New map has a fucking bonefire?
its for gamers :D
omg xdxd le lore!!!!
us gamers am I rite???
Whats demon souls?????
Why can't you cucks just let something be fun
this place is slower and more retarded than even reddit these days
ebin reference blizword
Is that a question?
>popular video game references another popular video game
how are they allowed to legitimately steal other company's content and put it in their games?
>Whats demon souls?????
Mediocre compared to all the other Souls games?
Yes it's a bonfire
hahahahah we're blizzard like us we like dark souls XDD lmao guuuys hardcore games amirite !
Looks like you know where you're headed then. Wouldn't want the uncleanliness to rub off on you
This thread fucked up quick
>demon souls invented sticking a sword in a fire
The Witcher DLC did this too. What's everyone's boner for Souls recently?
Why can't they just reference a popular game, in quite an elegant way I might add, without you guys sperging about it?
user hide!
Its not like the series has been wildly successful since Dark Souls or anything. Certainly not.
>everyone acknowledge the souls series as a masterpiece
why are you guys talking like children?
Why aren't you going down on me right now fairy prince?
Yeap, enjoy second hand news from us though ;)
why can't they just not reference games at all
Ha, Dark Souls reference
Us gamers huh
>yfw no games ever can now have a bonfire or whatever
Who are you quoting?
Also whoever you are quoting is a fucking idiot demons souls didn't use bonfires.
and nice
It was retarded from the start
But why not?
What is so inherently wrong with doing it?
That's neat
it's unnecessary and only serves as cheap pandering. it doesn't even add to the aesthetic of the map.
I mean, you can see it's a coiled sword too, the one in the witcher might not be a reference but this Overwatch one is.
Sup Forums officially thinks that demon souls invented a bonfire with swords xD lmao senpai
Your bitching about nothing is unnecessary, yet here we are.
yea, this one is blatant
>a bonfire doesn't add to the aesthetic of a medieval style map
Anyone know if the new map is good?>Demon Souls
Does it detract from the game?
What's wrong with pandering?
Think about why you dislike it, then reply. Don't just tell me it's this, it's that.
Re-evaluate your own damn opinions and stop just parroting Sup Forums
It did not?
>doesn't even add to the aesthetic of the map.
>fucking medieval castle
sure thing mate
It's much bigger than any other map and features a larger number of alternative routes and flanks
If you're gonna shitpost at least get the right fucking game retard.
>They're tainting OUR GAME
>dark souls invented sticking swords into a fire
>Bonfire with a sword
>Castle map for hammer warriors
Worthless pandering
Demon souls isn't a game you must be thinking of demons souls
Yeah, Blizzard, a company that is absolutely not known for hundreds of references in their games, just put a sword bonfire that coincidentally looks similar to DaS one totally by accident.
someone asked me to explain. learn2read
pandering is an annoyance, especially in this case since it's the laziest form of pandering.
>agreeing with Sup Forums on something means you're parroting
if you die do you spawn from it?
Neat. Is the map on PTR now?
They didn't all use hammers.
I swear, every "lol so randumb" fucker out there is going to do the sitting emote in front of it.
The two that we've seen have used hammers.
pandering would be turning an alien game into a first person shooter where you fight human enemy for the majority of the time. That would be pandering to Call of Duty crowd.
This, this is just a nod to another game
>playing as warp cancer
>pandering is an annoyance
Why? Why the hell does it annoy you?
I said you're just parroting because there's literally no reason why pandering, ESPECIALLY in this case is a bad thing.
Genji annoys the hell out of me but I'm glad he's in the damn game.
>2 people means everyone
That doesn't make it a necessity retard.
Didn't the one on the throne use a mace?
Two out of a sample size of two is everyone, user.
Two of Reinhardts skins use an axe.
The dead guy that's the objective of the map used a Morningstar.
Skins aren't canon
Morningstars are circular hammers
the one in TW3 was definitely a reference
they have praised DaS multiple times
why are you two talking about fucking weapons, what are the relevance
>Why? Why the hell does it annoy you?
it's lazy and cheap. i'd rather they put something actually interesting there instead of a meme.
>if i dont mind something you shouldn't mind either therefore you're parroting!
it's necessary in the case of our conversation.
You'd think they'd try to make TW3 have decent combat if they'd played Dark Souls.
And swords are sharp sticks
Do you realise how stupid you sound?
Overwatch outsold the whole series combined, easily.
Dunno, not like anyone's ever referenced their games before.
how's a checkpoint from anither game a meme?
how can you get so salty about a literal easter egg?
TW3's combat is much more like DaS's than any other TW game
>It's ok because it's a sword on a medieval map
but nobody uses swords
Thank you for contributing absolutely nothing to the conversation.
trying and succeeding are not the same thing
There's a bonfire, and then there's sword in the stone king arthur reference
He said they were hammer warriors.
>a spiked ball on a stick is a hammer
Just admit you were wrong my dude.
This honestly proves that Blizzard can do anything and Sup Forums will complain about it.
you mean Frostmourne and a WoW quest giver icon
still not anywhere near it. But yes, I agree
So now we hate easter eggs just because they are from a popular title? Ok.
So it isn't actually a bad thing right?
It could just be better?
You can be annoyed all you want man, but actively sperging about it being in the game as if it is objectively a bad thing makes little sense.
Any free marketing still helps.
>German Map
>thats where they burned the Jew ....Omnics
>easter eggs are now pandering
why does Sup Forums hate fun?
blizzard has been doing this since they existed
even the classics like doom had shit like this
I'm surprised they'd reference such a racist, misogynistic and problematic game like Dark Souls
Why does Sup Forums get so triggered when games reference each other?
Does this also anger you?
No source.
pretty neat
>Jews are fuel to link the fire?
That's Frostmourne you fucking dolt.
Besides, Blizzard has referenced Dark Souls before.
they weren't trying to emulate it though
the fight with the Caretaker in the first expansion and Imlerith in the main quest felt A LOT like DaS fights though
So are you implying because 2 guys use a hammer, everyone there uses a hammer?
Does all this count as pandering?:
Does this shit really bother you?
I used meme loosely. it's reference, to be exact.
>how can you get so salty about a literal easter egg?
i literally just explain it to you. what more do you want me to say? besides, im not pissed off about it or something. i just rather they added something actually interesting or nothing at all instead of a lazy reference.
well I nicked it from a stream
Sup Forums fucking despises Blizzard for really no reason other than that they're popular. It's only okay when Valve does it.
but frostmourne stuck on ice was an obvious excalibur reference to begin with