Which is better?

What would you rather, Sup Forums?
x2 Max Health


50% dodge chance

Minerals thread?

Action game? X2 health

RPG? 50% dodge

Fire Emblem? x2 health


It depends. For example, if I already have a respectable amount of dodge and most of damage is physical, dodge.

x2 Max health would probably be better in general than a percentage, but if it was real life I'd pick dodge chance because that shit hurts

Depends on resources. If heal skills and potions heal static amounts or amounts based on a stat instead of %heal, dodge. In all other cases, and in some cases even given those aforementioned limitations, 2x HP. On a hard hitting boss and can 1shot you without 2x HP, dodge is fucking stupid to take.

Dodge chance makes it easier to heal.

Depends on the game senpai. Can you dodge everything and anything? Is there damage you cannot absolutely avoid?

Max health. There's too much chance for you to get a string of bad luck fuck you over with dodge

Lets say an enemy has an attack that does half your health, and he uses it twice. With x2 max health, there's no chance you'll die. With 50% dodge, there's 1/4th chance you'll die just from pure bad luck.

The ONLY situation where dodge is better is if the enemy will 1 shot kill you even with x2 max health

In real life? x2 Max Health I think. Far more likely to die of disease or old age than ending up in an accident.

However, in most games, dodge! Especially if you can dodge spells and such as well, and not just physical attacks.

Just going to say X2 health.

I mean. You either get hit or you don't. Its already a 50% no matter how many perks you add on.

I know the math and the technical but fuck it.

You think of vitality in real life.
More hitpoints would mean you can take more damage. Higher vitality would give you a higher resistance against diseases, higher health would not help against contracting the disease, it would just ease the symptoms.
If dodge would apply to every negative roll I would take dodge for sure. Imagine you jumped into lava. 50% dodge would mean that you have a 50% chance not actually falling into it.
I'm assuming here that this 50% are additive to my natural dodge chance.

Depends on the your current stats. HP in the raw is much better, say you have 0% dodge at first
But lets say you have 30% dodge allready, your HP equivalent will already be around 1.4 factoring in the evashion. With double hp that'll will boost up to 2.8 compared to raw value.

But if you pick the dodge amulet, your dodge value will be a whopping 80%, bringing your HP value to 5x its base amount.

Basically in that case picking the dodge chance will have more than double the effect than double health, which is hard even for rng to make up for.

I wish minerals user would come back. Its a shame reddit saved all his posts into stale memes

>will have more than double
Correction, ment almost double, kinda tired.

Depends on how much healing I have and how fast I can get it to me.

2x health
dodge won't help you against status effects

hp because its flexible and can be good with a lot of stats, even with dodge

I'll be your minerals user for tonight, if you answer this riddle.

1x 10 damage attack, 100% hit


2x 10 damage attack, 50%

2xhp if we're in a vacuum with no other stats to consider. It's more regular.



x2 max health is useless against damage effects that reduce a static % of your health

50% dodge doesn't work on curses

x2 max health just makes you the first target for vampires

Dodging an attack can active an opponent's special ability

I don't fucking know man


Irl I'd pick health since I'm not getting into fights anyway but health still lets me survive better in general.

What about option C)

1.5x Max Health + 25% dodge? Is this the superior option?

Hey a well thought out response




As usual HP are conveniently left out.
What if an enemy has 20 health? What he has 15 health? What if he has only 10 health?