>should I play in order of release or chronological
How did this meme start? Is there a single game series where playing in chronological order is more beneficial than playing in order of release?
>should I play in order of release or chronological
How did this meme start? Is there a single game series where playing in chronological order is more beneficial than playing in order of release?
I wish that were a gif
I wish you were a gif
>tfw no gif
All of them?
That's not true at all though.
If you do this with metal gear, you get a fucking mess that's even worse than playing them in release order.
You go from, hey the philosophers are a big bad, then suddenly to cipher, then two big bosses, then it was really big boss all along, then he has a cyborg body just because in 2.
It started when this girl's show was aired.
The Deus Ex series I would say buddy
>trying to play a game with 3 different timelines in chronological order
>I end statements with question marks
>and suck dicks
All of them faggot
>playing them in an order that was secret until 2011
and by secret, I mean not even decided. they just made that shit up to tie into the anniversary and shut up vocal fans.
all you have to do is diverge yourself to a different timeline whenever the game's timeline diverges. then play each at the same time until that timeline is done
Kingdom Hearts with the caveat that you skip KH1 because the gameplay aged like milk
>control f
>no persona
good stuff Sup Forums
in fact, the further along you go, the worse they get
>jumping from yakuza 0 to 1
>jumping from devil may cry 3 to 1
>jumping from grand theft auto san andreas to III
There's at least 3 series right there retard
Is there a single game series where the chronology matters enough to even warrant the question in the first place?
I bet MGS in chronological order would be fun. Wouldn't recommend it as a start though
SMT should always be played in chronological order and you are LITERALLY a virgin if you disagree
"Idiot drinks crystal pepsi"
Not really. People pretend it does though. Games usually end up having a self contained story within the game and it's never like you're missing huge pieces in a sequel that the game won't fill you in on.
Prequels tend to offer nothing critical to a series either other than to flesh characters out with mixed results.
MGS and fun should only be used in the same sentence if there's a not between them
MGS is not not fun
There is literally nothing wrong with Crystal Pepsi.
It tastes 95% like Pepsi.
Its pepsi without the syrup
Isn't persona's chronological and release order the same?
>It tastes 95% like Pepsi.
this is what's wrong
There is when the bottle is about 19 years old
Maybe some VN series? The issue with playing games out of release order is getting used to changing from better controls to worse controls.
I said "a not", not several nots
Thought so. It's just people caring a little too hard about fictional universes.
There's still a not between them. Just also another one.
>drinking soda in any form
>drinking anything besides water
Enjoy your diabetes faggots
Oh look it's the faggot
Somebody never played mgs3
This guy gets it
Fuck off water hipster, you're not cool or tough.
>drinking the fluoridated jew
Enjoy being depressed, obedient, retarded, and a spiritual slave in the after life.
What is drinking in moderation?
>living in 'murrica
In my country, fluoridation of tap water is forbidden because it counts as medication.
>one cup of soft drink
>guess I can't consume any sugar for the rest of the day
Read the label, burgerking. It has helpful information on the contents of your drink.
>implying that pepsico or coca cola aren't ran by the ultimate kikes
In your country, water not tainted with fecal matter counts as medication.
I don't know what the old Crystal Pepsi tasted like, but the new one tastes more like Ramune I think.
Which is good, because a bottle of Crystal Pepsi is like half the price and twice the amount.
>he actually follows daily nutrient intake recommendations
Jesus Christ man, your life must be boring as fuck. You are probably on of these autists with a very strict daily schedule.
I don't understand how adding hexafluorsilicic acid to your water is medication. It's pretty poisonous actually. I want nothing to do with something that prevents absorption of iodine and is reactive enough with calcium to interfere with nerve function while still being pervasive enough to actually get to your fucking brain and combine with calcium up there. I don't need fluorite forming in my brain. Or my bones for that matter. Did I mention it actually makes your bones brittle garbage? Fuck off with that shit.
I went to high school with this guy
M-Muh water and celery
You could have spared us all from a lot of shitty youtube videos if you had just drowned him in a bathroom stall.
But you didn't.
Snacking while distracted is terrible for you. You quickly lose track of what you're eating and you don't feel as full or as satisfied. It's one thing to do it once every couple of weeks at a party or something but doing it almost everytime you play vidya is just awful for you
You got any sources that controlled fluoridation causes all that?
People think they are smart by playing chronologically because duh the storyline starts there.When the prequels are always made with the expectation you've played the sequels
SMT shouldn't be played by anyone, it's a containment series for retards
Persona 1 is shit.
Persona is okay though.
Persona is ugly weeb garbage
Who're you calling a weeb you fagot
give me ur address nigga, we throwin down
Bring it on you little bitch
im meeting you there later bitch, you better show up or this whole site gonna know you a coward
enjoy kidney stones, faggots.
>not enjoying things in moderation
holy fuck it's like you hate fun
though I do agree water 90% of the time
That's still the only non normalfag anime (DBZ, Initial D, etc) I've ever seen. I watched in one of those stupid orders and still barely understood what happened in the end, or at least whatever that order decided the end was.
I drink a gallon of water a day but that doesn't mean I can't also be an alcoholic.
Boy, if you think haruhi and dbz aren't normalfag, you don't know the meaning of the word
Haruhi is the only non normalfag I've ever seen. Other than that I have only watched normalfag shows like DBZ.
You might be on to something there. Chronological order is objectively the best way to watch this one, except for the first episode.
>not drinking the fresh golden water of a young maiden
Truly, Sup Forums is swamped in a mass of plebeians.