RTS games

So I really want to get into RTS games, but it´s a genre I never explored before, and I want to kinda ease my way in. So what RTS games would Sup Forums recommend me to start with? Note that the only RTS game I ever played to completion was Army Men RTS.

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Warcraft II

Get into TBS instead.

Red Alert 2 (Great soundtrack, absolute classic, easy to pick up)
Warcraft 3 (Maximum unit selection of 12 makes it feel dated along with it's models, but both the base campaign and the expansion are great for teaching someone the ropes to RTS)
Starcraft 2 (Although it gets a lot of hate, the campaigns are just plain fun with lots of bonus objectives that give you long term bonuses. Great intro to the RTS genre)

Ignore this idiot
Starcraft and Warcraft are overrated shit that bring out the worst of the genre

Play Age of Empires 2, Company of Heroes, Rise of Nations

Command and Conquer Tiberian Sun is great and easy, you get to build your base and the buildings have different shapes and colours, unlike some games where all the buildings look alike.

Age of mythology is comfy AF and is easy

>So what RTS games would Sup Forums recommend me to start with?

Tiberian Sun
Warcraft 3
Age of E,pires 2

Total Annihilation or Supreme Commander for a larger paced, slower game. Command and Conquer franchise for smaller, faster games. I particularly like Generals, Red Alert 2, and Kane's Wrath.

Starcraft 2 isn't terrible, but it's a bit disappointing for how long it took. The single player campaigns are pretty fun though, each having a couple of unique meta-mechanics that you manage between missions.

Company of Heroes games are pretty good.

The original Homeworld and Cataclysm are good. There is a HD version of Homeworld, but the release was a bit sloppy. I heard they were working on fixing the bugs, but don't know where it stands at the moment.

Age of empires, Age of Mythology, Rise of Nations, Rise of Legends, and Empire Earth share a straightforward but polished progression/escalation system with generally longer build-ups.

Cossacks, Ground Control, Metal Fatigue, Heroes of Annihilated Empires, and Z are a few good RTS that, while a little less polished, have well implemented unique game mechanics.

Homeworld Remastered got all the major bugs patched up as of this year.

This, along with Red Alert 2 and Company of Heroes

Red Alert 2 is shit compared to Tiberian Sun.

nice meme buttboy

You are shit compared to me.

>You are shit compared to me.

I am sorry.

>Play Age of Empires 2, Company of Heroes, Rise of Nations



Play the Warcraft 3 campaign. It does a fantastic job of easing you into the genre.

RTS games are complete garbage single player, don't even bother, unless you want to try your luck finding multiplayer servers for dead games

B-but I liked Tiberium Wars and Red Alert 3

I didnt realize Dune 200 was so highly thought of. I assumed i was the only one who liked it.

Ordos master race.


absolute shit taste

>implying Pikmin isn't an RTS

>dungeon keeper high tier
>dk2 mid tier
mah nigga

>Settlers 3 is comfy

>Rise of Nations is unique

>Command & Conquer and Age of Empires basically teach you all mechanics when you start with the missions on easy.
C&C also has the epic movies after each mission.

>Dawn of War is a bit different, but has pretty awesome voice acting

>Homeworld in the same tier as DoW2
Is this bait?

>Brood War
>God Tier
Seems legit.

Myth hype.

>tier lists

get AOE II HD on steam

it's actually the most played RTS now days

They're just bait to get the thread rolling


why are there no other games like Myth?

closest thing I can think of is Total War which isn't that close


Am i the only one who thinks CnC 3 is an underrated jewel?

Good CnC game, but it retcons so much of the story from TS:FS and loses alot of its gloomy atmosphere.

Too much unit countering.

sc2 is the only rts still being updated and with a decent userbase so you aren't sitting in a queue for 45 minutes


>muh MP
Last time i did a poll, a ton of people prefer SP player content over MP content here in Sup Forums so gtfo back to teamliquid and memorize build orders there.

holy shit what a bad list

Honestly, pick up company of heroes 2. Should be able to find it cheap if you know where to look and its not like starcraft 2 where you need to manage how fast you pump out units and your build order but its more about tactics. Worrying about where youre positioning your soldiers/vehicles and its just all around fun.

Warcraft 3 has very newb friendly campaigns without them sucking. If my 12 yo niece completed them, you should have no problems either.

What's this newfaggotry?
Makes me miss the flowchart.
Despite its imperfection at least its somewhat useful.

Rise of Nations was one of my favorites and one of the only ones I actually liked.

Definitely try it.