Name one memorable character in a western video game come out in this decade. Mention the character and what made it stand out.
I'll wait.
Name one memorable character in a western video game come out in this decade. Mention the character and what made it stand out.
I'll wait.
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Steve / Herobrine / Creepers / Endermen
She's a black woman in video games, unique personality and character traits, very strong in the game too and it was a pretty good game. I really like this character because black people are finally represented well in a game.
Halo. He's cool and he's badass robot
shit i was going to say chuck grenne but then i remembered that's a japanese game
mmm yeah i give up
>and it was a pretty good game
Whatever you say, sport.
Daud from Dishonored was a pretty well developed and well written character.
Fucking Garrus, that bastard was awesome
The entire cast of Team Fortress 2.
self insert isn't a character, sperg-o
>this decade
his knife had more character than him LOL
ClapTrap was also memorable, Handsome jack was way better tho
tf2 was 2007, current year is 2016. can you not count to 10?
funny thread chum chum see u in /r9k/ !!
I'm a computer
I'd disagree. You can certainly see his struggles to cope with the killing of Jasmine(?) and how he knows he fucked up really bad. That's why he doesn't say anything to Corvo even tho he saved Emily, because he knows he doesn't have the right to.
She's cool and spunky.
If by "this decade" you mean "the last ten years," then I'd go with Zevran as a sort of apotheosis of the HK-47 concept. If you mean "since 2010" I'd have to think about it some more.
Booker Dewitt saved his daughter from his own future self from a parallel universe.
2007 was in the '00s, we're in the '10s now. In this decade, not in the last decade.
those are swedish characters
op asked for western characters, not middle eastern characters
2016 - 10 = 2006
2006 < 2007
are you retarded
He has a great voice and never asked for this
Leon S Kennedy
It's still less than a decade ago, it is "this decade"
You needed to specify in the 2010s
So you want to judge a decade when it's only halfway over?
Trevor Phillips
>This decade
Name a memorable non-Western character from the last six years.
>Duke forever
That doesn't mean that Duke is a character from this decade you mong.
>Duke is problematic
>its 2016
>we dont need duke
>character in a western video game come out in this decade
duke nukem forever is a game that came out this decade. duke was in it. how is this not exactly what the op said?
I'm pretty sure OP meant orignal characters from this decade
Dumb animeposter
I think Rimanah is a pretty cool character. Eh fights itself and doesn’t afraid of anything.
what the fuck are you trying to say
2006 was 10 years ago
2007 was 9 years ago
that is within 10 years (1 decade)
shit nigga you're making me have to try and do full retard maths to find out how 9 years is more than a decade
>not an argument
made me think
Nice hot memes bro
There aren't any but who cares
>not an argument
Sans in Undertale.
I don't need to tell you why he stands out, you're already mad.
Travis Touchdown if we're counting within ten years. Past 6? No clue.
>Although any period of 10 years is a decade,[2][3] a convenient and frequently referenced interval is based on the tens digit of a calendar year, as in using "1960s" to represent the decade from 1960 to 1969.
Lrn2 language comprehension.
>Name one memorable character in a western video game come out in this decade
>i really mean the past 6 years
>not forming your own opinion
No? The OP asked you to name a memorable western character to come out in the last six years. No one has asked anyone to "judge an entire decade".
Because Duke is a character released 20 fucking years ago? Holy shit is this seriously the level of literacy people have nowadays or are you just pretending to have the reading comprehension of an eight year old?
That is one use of decade yeah, but you never specified.
Learn to type clearly, when most of the people reading you get the wrong idea, it's your fault you turbonerd.
>Dumb animeposter
it's been scientifically proven that a persons intelligence is equal to the amount of anime said person has on their hard drive (measured in gigabytes)
How smart are you, user?
I'm not the OP you dumb nigger. It's not *one* use, it's *the* use in this context. Fucking learn grammar and read a god damn book every now and then.
OP said THIS decade, not A decade
THIS decade = 2010-2020
get it right or get the fuck out
Top lel, I actually work as an editor.
He never specified a context, there was just the one in his head. Again, all you need to do is look at all the people that misunderstood, or weren't sure either way and you can see that he fucked up.
I like Durance, one of the characters that Avellone was hired to write for PoE. There's this old /tg/ meme about how nonsensical atheism would be in a fantasy world where gods grant concrete miracles every day, and Durance is kind of a play on that: he fervently believes in whatever the fire goddess he worshiped was, Magra or whatever, but he also HATES her. He's a priest who absolutely hates his own god, while also having unbreakable faith in her. That's kind of cool.
It can go either way actually.
People not understanding is the result of them not knowing the god damn language. You can take your shitty editor job and shove it up your ass, come back when you're educated in linguistics.
do YOU have the reading comprehension of an 8 year old?
the op says character in a game that came out this decade
duke nuken is a character that was in a game that came out this decade
There's a line between baiting and acting retarded and you've not only crossed it, but decided to keep going until you found a hill to build a cottage on.
>That's kind of cool.
He hates her because she sent him and his fellows on a suicide mission, then started killing the ones that survived to hide the secret of creating the god killing weapon. He only lived cause his soul got warped and the Goddess could no longer see him to kill him.
Marlow Briggs. Had a good personality and rather entertaining quips.
It's a shame nobody played his game.
thats the 2009 ghost buster game stats
Yeah she'll have some spunk in her alright
Now it moves!
Have fun never being able to write or publish anything without people like me babysitting your terrible communication skills away, I guess.
You also need to stop throwing random words out like "grammar", "linguistics", etc.
Sup Forums here, that computer is amazing.
What about John Marston? He was a man with a terrible past who wanted to put it all behind him and raise a family like a good man (he's basically Clint Eastwood in Unforgiven, but still) but he got roped back into it because of people from that past.
Adam Jensen.
DR2 onwards was made by mapleniggers.
Ulfric Stormcloak in Skyrim. He's a tragic figure, whenever anyone brings up his name discussion starts whether or not he is a brave hero who is defending the rights of his people against a weak empire, or a cucked manchurian candidate who is unwittingly dooming the race of man with his bravado. Everyone who plays Skyrim has an opinion one way or the other.
The red bird from Angry Birds.
Whine about MUH CASUALS all you like, but damned if everyone doesn't recognize them.
Any Rockstar game since 2006 (Bully) up to GTA V (even if not as good as classic games, the main trio is quite memorable and iconic)
Geralt of Rivia
he is a super mutant dude who kicks monsters in teeth
and even within this decade, John Marston, Cole Phelps, Max Payne and Michael/Trevor/Franklin are all great
are we talking completely original characters released this decade?or not
gerard from witcher, slays monsters and pussy in equal amount
solaire from ds1, had a goal and was a bro.giantdad
isaac from boi,
bayonetta, long legs and stronk woman
the little girl from walking dead
>Original character in this decade
Nathan Drake
I was going to post this too. Even if you don't care for the gameplay you can't deny he's a memorable character.
look closer robert
Here's three.
As In created this decade, you goddamn mongoloids.
Level of intelligence is like golf score.
You're not fooling anyone.
Garrus because he was good at calibrations
Your entire statement was un-readable
Him and Bro-Eder were awesome characters.
Nico bellic.
Introvert motherfucker from east europa with a tragic past.
>geralt from witcher
Not only was he made before 2006 let alone the 2000s, but he's not even an original video game character.
Read a book.
Pagan Min gets my vote. He is lovable and demonic as the same time, somehow turning volatility into approachability -- something that classic "insane" characters like The Joker never achieved.
And for bonus points you can finish the game without attempting to kill each other.
>It's yet another "show me a good x" thread.
>It's yet another "but no matter what you mention I'm going to automatically say it's shit" thread.
Why the fuck do these threads even get more than one courtesy reply telling the OP to fuck off?
Solaire isnt from a western game jackass.
op should have said that if thats what he meant
you're just assuming