Steam has fucktonalot of cringy weeaboo games

Steam has fucktonalot of cringy weeaboo games.

Are any of them actually worth it ? It's hard to filter all this visual novel shit.

Pic related. Makes me wanna puke but the gameplay itself seems gud.

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Buy Bunny Must Die. It's a much better metroidvania.

No, Steam only gets trash.

>didn't get it free earlier this year


oh, shit, I mixed up Bunny Must Die with Hell Yeah!, sorry senpai

>cute girls
Tear yourself a new hole for your boyfriend faggot and get away from this masterpiece.

Yeh this sounded weird, I mean even if you meant "pirating", then that'd be 2009, not 2016. Fan-translation was done in 2009 after all.

kek. You can claim them as waifus. I'm not mad.

Rabi Ribi is great, even if you only like cocks and not cute girls.

>being an adult male
>reading manga
>watching anime
>playing anime games

Time to say goodbye to this world and jump into the flapadidoo volcano

> cocktease anime platformer where nobody gets fucked

no thanks

>tfw i do all three

its not cringe to me back in high school days anime was the shit so im just happy that theres games for us the weeaboos too.

You dont like it? Dont buy it. Win-win for everyone. regards the DBZ/NGE/Death Note/Bleach generation

>try to play the game
>can't go for more than 5 minutes without getting a desire to kill myself out of shame
I guess it's just not for me.

anime is the devil

>adult male
>playing video games
>posting on Sup Forums

Failures like them don't deserve air

Theres a difference between liking anime and being KAWAI DESU NE ^_^ ?

I love dbz and bleach and NGE is a fucking masterpiece, but compare those to the shit on steam ? fuck no.

>tfw work full time
>come home, watch some anime, play some video games, do my anki reps
It's an easy life, I hope it never changes.

are you me

except I can barely handle my work and I come home exhausted without much energy for video games or anything else, really

You sound like an insecure little faggot. Why the fuck do you care so much?

>Makes me wanna puke

I'm curious about why it's that, I hate seeing all those shitass illustrated ebooks for teenagers flooding steam but I don't see what's wrong about the artstyle itself.

There is a difference from being an user and being an obnoxious fucking outsider. You fall into the latter.

Anime games are often quite problematic. You don't want your purchase to end up supporting the patriarchy.

Umihara Kawase games, all of them. If you like grappling hooks in games then they're must have because they have the deepest most rewarding mechanics out of any game.

Rabi ribi is a good game but it would be even better if it wasn't so anime

I liked rabi-ribi ;-;

Surprisingly yes
I bought Reccetear on a whim and loved it

>the protag is Reisen except she is lewd as fuck

Well it's not the ART style, it's the whole weeaboo theme.

Why don't you fuck off and play your western games already?



>Are any of them actually worth it ?
Yes but for starts get off steam at look at the catalog of Mangagamer or JAST or go look up popular fan translations. Steam is overflowing with garbage thanks to Sekai being retarded

koakuma isn't even a fucking name you sperg

So... the protagonist is Reisen?

What's the point in complaining about "weebshit"?

Everyone knows you love anime you faggot.

Why do you need Sup Forums to validate you?

She is not former soldier and deserter or enigmatic medicine seller, though.

Reisen as medicine seller is suave as fuck.




Why do beautiful girls make you want to PUKE? Are you that fucking gay?

That's nice.

>anime character is LITERALLY some trope indistinguishable from another
damn really makes u think huh..

On an unrelated note Rance IX complete translation when? I'm not even interested in the porn just the way things will be going.

>three fairies

You have to wait for multiple years thanks to Alicesoft partnering up with Mangagamer, this will be out in the meantime

>5D and VI

gud very gud. How about the remakes?

Bait 2 good

No idea yet, 5D and VI are the first announced (bundled for $35) and the rest being translated will depend on the sale of that bundle.

If you're disgusted by the style, you don't deserve to enjoy the game.

Anti-weebs need to leave.