5 years later and people still play it religiously. Why?
5 years later and people still play it religiously. Why?
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Porn mods
I disagree. Porn mods have no staying power. They're most commonly used for a quick wank and then immediately uninstalled out of shame.
Best sandbox around...still.
Easily customized your own story with comfy mods.
It's almost as if it's a flawed, yet still good game.
Simple really, no other game/franchise does what TES does.
Even the witcher is a totally different kind of game, gameplay wise. Add in one of biggest mod scenes in existence so players can tweak the game to their personal taste and it's easy to see why it's still popular.
There's like 10 people on earth who do waifu shit in TES games and they all post on Sup Forums. The fact of the matter is that very few players do the dumb press-up and porn mods that /vg/ freaks enjoy so much.
>and they all post on Sup Forums
Just take a stroll through tumblr's Skyrim community some time. The /tesg/ crowd is a very very small part of the picture.
Yeah, except you know, the nexus exists and we can see the most downloaded mods. Guess which ones they are.
>Porn mods have no staying power.
I don't think you understand the degenerates that install these things. It's same people wiht 10Tb of porn. Porn is a drug.
Not the porn or waifu mods.
>no it's not
then why do people play it
It's not the waifu shit.
Waifufags obly play the game for ten minutes. You boot up the game, you find some me nice scenery, and you take a few pics. None of them play the game long enough to affect the total player count very much. The porn and waifu shit is just a meme that Sup Forums tells itself because they can't cope with the idea of Skyrim still being so popular even 5 years after release.
Not really, but TES games are in my list of "boot up every few months, fuck around with it for a few days, then delete" games along with Souls and Civilization. Skyrim is a shit RPG but it's still playable enough that you can kill an afternoon coming up with a cool idea for a build, setting it up, then realizing everything is the fucking same and giving up.
If by play you mean taking screenshots and posing, sure. Waifu is a powerful force and works in mysterious ways.
>he believes this
Cus they are idiots that dont know what RPG is.
THey like fapping to slutty 3rd moddels, and adding MLP dragons and cocks of skyrim mods.
Anyone liking Skyrim is a literal subhuman of gaming.
On Par with kissless stinky japanese weaboos that fuck pillows forever.
>he treats Skyrim like an RPG
I dont treat a fucking sword waving/ spell abusing turd like an RPG.
No. Nobody plays Skyrim because they think it's an RPG. I don't know where you're getting this idea from.
Fuck me then, why do they play it for then?
Cus it is repetitive? Cus u are OP as fuck? Cus of child level of shitty story? Epic great loot that doesnt exist? Shitty ass engine that is bugged as fuck?
Or cus they are casual faggots who feel insecure calling a shitty game shitty that they would rather suck dick to be accepted by other dweeb then to say "Fuck i did this fetch quest 2000 times- this game is poor on content!"
No? I Have no idea what value as a game Skyrim has.
Jarl Balgruuf is fucking everywhere.
Guards are voiced by 1 voice actor/actress. And there is Max Von Sidow. So voice acting is out.
What about combat? Either lvl up spells by using broken ass abuse or wave sword and block like casual Dark Souls for brain deads.
So combat is shit too.
Set out to find great loot, realise that u have to craft 200 daggers and then gear up the best gear in the whole game, practicaly rendering even some loot hunt a shitty wasted potential. So loot grind is out of the question too...
Mercenary AI is fucking mentally challenged... and coop doesnt exist...
Shouts are op, and enemies get more hp slapped on and get progressively bigger names...
What the fuck do the people see in this shit? Please unironicaly I want to know. Why I wasted 30h trying to find something unique and interesting in the game and not be utterly crushed that this was GOTY for so long?
What is the value of Skyrim beyond mods?
^This, i don't understand why people compare witcher with fallout and TES.
literally modding the game
Why are you so mad?
Because it is a legitimately fun game that is infinitely expandable and upgradable via mods. Any gripes you might have about how it's not D&D 3rd Edition enough for you can be and almost assuredly already have been resolved via mods.
No matter how much you neo-hipsters meme about how awful it is, its market performance and longevity prove otherwise.
That does look comfy...
I just spent the whole day playing it ^^
Now I'm trying Enderal.
Look at this faggot- someone asks a legit question to Skyrim fags, and no one can answer a simple question "What value there is in Skyrim beyond mods?"
And you faggot can only answer "why are u so mad?"
I Am mad because trash tier faggot slimes calling themselves gamers made Skyrim a lucrative business to the point where my fav franchise got turned into A MINECRAFT SKYRIM COD YOU FUCKING AUTIST
>being this butthurt mad because of people enjoying something you don't like
>genuinely believing your personal opinion is fact
Might want to get your mental issues checked out senpai, your irrational anger isn't healthy.
what potions do i need to have them visible on my backpack??
i have my axe, torch, waterskin, and cooking pot, but not those
Name 1 thing in Skyrim that makes it a good game.
One simple thing. And disregarding my posts as an opinion and not a fact proves just how fucking deep rooted casual u are.
I can make a list of all the things that are obviously wrong with Skyrim and u are still going to call me "buttmad"
its like talking to NMS fans.
Fucking get in the line to suck a dick of a dude that made a fortune selling shit tier code to kissless virgins that don't know a good game if u threw a disk of it in their face.
There is a risk of my steam account being banned if I pirate the dlc's ?
>Name 1 thing in Skyrim that makes it a good game.
>Not buying legendary version
u deserve it
Pretty graphics?
I guess u agree with me and hate Skyrim as much as I do.
I unironically enjoy the combat. It has simple mechanics and is super fluid. Going up again 10-15 enemies alone on legendary and wiping the floor with them is just fun imo.
The game is dog shit, but it's easy to mod
It is a comfy rpg
Not that user but the only thing I can come up with is the variety in regions throughout the world map.
It's fun.
Do you know what fun means, user? Is that word in your vocabulary?
>Nearly 1 mill downloads
Literal game for massive faggots
Because they have no taste and gaming media has brainwashed them into thinking it's the most open game with tons of content.
Because no other game provides what Skyrim does. Ubisoft has like 9000 open world games and all of them feel inferior somehow. Witcher 3 is completely different as well. I think it's the interactivity and modularity. Not just mods, but just the fact that very little is actually nailed down and it feels like a real world. I think the only game that comes close is Crysis 1, where everything has it's own physics and you're only limited by your creativity.
This and also environment mods. so theres actually some diff to see
go look at the skyrim thread on /vg/ its ppl posting the lewd adventures of their special snowflake mod made waifu 24/7
Some games are here to stay. Mario never got out of fashion, LoL is like 7 years old now, CoD will live on. Meanwhile, NMS, MGSV and FFXV will be forgotten in time like the overhyped trash they are.
>get good with Creation kit
>make my own comfy island
>Skyrim is now my sandbox
It's a fun game
This guy gets it.
I stopped playing TES at Oblivion. Is it worth it?
Elder scrolls games can't be bad the idea is just too perfect.
Some are just more shitty than others in its series.
I still haven't modded it
I play Skyrim without mods.
Funnily enough, some people are gonna love what you hate.
Just because you personally hate it, it doesn't mean it's shit.
Skyrim is just a new version of Oblivion that runs better.
People don't play it in the strict sense, they just install mods and mess around in the game taking screenshots and then posting them on shitty image boards as if someone gives a fuck about their shitty waifu.
Most of the time mods don't add any value to a game.
Ok. Variety in regions and music are two best things in Skyrim. I can't say anything agasint this.
Music alone makes it epic. But the rest of it is so piss poor, that it is embarrassing. ANd i fucking blame myself in trying to get immersed into this robot populated land with repetitive quest where I am god of all things yet it doesnt fucking matter. A childish story about an big black evil dragon and a mute retard that hunts bears.
Fucking whatever.
Yeah, fun is going on a uniquely written quest that will significantly influence the game world.
Fun inst killing the shittiest end game boss and no one gives a shit about it.
Waving sword for 300 hours at progressively more HP/armored Draurg whose AI never gets better isnt fun.
It is the most casual shit with poorman's difficulty that I have ever wasted my precious life on.
Unfortunately this.
The base idea and mechanics are solid
The gameplay execution is shit, from combat to magic to barter to crafting to balance to level scaling to everything
Lore is good but writing is shit
There's so much uninspired shit filling the games
No other game does what it does but jesus fuck why it has to be Bethesda who's sitting on this
>tfw obsidian developed TES game never ever
biggest modding community in video games gives it unlimited replayability value
Just because you personally love it doesn't mean its good either. People have to high of an opinion of themselves.
I don't get why RPGCodex gets so butthurt at Bethesda yet holds up boring garbage like Wasteland 2 and PoE as "good RPGs." Like I get that they're more serious about the definition of RPG, that's fair, but everything on their end of the years lists always looks like trash.
This obviously can't be true! Sup Forums said this game was bad!!!
walking simulator
camping simulator
comfy simulator
thats why i like it
I get pic related every two months.
At this time skyrim is like an old motorcycle to me.
You never ride it but you can always find some time to tweak with it.
everything popular is trash
But it is technicaly ancient. Its the same shitty engine with a reskin. Its filled with bugs. Its repetitive and the world is static. There are immortal NPCs. Main Char is OP as fuck.
RPG is shit. THere is no real progress.
WHole game is a bad mechanics abuse.
No worthvile loot.
The only moment out of piss poor everything that was remotely interesting and engaging was getting the Mace of Molag Bal quest, that ended up being garbage compared to crafted daedric weapon.
Skyrim has a good premise, but failes to encompass what EPIC means.
Its a bad game, critically and objectively.
ironically Sup Forums liked the game on release, then the contrarianism kicked in and we have to hate it now since normies like it.
They don't they just install porn mods and whack off to it.
Yes, the focus on graphical and technical improvement while dumbing down game design was done entirely for big publishers to sell video games like fast food and ruined gaming.
Cause no matter how much you cucks try to deny Todd's master craftsmanship
You little sluts just can't get enough of it.
Praise based Todd
I've been trying to play this german Enderal mod thing.
As soon as I start new game camera gets stuck in one position.
Anybody got idea how to fix it?
Not sure about Wasteland 2 (personally I fucking hate that game) but PoE is universally hated on Codex. Even that Australian guy who was super hyped for the game and made a youtube channel in anticipation and was shilling the game hard eventually confessed he was disappointed in the game.
It's just redditors that play it and post "funny" screenshots
I just discovered loverslab.
this is extremely accurate..
user you know damn well that statement is a lie
When SE was announced all my normie friends rejoiced in their favorite RPG getting a remaster and when they asked why I wasn't excited they were taken aback when I said I don't think it's a very good game
Yes it's worth it.
Don't listen to
They use the same engine because there's nothing else out really that offers the same level of modding capability. Same reason why Beth games attract so much modding in the first place. Bioware modding is dead, Cryengine modding is mostly dead, Witcher 3 modding scene isn't nearly as large, Doom modding is way too insular and hostile to outsiders. I haven't seen much exciting come out of Unreal Engine modding. I guess there's Paradox. If Beth changed the engine too dramatically it might hurt the level of interactivity you currently get.
>fun is
>fun isn't
You don't get to define what OTHER PEOPLE class as fun.
I enjoy skyrim with Requiem, frostfall, realistic needs and some mods that expand the world with bigger towns. And you know what? It's fun, to me. That's how personal opinions and experiences Fucking work.
Your opinion is not fact, your opinion is no more important than anyone else's.
stuck how
if you mean you can't change between 1st and 3rd person that's part of the prologue, finish it first
I thought Wasteland 2 was nice as a sequel to Wasteland
In retrospect, though, I dunno if Wasteland 1 is really a very good RPG either, but I liked it
And very few of them use porn mods. If you spend more than 5 minutes in there you would know this.
*absence of Ritalin intensifies*
Well yeah. Look at FFXVII or wahtever that gay boy band is. People got hyped due to insane graphics. But looking at the gameplay that thing is trash tier. "waving and blinking like a gay pixie"
Second they nerfed graphics people get mad.
Games used to be about blowing ur mind how u can influence story and shake things up... now its "LOOK AT THIS FUCKING WATER EFFECT AND REFLECTIONS"
and the kids will be like "I GIVE 3 MILLION DOLLARS! PLEASE ACCEPT ME"
This is not my opinion. I love video games.
The moment I accept shit as Skyrim and Fallout 4 as good, is the moment I stop loving great things I played that are called video games.
I cant do it. I wont do it. People will call me a fat neckbeard, a cuck or a nostalgia fag, I dont care. Industry is turned into shit... Instant money is more important then longevity of the name.
Hype is more important then the franchise quality.
It is like a person u love, dying and changing into a cheap, smelly zombie trowing it's bits to hungry dogs just so it can be noticed. And the more people flock to that shit, the cancerous it gets.
I'm a slut, nice call
But it's not a traditional rpg.
It's more of an action game with rpg elements if anything.
Considering how there's next to no stat distribution, how character aspects and traits do fuck all in the grand scheme of things, and how dialogue doesn't really affect anything, I can't consider it a "good" rpg. There just aren't enough elements or reasons to build a character and invest time in the game.
Saying it's fun isn't an argument because fun is subjective
Try actually defending your opinion you cuck
They simply don't know any better or are too deep in the autistic mod rabbit hole to turn back now
More shitpost shilling without an answer. One kind user at least had the backbone to answer truthfully. Just how fucking young is Skyrim audience?
it's basically open-world action-adventure with rpg elements
Nobody plays it as a Role Playing Game in the sense that "Role Playing Game", to most nerds, means "mechanically similar to D&D".
It is a Game in which you Play a Role. A role that you largely get to define and do what you please with. You can say Fuck This Noise when you're presented with all that Dovahkin shit and immediately go off into the woods, hunt animals for their parts, and work your way towards being king of barter town by trading with the locals. Add in a few choice mods and you can even make it a Hunting Mogul Simulator with all kinds of stuff that specifically supports this thing you want to do that is entirely outside of Bethesda's plan for "man so epic RPG!" And so on and so forth; there are no limits because the game is so extensively moddable.
A lot of contrarian faggots that want to hate something because its popular will say that mods don't count, but that's only because they're stupid. Bethesda games are the most mod-friendly games produced by the AAA industry in this age, and many people buy those games specifically because they are such open mod platforms. You don't have to like ANY of what Bethesda did with the engine, because you can easily mod the shit out of it until it doesn't resemble Bethesda's original release in the slightest.
What mods should I install if I've never played this game?
OP overused shit.
>Dragons are the main threat of the game
>Here is a shout that casualises a dragon fight
Fuck off user, next
>Games used to be about blowing ur mind how u can influence story and shake things up
Just as cancerous.
no I cant move it around.
I can only face forward.
Are you actually demanding someone prove their subjective experience with evidence?
What the fuck kind of evidence can someone provide to prove they are having fun? A photo of their face with a big fucking smile on it?
try installing a good game instead
Obsidian would fuck it beyond all recognition. Their writing has been shit for a while now, they pander to SJW, and have an unhealthy obsession with memes.. like they always have, except now it's less subtle.
But I'm sure the 15 obsididrones left would defend it to their dying breath because that shit company can do no wrong. Truly, these people are worse than nintendrones.
>Buy game so i can fix/make a game that I like
U cant be more cuck than this.