. This requires some save scumming and a lot of time and patience but is completely doable. The positive benefits with this besides a lot of XP is great gear that makes things easier for you up till mid-game.

I usually have a lot of rooftop shooters, or people shooting from inside homes.

What does it add?

>I'd advise buying a single good mercenary (marksmanship above 80, 90+ if you can fit in budget)
I started with custom character with 85, now 87. It was good at the beginning, but after few days of training militia in Drassen and healing, enemies become more accurate somehow.

>What does it add?
instruments of violence
weapon/gear pack

Other than sitting it out in a toilet somewhere, there's always an option to ignore it and just bait it out.
Apparently Drassen counterattack is not actually a "Drassen counterattack", but just a designated counterattack on first city you take.
I got Chitzena, lost it to a full 50 man counter attack and then Drassen got a few washed up soldiers, maybe 20 at most which was a piece of cake to defend.

Now recovering Chitzena from a full stack of elites with next to no cover, that's hell.

Likely because their weapons got better so now they are firing something with more range, better stats. Also if the shirt is grey it's elite. But those are fairly rare.

>. Also if the shirt is grey it's elite. But those are fairly rare.
No, regular colorful tshirts. But they land two shots in a row with pistols through the entire screen.

- I actually managed to do something else. I repelled some part of waves, grabbed their loot and escaped the city to the north.
- Then I took mechanic and fixed every rifles and distributed stuff between all.
- With that I come to retaliation better armed.
- I've managed to fully train 2nd tier and fill every sector.

To sum up. Rifles are needed badly at the beginning.

Any IMP merc packs, more faces, voices, etc?

desu I prefer xcom combat to JA2, it has less complexity in a good way.

>late game rolling with back packs of mortar shells and an ICS 190 with LMG suppression and sniper over watch

maybe the most fun you can have in a video game

>Rifles are needed badly at the beginning.
Which is why it's essential you have at least 2 guys who have gun skills at the level where they can drop guys from a good distance. Otherwise it's spray and pray and you're just gonna burn through ammo early in the battle.

>Otherwise it's spray and pray
Yeah, that's pretty much my experience so far. Burst mode seems very gimped.

Old or New CtH which is objectively more balanced?

Burst mode is really good in lategame and is straight up overpowered in UB where you fight a lot of low distance battles.