feels good to have a PC
What games do even PS4 players play online anyway?
Bloodborne I guess. It's their only good exclusive.
Pc has no games
Spend $2000 on rig, yet they pirate, and hunt for steam deals.
overwatch, smite, call of memes, doom, dark souls 3, gta V, MKX, SFV? rest are probably experiencing a slow road to death
Bu but 8 gb of GDDR 5 RAM 1080 60 fps we care #4THEPLAYERZ
Not a PS4 exclusive
Not a PS4 exclusive
>Call of memes
Not a PS4 exclusive
Not a PS4 exclusive
>Dark Souls 3
Not a PS4 exclusive
Not a PS4 exclusive
Not a PS4 exclusive
Not a PS4 exclusive
Wow, these faggots spent $400 on a console with no exclusives and is paying more or online. Literally KEKS
When you can play with Cammy in 80s bikinis you realize consoles are dead