Where were you when Boogie's lazy shit got exposed by one of the best SF players?
Where were you when Boogie's lazy shit got exposed by one of the best SF players?
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Shh don't wake up Aniki
Not even joking this is actually pretty based, Boogie is some fat reddit fuck and he deserves to be hanged
>NOW, there will come a time when you want to forget about this..a time when you want to wash the taste of my DICK out of your mouth
The video is mostly him making bad jokes but the message of fuck Boogie is pretty good.
He's been obese for what? His entire life? Being obese for that long isn't a problem, it's a choice.
I literally lost 50 lb's in a year just by cutting down on junk foods, losing weight is the fucking easiest thing ever, just eat less calories than you spend, you don't even need to move, just don't stuff your fat fucking face all day, but even that is too hard for him.
>black DSP
My problem with him is how he's deliberately making videos responding to latest youtube drama for cheap views. That's almost as bad as reaction channels
This negro sure loves the drama.
someone please enlighten me on who boogie is and he's done to annoy so many people
he's appearing between people's workout video results.
Hey now, lets not get too insulting here. DSP is nowhere near as bad as LTG.
how do you even pronounce this
DSP is some idiot who only shits on his fans and isn't even remotely funny, LTG is way more fun to watch because he gets so fucking fired up and acts like such a moron.
>he will never wash the taste of dick out of his mouth
Give LTG all the shit you want, but at least he's not a cockroach that does YT exclusively for a living and is obsessed about muh views. DSP is an annoying cunt and a coward, but LTG is pure entertainment.
>way more fun to watch
>rage quitting every time he gets his ass beat is more fun than someone who takes his beatings like a man
Is this supposed to be funny?
go to bed low tier fraud
Don't forget a lot of fat fucks have enablers.
Hes doing it for attention, everything he does is for attention whether its good or bad attention
Hes just a disgusting person
>Boogie2988 has been over 400lbs for more than 20 years
He'll NEVER EVER lose the weight, I guarantee it. It's his thing, he doesn't want to get thin, he wants sympathy bucks, and a fat loving wife. He'll die of a heart attack or other fat related issue and that'll be that.
He knows his whole shtick is that he's fat. If he lost all the weight he'd lose at least some of his fanbase. He wants to get surgery anyway but he can't lose enough weight to qualify for the treatment
>never goes to tourneys
>never shows up at WNF since getting bodied by Viscant
>has never won an WNF
>has never won a tourney
>one of the best SF players
>gets bodied constantly by the real elite players
>whines about it and starts attacking you personally
I doubt he's an actor because if he were he wouldn't be begging for money over Twitter after getting his Twitch channel banned. The nigga is the worst of the worst.
>see Boogie
>mind immediately jumps to TheBoogie
>tfw he'll never ever render that Vijounne picture
Jesus these people
Reminder that LTG got bodied by a fucking smash player
He has a hyperactive thyroid and has been working with a dietician and eating much better. Rag on fat people all you want, but I encourage all of you to go get your thyroid check, especially if anyone in your family has a history with it, so you can start keeping it in check earlier in life.
>hyperactive thyroid
come on now son
>Boogie spends 25% of his income goes to medical bills just to keep his obese tortured husk of a body from finally dying
whoooa my thyroid!!!
how about you stop shoveling shit in your mouth and start exercising?
>muh thyroid
he literally just needs to stop eating. He can barely do any exercise so eating is the only reason he's not losing weight
>drink nothing but water and black coffee
>eat white rice, fruits, and vegetables
>lost 10 lbs in 2 weeks
wow that was hard
Boogie is a professional victim. Absolutely no pity for him at all.
Boogie told a story that he got out of a pool and his back couldnt hold his weight, said it was the worst pain he's had ever.
What does that mean, does it literally feel like 700+ pounds is applied to your back?
Im just laughing picturing boogie screaming top of his lungs collapsing out of the pool
LTG is an autistic retard but he's right. Boogie is a fat worthless fuck and he panders to a feel good cabal of normies who for some reason support him despite the fact that every 'adversity' he faces in life is just his fucking fault.
He's a white dude living in the west and could pretty much live easy life mode if he would just fucking stop eating so much.
How hard is it to not do something? Inaction is easier than action in nine out of ten cases. He isn't trying to fucking quit heroin or anything, he just needs to not eat so much fucking food.
Holy shit I hate fat guys.
>A message for boogie2988
>Not "Steven Hull" or "Michael Bleu" or some other normal human being name.
You people are really fucking immature. Grow the fuck up, fucking nerds. No, not an ironic comment. This kind of shit is why no one in real life will ever take you seriously.
congrats, you lost 1 lb in fat and 9 in muscle
>Give LTG all the shit you want, but at least he's not a cockroach that does YT exclusively for a living and is obsessed about muh views.
Except he's absolutely obsessed with trying to get views on his streams, because he doesn't actually have a jobby job and wants free internet money. Did you already forget him holding his streams hostage for donations?
he weighs something like 540 now
>I wake up each day groaning and begging god to let me die so I can live without the pain. Eventually the meds kick in and my wife helps me get into a comfortable chair and I'm eventually able to swallow some water and start my day. By the time the meds kick in around the second dose I can walk around the house quite well. I'm never NOT in pain though and my back and legs just can't handle the load very well.
>ywn get so fat for so long that your body literally tries to kill itself
feels real good
>that was pretty funny but you're still a nigger haha
How will LTG ever recover?
Jesus fucking christ, how do you even let yourself reach that point?
Don't pretend LTG doesn't want to have the same kind of popularity Boogie has. It obvious he's just as bad as any attention whore.
Even people with severe thyroid issues are able to get fit. It's 100% laziness.
Lifetime of obesity and complete retardation to never do anything about it for decades.
you be fat from a young age
I feel bad for the guy but you reap what you sow I guess.
Also is his wife just a fat fetishist or something? I don't understand how else she would be with him.
Whiny Niggers Fighting tournament
She has to be, there's no way she couldn't be. Who else would marry a 500lb+ man and stay with him for years?
t. fatass
>I'm not priviliged because I am deliberately ruining my own body every single day because of the money I have
He talks like it's not 100% the product of his own shit lifestyle that he got to be this way.
someone desperate for money
just a lil thought though
LTG is honestly one of the most based "gamers" out there. Seems like a total bro. Would chill with.
Look at this pic, just look at it. Look at the fear in the pale skinny cucks eyes as he is stared down by a true alpha. People make fun of him for losing to this beta at videogames, but this pic says it all. LTG wins at life.
is having sex with a man such as boogie really worth any amount of money?
You forgot to add that he exclusively pisses in bottles. I mean come the fuck on LTG.
First of all you mean hypoactive, second of all I have a hypoactive thyroid too, and you know what helped me lose weight even when I wasn't taking my thyroid medications yet? Not eating so much shit.
Didn't LTG get the shit kicked out of him by Anti a couple weeks ago?
The only way for you to be cool with LTG is if you sucked hard dick at SF. Because if you beat him he would probably attack you. The dude is legit insane.
>it's true
fuckin what
He's a cuck. She's fucking someone else while he pays for her shit.
I think the plan for her is just to take the house for herself when he inevitably dies in the next few years.
>implaying she's having sex with him
A man his size can call himself lucky to be sniffing her farts.
Yes, he got bodied by Anti then went fucking nuts all over twitter, then everyone started laughing at him and calling him about after Anti posted the video of him perfecting him.
He's correct, however. You can't run a heavy caloric deficit like that and expect the weight loss to come out of your fat. It's going to come from your muscle.
Bottom line, the only way you're going to end up having a healthy amount of weight loss is by combining a healthy caloric intake WITH regular exercise. There is no easy way around it. If you're fine with being skinnyfat then go ahead and just eat like 700 calories a day, you'll definitely lose weight. But have fun doing a pushup in a few months lol.
he needs a ct scan
also boogie is a lazy fuck and his "wife" is in it for the money
Yes it's pretty fucked up.
DDP literally saved Jake Roberts and Scott Hall's lives yet even he couldn't do anything to motivate that useless sack of shit Boogie.
I run 4 miles a day and go to the gym. You lost that weight so fast because either
A. You're obese
B. You ate minimal protein for two weeks, in which your body broke down your muscles (human body breaks it down before fat, just a primal process that is part of us). Unless you ate a FUCKTON of broccoli or also ate beans and didn't list it, you starved yourself without knowing.
>this post might be unironic
LTG is more like the new Chris Chan. He only exists to be made fun of and tormented. He thinks he is one thing, but all of society thinks of him as the opposite.
He is so sensitive that he gives the trolls the reactions they crave, yet his IQ is so low he doesn't realize he's bringing it on himself.
>tries to clown people on the internet for being shut in losers
>pisses in bottles
He also as PTSD from his mother abusing him, and the only way he doesn't freak out is if he stuffs himself full of junk food!
It's not like he could just be a little uncomfortable for awhile and go on a diet... that wouldn't give him dopamine...
>He is so sensitive that he gives the trolls the reactions they crave
Dude you are stupid. if he lost weight and became normal he would lose all his viewers and he knows it
why do you think he canceled his training workouts with world class fitness trainer he got for free?
hes smart and manipulative do not fall for the im so fat and sad sham
I know this, I said that in my post.
I fucking HATE whenever peopletalk about privilege, but Boogie actually has privilege when it comes to stuff like this. My family wouldn't let me tray myself the way boogie does. I would never be able to get my weight above 300 and continue to work, fap, play vidya, and go for nature walks the way I do now. Boogies wife, family, and fans are fucking enabling him to live like this whenever they defends him from someone telling him he's a complete lardass. I mean, he looks like he's cosplaying as fat human bender from Futurama, for fucks sake.
What's better? Being a disgusting fat fuck or being a retarded nigger?
>piss bottle video still ends with "get that ass banned"
Well at least LTG isn't a lardass disgusting white lazy shit.
>I wake up each day groaning and begging god to let me die so I can live without the pain.
>Let me die so I can live without the pain
>Die so I can live
How retarded is this fag
>Starvation mode moms
Are you mad that you're still fat but don't notice because all you do is sit in a chair all day? :^)
boogie was violently and sexually abused as a kid
how tiny is his dick if he feels he has to make a video like this?
You gonna go Vegan next Miriam?
Or maybe try the new Keto fad you read about in Woman's Health?
>Tiny dick
Pick one.
>LTG is pretty /fit/
>dates ugly chicks anyway
Classic low self esteem, along with his overcompensating.