Why do so few games have satisfying magic?
Why do so few games have satisfying magic?
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Because satisfying magic is hard to pull off.
No games have satisfying magic.
Technical limitations
Too much focus on combat
Insistance on limiting magic to spells
Because most games got away with the same old boring "fireball, lightning bolt, healing spell" garbage.
Only exceptions I remember are Dragon's Dogma, Morrowind and Dark Messiah.
Trigger is the worst animation studio.
Hello, is Kingdoms of Amalur there? Yes please, put him in the thread.
Dragon's Dogma
Because magic isn't satisfying
>There will never be a good game with magic and guns
magic is bullshit. If you allowed Wizards to be as strong as they should be (original DnD wizards being the replacements of howitzers compared to infantry) the game would either be you instantly dead because you didn't prepare and you are an old man wearing rags, or an instant win because you have eight layers of spell protection and detonated a fireball in the nasal cavity of whoever is sassing you
It's hard to execute. And it's frustrating when games have magic battle mechanics, and all it does is "pew pew Earth Fire Water and Air + heal pew pew"
idk desu im kinda bored with diablo´s space bubbles, elemental damage and lazers its not really as cool as it should be
I liked it, but i was sad when I found out I couldnt learn to teleport or ride in tornadoes
>Can't teleport
You can, though, if you spec into magic. You just don't have the same moveset as NPC mages; if you had their powers, you'd be practically unstoppable, and only have four attacks. Have you ever seen how the AI just shits their pants around mages? They're designed to be challenges for YOU.
Because they often have to balance it with other classes, like rangers and warriors
And it's easy to just make magic a colorful ball of DPS
How is Lichdom Battlemage in that regard? I know almost nothing about the game but from the few shit that I've read it seems like it focuses heavily on that aspect. Is it shit?
1. games have no physics beyond computing the light of bullets/fireballs
2. balancing would be hell, just look how easy it was to break the system in morrowind
3. melee babbies would be mad that sword+shield isn't the strongest shit in the game
>All the interesting spells/curses/etc are only done by NPCs for quests
>You learning the spell only ever amounts to at most a CC
What mongolian cartoon is this from?
Little Witch Academia
You don't need fancy deep magic. You need to kill things and not get killed. So your magic hurts enemies, heals you, lowers enemy stats, and raises your stats. Everything else is just fluff.
I want this
Dragon's Dogma did magic the best. You had basic shit like fireballs and lightning, but the best spells were large area wide nuke guaranteed to end a fight, but the charge time was slow and you had to hope your pawns could defend you.
Good magic requires long casting times to make it impactful like D&D. This requires a party of dudes to protect you while you get a single spell ready, and most games have disgustingly bad AI.
Cheers, bruh.
Lichdom is great if you like the kind of "UNLIMITED POWER" mages that can just shit magic out of every orifice with little to no preparation involved. It's very much an action game.
Not everything is Jack Vance.
>Making a story with a setting where people can use magic
>Can't find a balance between useless magic tricks and
Haven't keep on this at all after the 1st episode.
Is it really a full fledged anime now?
How is it?
>you need to kill things
This is now:
>colored arrow
>colored arrow that produces a got arrow
>slow enemy
>make enemy your buddy for 30s
>summon idiot AI
it could be
>make the armor fight its wearer against its will
>summon a skeleton from a still living enemy
>tearing the buildings apart and throw parts at the enemy
>spark a whole field/forest
>fist magic
>bullet time
>colored arrows that actually react to the environment, why does the 5000°C hot fireball burn the enemy to ashes but doesn't scorch the tree next to him
divinity original sin
It was a movie.
They're making a sequel.
You never actually watched it, did you?
This show was so good.
I did watch it, but there was a kickstarter for a full season or something
Because magic is magic. It's literally "you can do anything". Except you can't make a game where you can do anything so instead you shoot fireballs.
There are actually two movies and they're making an anime my mongoloid equal.
It really was and it left me hungry for a game that lets you have the magic freedom and interaction that the show displayed so well.
why can't they at least make shooting fireballs fun?
one day.
Because you generally have to choose between a bow reskin and standing around and charging for ages, the latter of which is only remotely interesting if you go full Dragon's Dogma and have the payoff be a fucking screen-destroying tornado or meteor, et cetera?
But I know that Star Ocean 2 had very crazy looking spells that hit everything and stunned everyone, and even then they were a hassle because they paused an otherwise real time game for five/ten seconds or more and were generally capped to 9999 damage.
I don't remember what it was, but there was that one anime where the way magic worked was that you needed to have actual knowledge of how you were actually doing something. For example, you couldn't make an explosion without actually understanding how an explosion worked.
Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell kinda did that
nigga that's the explosion from aldnoah zero, and that was a kinetic impact not magic
>imagine destroying lesser mages
Well, you should finish it. Its really good.
Actually, I'm fairly certain the first was a movie, then they released a short OVA (enchanted parade), and now they're trying to KIckstart a series.
So basically, yeah.
Diablo 2
Also this shit.
>MFW I had a game planned where you literally had all that shit.
>MFW not enough resources.
>Fist Wizard game where you combine martial arts moves with bursts of magic
>Have a set of moves that can hit nearby opponents(punches, kicks etc)
>You also have element bursts that are combined with said moves to produce magic effects
>Punch+Fire Burst=Fireball
>Roundhouse Kick+Air+Water=Freezing Wave
It's like if Invoker and Jackie Chan had a one night stand.
>MFW watching this video and listening to this.
Accidental kek.
I don't make the webms, user
Have some genuine magic
>What could have been
>Magicka style combos, but with godhand-like gameplay.
>water is a fast slap.
>Air is a quick move
>Fire is a strong medium attack
>Rock is a slow strong attack
>Arcane is a normal attack
>Heal is also a normal attack
>During said combos you can unleash a powerful spell with all these elements combined.
>Can perform all sorts of godlikespells combined with techniques, punch the ground to make walls/platforms, literally drown people with a rain of fists
>Can even literally fucking punch a guy into full health.
Make it happen.
I dream of a game like this. 90% of it would be collecting components, researching spells and performing rituals. I seriously think it would be baller as fuck. My idea would be something along the lines of "Hedge Wizard" or "Cunning Man".
>Local village is being plagued by bad crops.
>Use tarot cards to divine that the cause is an evil spirit.
>Research clues and anomalies in an old dusty library to find out what kind.
>Go and speak to the old forest hermit to find out how to defeat it.
>Gather herbs for a potion and craft appropriate charms.
>Wait for the right time to cast the ritual in the specific spot needed.
>Drink the potion and go on a spirit quest to find the evil spirit.
>Banish it with the appropriate gestures and words of power that have been peiced together with further research.
>Spirit leaves and you wake up.
>Quest completed.
Korean MMO's/dungeon crawlers
Avatar is shit.
No user you are shit
Now fuck off and die
Not even mad
Enchanted parade was longer than the first one.
So a detective game where you help out villages being harassed by otherworldly entities...
This sounds sick as fuck user.
Oh, boy, is this an autistic ideaguy thread? Then let's begin:
>One of those MMORPG that involves building shit, but building takes time.
>Add Zones of "power" where the user gets more % chance of success and mana regeneration.
>Sacrifices or god-worshipping also add bonuses to your spells, reducing the time you need and all.
>Add "sense magic" spell to sense other wizards or spell. Other wizards can have a counterspell on them or an amulet to hide their identity, but magic can be traced.
>Gathering herbs and all to perform rituals and make potions. Can supply said potions to vendors. Vendors RUN OUT of potions
>Herbalists can hire assistants to sell potions or gather herbs.
>Add all sorts of ancient tomes and runes that point to several secret locations and reveal hidden areas/solve puzzles to get rare artifacts.
>You can use said artifacts to perform un/godly miracles.
A game where you can build stuff would be ideal for this, so GMs and devs would make events all the time and the landscape could be greatly altered by evil or good wizards.
>Be king
>Chilling with knights
>Suddenly all of your citizens become undead/city gets flooded/fire rains/your waifu gets turned into a gargoyle.
>Send all of your knights/guild to discover who the fuck was the cunt who did this or at least a way to remove the curse
>attack wizard temple. It's a place of power.
>Knowing he won't last long against the champions of the kingdom, wizard resurrects some peasants he sacrificed, turns into an owl and escapes.
>Meanwhile, King finds all the nearby places of power with wizard bros.
>Makes forts and temples. Filled with loyal NPCs so nobody casts that sort of shit on his kingdom ever again.
>But waifu is still a gargoyle, so he sets a reward to whoever can use a counterspell on that.
>Turns out spell is too strong, and only a potion made with überboss ingredients can undo the spell.
Do magics actually exist in the past?
If it did then why people don't practice it in current modern age?
In the past we had god-tier tech and discoveries popping up here and there. But civs died fast back then and much of the old knowledge was quickly lost.
Though what we have now is pretty fucking neat.
>Do magics actually exist in the past?
No-one can answer that.
>Why people don't practice it in current modern age?
They do.
take your meds
That's literally the witcher but with cards instead of witcher sense
>that woman
looks problematic tbqh
I really want an air bender game where bending was fleshed out and good and your not the avatar.
ff14 casters all have super meaty, high damage spells. even the healing classes usually have a satisfying aoe one.
>Witcher sense allows you to see footprints and clues.
>You can't be fantasy sherlock holmes.
That won't do.
The difference is the cards could be wrong based on your skills. It could tell you that a demon is at play when its really just a miffed housewife upset she was forced to marry a farmer.
So you go in expecting demon but you still have to do the leg work of talking to people, checking for magical residue, looking for signs. I good wizard will realize the cards were wrong. A bad wizard will preform a cleansing ritual that will backfire since there are no demons. Possibly creating demons when it does.
The cards part looks pretty neat.
I wish I wasn't a nodev.
All I have is my music/writing/low-tier pixel art and RPGMAKER
I like to think that if Magic did exist at one point that as technology got better people began relying less on magic to the point where no one bothered to learn it.
You could be if CDPR actually left all the thinking to the players instead of have Geralt say out loud what the enemy is and what he needs to fight it. That was probably the biggest disappointment of TW3, that the monster hunting handheld you through it. If you could only get clues from the investigation and then had to go into glossary and match the known evidences to monster profile it would be so much better.
Should I watch luluco?
meant for
more like the Witcher but without swordfighting, or as much drama crap
>Videogame magic
>Just projectile or area of effect ice,fire and lightning
>Maybe a magic shield
>That's it
Why are videogame devs so unimaginative?
For some reason, i liked magic in Dishonored.
The problem is that all magic in RPGs is combat focused because RPGs gameplay is still mostly focused on combat. There's usually not much puzzle solving or complex dialogue trees or adventure-game-style clue hunts or anything, and thus magic that woudl assist with such things, or even with mundane tasks, is not put into the game despite being what would in reality be the most commonly used sorts of magic.
The first thing you'd probably learn as a wizard is not to shoot fireballs but to control, say, a light, its size and intensity; then you'd apply the same to a flame and learn to cook things with it or something, not cause giant flame blasts than burn down entire buildings. Then you'd probably learn telekinesis, which would be hard but by far the most useful magic type in existence.
The use of illusions, in particular, has never been properly implemented in a game. You can't make people see things or hear things or whatnot because it's a very complicated system you'd have to set up mechanically and, frankly, devs are too lazy.
>Be mage
>Discover fuckhuge artifact.
>Get corrupted by the power of heavy metal
>Turn into a beast wielding a guitaxe
>Try to get back into town.
>Can't talk or anything.
>People think it's a raid event and try to kill you.
>Use your newly-acquired god-tier powers to blow their minds.
>Use a spell called "subjugate" to turn lesser monsters into npcs.
>Use it on humans to turn them into undead knights or necromancers (some players can choose to die instead of changing factions)
>Other than by spells, people can now join your faction (guild) and make offerings to you for buffs and help.
>Your alignment is evil, so you get bonus for killing people, raiding villages and enslaving other factions (more enslaved npc/pc rank= more benefits)
Magic is for fucking cowards. A real man wields a big ass sword, not a babby ass staff.
is dominions 4 not as good as dominions 3?
Won't be much use if I can just send an electric bolt through that sword into your spine and stop your heart.
If you're gonna swing at a sword at a Wizard, you'd better know magic yourself or you're gonna get rekt.
This is why I play Paladin.
akko best girl
have fun being eaten by your own armor without witch loli's help
Don't forget the magical suit of armour that augments his physical abilities ;)
>says the guy with magic loli
>you have invaded the world of Guts
This is what project Gorgon could have been
A game with this would be forcing you to play a mage, it also opens an insane amount of possible progression for quests, it's just too overwhelming i believe
What are some games with interesting alchemy mechanics?
>Avatar is shit.
Yeah it is pretty shit