What is the worst pokemon design of every generation?

what is the worst pokemon design of every generation?

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Honestly, a lot of the Gen IV added evolutions look like fucking shit. Pic related, Tangrowth, Magmortar, etc.

Also, why the fuck did Magmar and Electabuzz get evos but Jinx didn't?

I really have no preference in terms of gen but the new sand castle and fucking fish whale bus thing just look dumb, not saying its gonna be a bad game but holy shit they just look awful. Worst pokemon design of all time though goes to probably magneton

>Also, why the fuck did Magmar and Electabuzz get evos but Jinx didn't?

There's no such thing as a pokemon design that is "too simple"

only ones that look too complex
this shit aint digimon

Nah, Ambipom, Druddigon and Electivire are all god awful.

>but druddigon is based off a lizard with those colours!

don't give a shit, nature made that bastard ugly too.

All the Megas except maybe Gyarados are bland and stupid shit. It's like they didn't even give a single fuck about it and just said "well yeah, let's just add spikes and wigs and call it a day"

Ambipom is way shittier

This. Alola forms show a new take on each Pokemon, Mega's were just throwing on spikes and flourishes. I seriously hope they're completely removed in Gen 7 or the meta is boned.

Don't talk shit about Rhyperior.

Mega's are not that great but the Aloha stuff isn't much better. It is mainly just recoloring and changing the pokemons type as an excuse not to just make a whole new pokemon and to use up a dex spot. It's a decent idea though and I hope to see more versions of this maybe with different gens as well

Rhyperior looks like it should be an alternate evolution to Rhyhorn. It looks completley different from the other members of it's family.

I love Gen 4 but it had some butt-ugly designs.

Mr Mime.

I'll never understand why people have the whole "BUT IT'S JUST A ____ AND THAT'S BAD" argument towards pokemon, especially when they are great designs like the sand castle pokemon, garbodor or chandelure.

Some are kind of crappy like klefki but I just think that it's a more boring concept than anything else.

They won't be and it won't

It'll lead to another overbloated meta just like Yu-Gi-Oh. Mega's AND Z Moves AND Alola forms. If they keep adding shit like this every generation it'll be a mess.

Gen 1 - Jynx
Gen 2 - Unown
Gen 3 - Luvdisc
Gen 4 - Wormadam
Gen 5 - Keldeo
Gen 6 - Klefki

Megas themselves are fine. Z-Moves would be fine eventually, the issue is introducing them this soon. Even then, it's only one shot per battle.

Alola forms are nothing special. There's no special rulings surrounding them and they aren't designed as any sort of super mode or blatant upgrade, they're just alternate versions of existing Pokemon with different attributes.

>shit designs from gen 1
Mr. Mime

>shit designs from gen 2

>shit designs from gen 3

didn't play past that

Garbodor is the worst. Gen V was the worst as far as pokemon designs go.

garbador is not a great design

It's got garrish colours and messy, unnecessary details. Like most of the shittier poke designs.


>Gen 5 - Keldeo
>google this
>get someone's mlp oc

that's the point

what details aren't necessary

shapes, patterns and designs that look unnatural?

These are supposed to be wild animals, not Guy Fierri

Look at it.
My sister didn't even believe this was a real Pokemon

That bell thing.



He looks like a trash monster which is the point so of course it's unnatural, trash bags aren't natural

>Pic unrelated.

How old is your sister?

The lucky charms marshmallows?

That can't really be Jynx's description...

How is Jynx any worse than Grimer and Muk, the originators of pokemon made out of arbitrary bullshit? Magnemite and Magneton only slightly above them.

I've already posted her feet don't ask

Muk is a cleaner and more effective design

What about pink and blue gemstones is supposed to signify "garbage" to me?

Jynx isn't pc

Muk is just a slime monster, which is a trope in many video games. Jynx looks so out of place, she would fit in Yokai Watch.

I guarantee there are people in the pokemon world that are the equivalent of kissless virgins that spend 12 hours a day on Sup Forums and have fallen so low that they fucked a Jynx.

Magikarps description is mean and makes me feel sad

I wanted to see her armpits

This is Sup Forums, what the fuck do we care about political correctness.

Muk is just a bigger grimer

Those aren't gems they're plastics

Mega Charizard Y looks alright, it just shoulda been Dragon straight up.

Also, I wish Megapokemon had more creative names than MegaBlahblah

Yeah but there literally isn't a good one either

>her feet
>being a degenerate allower


Swampert and Aggron say fuck you

other than that yeah you're pretty right

They would just make Jinx pretty and that's not what Jinx should be about.

>Mr. Mime


how long did it take you to make this?

You apologize to Metagross and Salamence right now!

1- Jynx
2- Dunsparse
3- Pellipper (Pellepper?)
4- Tangrowth
5- Water/Ground Frog (forgot name, just a literal Swampert copy)
6- Diggersby

It looks like a hulking trash monster what more could you ask for?

Fuck you, Mega-Sableye is awesome

What? Why?

Not that I like her but again why?

>2- Dunsparse

Remember me?

Because Gamefreak doesn't

>Charizard X over Charizard Y

"Genwunner" here, mostly because it's my favorite, but let's not forget it had some ass design.

>Diglett - just a whackamole game given sentience
>Voltorb/Electrode - sentient pokeballs
>Mr. Mime - a fucking human
>Jynx - a fucking human
>Grimer/Muk - literally a puddle of slime (and that garbage bag pokemon gets the brunt of hate?)
>Ditto - self explanatory

post feet again

Why are you guys saying Magmar's design is bad?

What is this fanfic tier shit?

>Grimer/Muk - literally a puddle of slime (and that garbage bag pokemon gets the brunt of hate?)
Like I said earlier, they are the progenitors of pokemon being made of arbitrary crap BUT BUT BUT Garbodor is even lazier than that. Garbodor is literally just taking a Muk and throwing a bunch of shit on it.

1st Gen - Jynx and to a lesser extent Mr.Mine
2nd Gen- Igglybuff probably I like everything else
3rd Gen - Manetric or Gulpin/Swallot
4th Gen- Rhyperior/Tangrowth/Lickilicky/Probopass/Heatran
5th Gen - Too many to name them all
didn't play any other gen

Garbodor doesn't look anything like muk, just because muk came first doesn't mean it's not 10x worse

Nigger this isnt /vp/. Go fuck off.

Crawdaunt was cool until you realized that he had a mouth

To me all sentient piles of refuse look the same.

>we will never get the Mr Mime mega we deserve

>Gen 6 - Klefki


>Favorite TV Pokemon Theme:
>Favorite Pokemon
>Least Favorite Pokemon
>Favorite Gym Leader
>Favorite Gen



>Favorite TV Pokemon Theme:
>Favorite Pokemon
>Least Favorite Pokemon
That fucking goofy ass bear from the new game.
>Favorite Gym Leader
>Favorite Gen
2 but I was more invested in 4 because of wifi

Mime Sr. Would've been top notch.

>gen 1
jynx, mr.mime
>gen 2
stantler, qwilfish
>gen 3
>gen 4
lickilicky, rhyperior, electivire, all of the legendaries
>gen 5
too many to list

If you make a thread like this on /vp/ they'll just call you a genwunner no matter what and say that gen 5 is the best in the series. Gen 5 has way more shitty poorly designed pokemon than any other gen imho.

>Gen 4: Lucario


never ever

>gen 4
>posts a picture of the worst pokemon ever designed
>doesn't mention it


its ok


without the aunt jemima blackface she just looks wrong

Grow up

klefki is one of the worst pokemon designs there is

pic not related


That's been Jynx's description since 1996.

A pokemon design is only bad if it fails to convey its concept at you clearly and concisely.

So Lucario is the only bad pokemon design.

Terrible taste. Just awful.

1. Mr Mime
2. Stantler
3. Huntail
4. Heatran
5. Vanilluxe
6. Pyroar
7. Stufful

>all these retards saying Mr. Mime, Jynx, Rhyperior, etc. were the worst designs

Gen 1

Gen 2

Gen 3

Gen 4

Gen 5

Gen 6

Fuck you!

Except for Keldeo. I don't think anyone could argue that that's not the worst poke design of all time.

All threads like these show me is the armchair artists think that "worst designed" means "I don't like how it looks"

>Mega Sableye
>Mega Beedrill
>Mega Gardevoir
>Mega Kangaskhan
>Mega Mawile
>Mega Gengar
>Mega Charizard Y
>Mega Blaziken
>Mega Aggron
>Mega Lucario as much as I hate to admit it
>Mega Sceptile
>Mega Swampert
>Mega Diancie
>Mega Altaria
>Mega Rayquaza

>Gen 1
stopped reading there

Actually, now that you mention it, Electrode is worse. Voltorb has more detail in the eyes and is supposed to look like a fake Pokeball. Electrode has none of those things.

Voltorb and Electrode were pokemon's play on the "mimic" creatures, present in many JRPGs and usually take the form of an object, often a chest.

It's in no way a bad design in that it's simple and fulfills it's purpose.

Rhyperior is my favorite pokemon. I think Rhydon looks like shit. Fight me.

>Gen IV
>Gen V
>Gen VI

I can't think of any from I-III that I dislike.

>have a sheep pokemon
>need to make the final form

>make a mutant kangaroo