So this is the power of the PC..
So this is the power of the PC..
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I don't get it the pc looks most realistic
maybe you should leave your basement and look at the sun
uh no xbone one has more birds
Yeah it looks the same on all of them. Plus on console you get to play on a giant flatscreen.
>implying you need a pc even close to that to run games better than consoles
That rig is overkill as fuck senpai
the hardware doesnt make it look shittier, the dev does. this is like amazon intentionally delaying their deliveries to make you buy prime and you fags are falling for it
doesn't really matter when you can build a PC that leaves consoles in the dust for the same price or even cheaper
Carmack is a hack
You realize hes not bashing PCs right? Hes just telling people to not be retarded and to build the PC themselves so they don't get some pre made over priced piece of junk that focuses on one spec and doesn't run half as well as it could.
>consolefag think you need 3000 dollar PC to run modern games.
Grats OP, you are retarded.
>disable MSAA
Done. 1440p/60.
They use those specs to get the best possible results user :^)
With a $500 pc it would still outperform both consoles
>1600 x 900
Surely your point with this pic isn't that pc looks worse, right?
dx11 vs low api
pc need dx11
>be me
>see discusting and immature behavior of PC gamers and especially PCMRetards
>don't want to suppport platform with such a shitty, immature and hypocrytical audience
>literally stopped buying games on PC
>havent bought a game on PC for like 2 years
>pirate and play everything on PC though because I want to play the best version
>buy console version instead so I have a legal copy and devs get my money
$250 and $300 wont run you same specs. Every time you ask for a $300 build or less on pcpartpicker they tell you to buy a console
>be me
>be me
>giving money to either sony or ms
even if you are right, this is one out of a million (literally) games.
>implying it is better to give money to valve
enjoy missing out on the most enjoyable platform for video games
you sure showed us, huh ?
wtf I hate PC gaming now
You can build a desktop that can run all current games on ultra for under 400USD. anything more than that is just future proofing or buying retarded gaming laptops.
>implying I play on consoles
A 500 dollar PCs out perform PS3/360, user.
I'm gonna need a source on that one
fuck, I could have sworn your post read differently the first time i read it.
tfw, writing a response before reading anons entire post.
You should still support good games on PC though.
You cant deny good developers their hard earned money because some fanboys are giving PC gaming a bad name ( according to you ).
wow how rekt pc is here damn.
oh wait entry level pc hardware is 100 times faster than ps4, but how fortunate that ps4 hardware runs 2x as fast as equivalent (2005-level) pc hardware.
I can too!
I just have to pirate an operating system to save 100 dollars, buy an amazon mouse and keyboard to save a few dozen dollars and buy used parts to make sure I save money!
Have you considered building a machine that wont die in under 8 months?
How do console fags even post on Sup Forums ?
My $200 dell with a $80 750ti = console. I love it
With their gaming rigs
You simple fuck.
Everything is hyperbole, everything is trolling, there are no truths, there are no heroes, there are no villains. Just filth, sarcasm, and soulless apathy.
Enjoy your hollow world of bitter tears.
Are you retarded? Why would a developer be talking about building a PC instead of ``focusing'' development on a single spec ( as in a single device ) instead of the plethora of configurations PC hardware can enable?
He is literally saying how much better it is to program for consoles instead of PC.
A win 10 key is like $30 now
The illusion is the reality.
>human eye
Wait is there a maximum amount of frames the human eye can percieve ?
Please tell us more.
>the human eye can't perceive more than 720p
HD faggots are worse than curved screen faglords.
>deus ex on pc
>144 fps
did you not see the benchmarks?
>I have never seen a 30+Hz monitor in my life
>I'm also a filthy peasant with no money so I have to force myself to enjoy those "cinematic" fps
i can't read your shitty handwriting what the fuck does it say?
can a nvidia geforce 670m handle deux ex?
>xbone one has more birds
>fictional creatures
>more realistic
Glad I didn't fall for that meme :^)
580 is all you need bb ;)
is the 670 even a 3d card ?
I simply don't understand what forces pc users to try and defend their pcs at all cost instead of just laughing at the fact that there are literally people paying $2500+ for a pc just to max settings when there's no difference between high and ultra lmao
Just laugh you autistic hillbillies. :)
he's said himself that gap closed with dx12 and vulkan. pc optimization is just as good as console now.
You have it backwards, console babies have to try and justify having a inferior experience gaming so they constantly make these threads.
>he doesn't know who Carmack is
there's that rationalization again
just laugh dont deflect :)
it's enough to handle FFXIV on high settings
That pic is out of date, console games aren't optimized anymore.
>still impressed by graphics
>titan sli
I don't even care. I want you to waste money into a console that will be obsolete within some years. Do it.
That pic is just bait, no one else has been getting that kind of performance. The other article said the 1080 was getting 80fps on ultra with no MSAA. I'm just waiting for post-launch benchmarks.
This needs to stop. I'm all for PCs and leaving consoles to die but you're not gonna build a $250 dollar PC that can run....much of anything new. Deus Ex for example.
nah I'm just asking because I know nvidia actually makes some cards without GPUs in them
>overpriced nvidia shit
ayy lmao, i have been playing everything on high or max settings for years now on my cheapish amd pc with no problems whatsoever now that you can even limit the retarded tesselation forced into some goyvidya games, not to mention that you can't pirate games on a console and you have to pay out of the ass for shit games, and you also have to pay to pay online (lmao) for shit like ps4
consoletards being milked like the mongs they are
what they left out
xbox and ps4 fps: 10 and 15
pc fps: 200 or more
>Meme PC
>those 100 dollarinos per extra frame
>Don't forget to buy the next $500 again next year, goyim.
and look worse than console versions. good job pcuck.
Show me a ps4 that retails 350 usd that can play battlefield 4/overwatch etc online with no fee
Top kek
But op, you have to spend $60 per game. PC mustards get all games for free.
>console games aren't optimized anymore
are you an idiot?
Literally retarded. 720p is not pixel density. It's literally just the hard number of pixels.
That means 720p on a smart phone is not the same as 720p on a 60" TV
Some fresh new OC thats never been posted before epic XD!
>devs make game for console players so they don't have to make two separate games
>doesn't use wide range of new graphics technologies and methods
>game comes out
>doesn't look much different on pc because it's not using anything the PC has that the console's dont
>hurrrr guess pc isn't much better
If it were made for PC only we could have 4k resolution, all sorts of AA and AO and DOF options, the smallest world textures would be 2048, there would be all kinds of tessellation and/or parallax mapping instead of boring normal maps, there would be dedicated physics and particle fx, it would also be 60fps.
Why do people worship this guy? He borrowed his ground-breaking techniques from existing white papers. He took others' work and applied it to video games. He's not some savant genius he's just a normal programmer.
have you seen any Digital Foundry video in the past 3 years? Most games run like trash, especially anything remotely CPU-heavy. Unreal Engine 4 has won the engine war, but it ironically killed console optimization by making porting so easy. Aside from first party games most games run equivalent to their retail PC GPU. Sony promised 1080p/60 yet everything runs at 1080p/30 or 900p/60. Or even as low as 900p/30. Xbone is even worse, with some games running as low as 720p/30. And those are just target, most games have framerate drops, especially on PS4. PS4 has poorly implemented vsync so if the framerate drops, it's going to drop HARD. Xbone has the same screen tearing issues as Xbox 360 did.
This generation of consoles is objectively a fucking disaster from a technical standpoint. It's worth it to get a PC so you don't have to deal with poorly optimized console games that stutter and drop to 15fps when an explosion goes off. At least with a PC you can turn the settings down or force adaptive vsync. Doom and maybe EA AAA games are the only 3rd party games that are even remotely "optimized for console. Caemack's statement is completely and utterly false for 8th gen.
Hell even first part games run like trash sometimes, look at Knack lol.
they are optimised in the sense that if you took a pc with same computing power as ps4, you would see it performing worse than ps4.
That's not even true for all games anymore, both GTA V and Fallout 4 run slightly better on PC than console. CP is still the best multiplat machine even if you're a poorfag. The only games that run poorly on toaster to my knowledge are Doom and the new Tomb Raider, both had trouble running on i3s for some reason.
nvidia is cheaper on the long run because of power consumption and has better performance on everything that isn't DX12/vulkan.
plus you're literally supporting the console industry by buying amd products. how are you any different than a "consoletard"?
>consoles run games 2x more effeciently
>still can't run games at playable framerates or even fullhd resolution
>only things consoles do is they turn people into some sort of fanboy-vatniks who repeat "It's not the graphics it's the gameplay" when graphics are brought out or "HAHAHA PCFAGS BTFO" whenever final fantasy gets prerendered trailers
>nvidia is cheaper on the long run because of power consumption
hahahah you have never paid your electricity bill, have you? the difference is literally nothing
>and has better performance
yeah no, you can get the same performance with amd for at least ~200 bucks cheaper if not more
>how are you any different than a "consoletard"?
already explained it, are you stupid?
he's not lying about building a pc under $400 but it won't be ultra settings. it will be significantly better than ps4 settings and framerate but not as far as ultra. you can build a pc capable of ultra settings for about $500 though. less if you buy used.
nvidia is cheaper in general. amd can't price their products for shit. take the 1060 vs 480 for example. the 1060 aftermarket equivalent to ~$40 cheaper than 480 aftermarket here.
>muh xbox so cheap best console haha pcfags have to pay 50.000 bitcoins for only the titanxXx cooler fan
>buys a console, pays double for internet, pays 60 dollars for games and has a 1700 dollar macbook for facebook and email
I'm happy with my 1000 dollar pc that pays my bills, reads my emails, watches my movies and maxes out games
>tfw upgraded from 570ti because it didn't handle highpoly texturing at 4k quite as well
>mfw 1080 came out and I could've gotten it
>mfw 970 is still good even unclocked
>a game that was developed on consoles first doesn't show a noticable increase in performance and graphical fidelity on the PC
>hahahah you have never paid your electricity bill, have you? the difference is literally nothing
outdated cards, but the difference is still relevant even for average playtime.
>yeah no, you can get the same performance with amd for at least ~200 bucks cheaper if not more
i don't know where you live, but that's just absurd. see . i'm not in the US, so nvidia is actually worth it for the price.
>already explained it, are you stupid?
you're still supporting consoles.
Literally can't build a decent gaming PC that can play modern games for less than £1000.