>pic related, you know it was good
Good fps campaigns thread
It's exactly the same as any FPS campaign after COD 4
I really enjoyed this campaign. The part where you find out a nuke is missing nuke and flying the jet during the storm impressed me a lot when I first played it.
me too man. The jet mission and the tank mission were awesome!
really liked this campaign, but fuck BF4's campaign sucked ass
Perfect dark
Half life series
Timesplitters series
>preorder BF3
>excited to play, it's all I can think about at work
>finally get home and boot it up
>get bit by a rat and die in the first 5 minutes
wtf i hate battlefield now
at the end you got to choose between a nigger and some asian dude. 'muh feels'
Is this thread some kind of ironic performance art? The BF3 campaign was absolute garbage, especially after what they did in BC.
>people on Sup Forums liked the bf3 campaign
Summer, it has to be summer.
how was it garbage? BF4's was terrible but BC, BC2 and BF3 were amazing
Thats what Im wondering also. I actually like FPS campaigns like the MW2 but even I thought BF3s campaign was terrible.
That level in the Jet was fucking horrible.
BC1's campaign was fucking excellent. Say what you will about it being casual or consolized or whatever, but fuck, it legitimately had the best FPS campaign of that generation.
There will never again be a game about a ragtag group of fuckups betraying the US military in order to steal a tanker full of gold
>Battlefield games
>Good campaigns
Pick one
>Horribly linear despite their engine supporting gigantic open maps
>Buggy and annoying as fuck scripted sequences
>Idiotic QTE everywhere
>generally a lazy rip off of the MW campaign
>Take itself super seriously but has terrible writing
BC campaigns were great and took advantage of their engine, which made BF3 even more disappointing.
The Tank level was great, this game legit did a good job of making you feel like a average normal soldier for at least most of the game.
eh the gameplay was alright, but the story and the characters were retarded
Sup Forums is shit.
>le linear is le bad
neck yourself
>it has bugs!
neck yourself
>QTE everywhere!
there's like 2 sequences. now neck yourself
>it was lazy
neck yourself
>it takes itself seriously
neck yourself
Got any valid criticisms or just regurgitated memes?
just watch this to see how busted the campaign really is, it's in German though
>literally the worst one
No, these are the kind of people you are surrounded by now.
>Bugs are not a valid reason to think a game is shit
How about you fucking kill yourself you faggot.
Yeah the jet mission was so cool dude, remember the part where you didn't control the jet and it was just a mindless point and click sequence?
name one bug
He was obviously being a troll and wanted (yous)
>he's a troll!
neck yourself
>Half Life series
>Perfect Dark
>Halo 1-3
>CoD Black Ops
>CoD WaW
The voice acting and the story itself was good, but otherwise it was mediocre.
Battlefield 4's campaign was an absolute abortion.
Honestly I wish they'd stop making singleplayer campaigns for Battlefield and just take 10 or 20$ off the pricetag.
How old are you?
is this halo?
I buy every CoD strictly for the campaigns. To me MW4 is the most overrated and Ghosts is the most underrated.
The CoD campaigns I liked:
don't listen to this guy he's a troll
anyone else play BF for multiplayer but play COD for campaign?
I thought BO3 was unplayable
the only campaign I didn't finish
what about WaW?
I do play the Battlefield campaigns though. They're just shitty and shorter than COD campaigns so I forget about them after playing through them once.
MW4? You mean COD4?
Russia using a false flag attack to start a war between US and China was a cool plot IMO.
Probably going to happen IRL btw.
Crysis and Crysis Warhead.
>normies shit on BF3 campaign for good reasons
Fucking summerfags
the BF3 and 4 campaigns, while not being particularly fun, have some of the best graphics in any game to date
I actually think campaigns for Battlefield would work but they are apprching it all wrong. It should be the way Battlefront 2 or that battlefield game on the XBox did it.
The campaigns are the multiplayer maps with briefing, cutscenes introducing whats going on and the results of your operation, and unique single player objectives.
This way it gives both context for multiplayer and it can serve as a training ground for people who want to learn how to use planes and helicopters without going into multiplayer and getting yelled at for not being good enough.
I dont understand why they think Hollywood style campaigns would work for those games.
i have over a thousand hours logged on bf3 and that campaign is one of the worst pieces of shit i've ever played, it's like a worse version of Black Ops
Great start, middle and ending with repetitive and very long bits between each part
Red Steel was awesome if you picked the no killing method which gave way more bullet time meter to disarm people easier.
Man, both Red Steel games were fuckin' sweet.
>good single player campaign thread
>battlefield, cowadooty games
>mfw all the plebby opinions
It's amazing people actually think there's a difference between these shitty modern FPS games apart from a few levels that could've been DLC expansion packs if Activision didn't know retards would still give them money regardless.
>implying they arent literally all shit
This is bottom of the barrel tier entertainment user, glad to know atleast you spend a LOT on it.
This game was comfy.
Hiding in the African savannah killing dindus, whats not to like?
Crysis 2 for pure story content.
Blockbuster alien invasion of new york dealing with themes of post humanism and the idea of the self? Sure, why not
Fuck off, nigger. Play more games.
Wolfenstein and Advanced Warfare were pretty good
I thought black ops 2 had pretty cool campaign because it had multiple endings
Was it? I got bored out of my skull on the 2nd mission and never played it ever again.
I bet they bought battlefield premium.
I bet they bought all the CoD mappacks
They bought star wars Battlefront and have pre-ordered the special Editions of Battlefield 1.
Good goys, thanks for holding back the gaming industry with your shit money purchases
Blops 1 and 2 stories were great, at least for FPS games
Based Ghosts
>Ghosts campaign is underrated
Really? I mean, fucking seriously? I can't tell if this entire thread is satirical, or whether everyone here should be permanently banned, including myself for responding.
So what part of this campaign was underrated, chum?
Is it the bit where America is weakened and invaded by a superior foe? And then you fly a burning truck into a base with a robo sniper?
Is it the part where Infinity Ward said they want a humanising campaign and failed completely? I loved the part where you have missions protecting US settlements like The Wall and have no ties or relations with anyone within them, and indeed NEVER get to see inside them! I also loved how the Federation are just generic bad guys, and the only time you even engage with one is when you torture him for about 17 seconds after killing all his friends with the aforementioned robot sniper, and then just murder him anyway. The love between Hesh, Logan and their daddy just really made me feel as well! It's such an emotional whirlwind of a campaign, like when your dad reveals himself to be a Ghostâ„¢ and your brother literally acts like he's reading a script - "oh dad wow what you are a ghost oh my goodness".
What else was underrated? The plane scene that is a carbon copy clone of the plane scene from The Dark Knight Rises? youtube.com
And who could forget that ending, nigga? Damn.... Rorke is such a badass! It's incredible how being brainwashed by the Federation suddenly means you can survive a firefight, being hit in the chest with a .44 magnum round, being drowned in a train underwater, and then being able to somehow drag a 200 pound man away from his brother, despite the man you're dragging also having full military training and not even being injured in any way, just briefly fatigued from dragging his injured brother.
People like you are the reason they make such shit games, because they can get away with it.
For me it's Half-life 2 and Dishonored although that's stretching the definition of FPS
>Ending is simply you and your team-mates hanging from a bridge about to throw some C4 down onto a ship
>You have to make some half-assed decision about which of these annoying two team-mates dies
>You can't volunteer yourself because your character is a retard with no voice who was chosen to be squad leader for some reason
>Main antagonist the Chinese admiral is only seen once
>Can't modify weapons
>Buggy as fuck
>Russians are wearing a reskin of the Chinese soldier uniform but the the devs were still too stupid to change the Chinese flag on it
>Can be completed in a single sitting
>Tries too hard to be a hollywood movie with hundreds of stupid scripted events
>Irish is the only like-able character
>they expect one of us in the wreckage brother
>One of the most derivative and boring Military Man Shooter campaigns to ever exists
>People on Sup Forums liked it
Summer please just end already
>minimal interaction
>characters shout crappy dialogue at you
>shitty voice acting
>over the top action sequences that could've been used to make fun levels
People actually paid for this shit.
opinion invalidated
>spending the whole game playing with sniper rifle, flare gun and machete
>they're either running around trying to find me, slowly getting circled by the fire or dead because of a machete rush
>tfw fighting duels against mortar mercenaries, each trying to pinpoint the location of the other while shells are whistling in the air
Oh wow I never seen that before, wheres Bane?
CoD campaigns is literally about you being the fucking attendant/bitchboy of some fuckhead, and you follow him and do his bidding and then he saves the day/dies heroically.
The story is retarded as fuck each and every time and the amount of murrican agenda pushing is insane.
If you like this shit you have to be under 20 and a US citizen
This is why you shoot a man before throwing him off a plane
This game is the only thing I ever regretted listening to Sup Forums about.
The entire game was anti-fun.
finally some love for COD campaigns
I hope Inifinite Warfare will be great
>Game starts in medias res
>not downloading your movies for free
I really want them to make a Wolfenstein sequel
Theres a place where everyone praises CoD nonstop. That place is reddit.
Go there
This thread is pure nightmare, I guess neo-Sup Forums is real after all. What's the next step? People feeling nostalgia for Candy Crush and Castle Crashers?
>I want every game I play to be a safe space roller coaster ride of fun! XD
Maybe Farcry 3 is more your speed
>First mission is in medias res
>It was a flashforward
>Come to that mission later in the game
>"Wait we've done this before"
I can see
>aw yeah dude I played that game all the time on the schoolbus
It's going to happen, there's no stopping it now.
This game was fucking rad and needs more love. Good story, some good maps to explore, and some good action parts (Battle of Thermopylae map with the rocket launcher was the best).
BF3's SP was trash and you know it. Even DICE said they didn't put a lot o f care into it.
I never understood why you were made squad leader. Clearly the guy who was covered in American flags should have been made squad leader because he was the only one who gave any commands. Meanwhile it is clear the player doesnt have what it takes to be a leader because he never make a single decision or give a single order in the entire game except the final scene which he should have been the one to make the sacrifice sense he had nothing to live for but the other 2 did
Redditor here, and this is bullshit. We probably hate CoD more than Sup Forums these days.
>hunting niggers in the jungle
>not fun
Maybe we're different user.
You would call it "neo Sup Forums", gramps.
>carbon copy clone of the plane scene
Not carbon copy at all. The CoD games have always made references to movies since the first game.
Nigger there is nothing fun about respawning check points and patrols chasing you across half the fucking map.
I was expecting some STALKER-lite and was hugely disappointed.
This game bugged out for me, so I had to let it go.
I tried to meet a contact but he kept spazzing out.
I tried starting a new game, it got even worse.
Had to play it one time and a half because of that bug where you can't go further in the story if you do too many radio tower missions. I don't think it's a very fun game if you play it at less than hard difficulty while using boring weapons (like the pistol or an AK 47)
It's a bit like Heart of Darkness, the book. Really nothing happens until the end where everything collapses
BF3 is my favorite Battlefield to date, despite me never actually finishing the campaign.
Besides, I throughly enjoyed World at War and CoD4, however, after those two the only thing I enjoyed from the following games was the modern warfare soundtrack.
There are however, a surprising amount of people who actually liked Call of Duty Ghosts, I am fucking amazed considering how fucking awful that game is.
Mechanically, it's a carbon copy of the previous installments, with a equally as copied and pasted hollywood action story that isnt even executed well.
Let's not forget the PC release, dear god, it's even more unoptimized than GTAIV. How is this even possible.
>No FOV setting
>No SLI/Crossfire supp
>No Multiscreen supp
>The game runs like ass
>Servers are dead on release
Get your head out of your ass. Have the shitty games of now really made miss a game like this?
You are retarded if you think that qualifies for a "reference", its a copy of the scene because they didn't want to think much about it.
>no metro
2033 was great and last light is solid mostly.
Wait, did I call that a carbon copy? Sorry, that was wrong.
HERE'S the carbon copy scene, straight from MW2!
Don't pretend it's a fucking reference, IW have deliberately never addressed the topic because they hoped you wouldn't notice. CoD Ghosts is a pathetic excuse of a game, an insult to the CoD franchise which is hardly indicative of quality to begin with and should never have been released.
yes battlefield's multiplayer was top notch, the single player was absolute trash and any cunt that says they like it likes to eat shit for breakfast.
>CoDetters will defend this
I loved both games, never played the Redux versions but I hope they make a third game.