Well Sup Forums?
Well Sup Forums?
Just use /e/ /h/ /d/ and /s/ if you want to beat your meat
>Being this gay/new
Sup Forums used to be a red board before sjws and fags got a hold of it
Fucking numale
So from the very beginning of the board's existence?
its going to end like Sup Forums
Sup Forums used to be incredibly shitty, don't pretend that it was better before
>used to
Just make vidya-threads on Sup Forums instead if you wanna post porn too
Some normal boards are nsfw
How making it just sfw with spoilered content
Make Sup Forums great again boys, think of all the senran kagura/street fighter/metroid/peach porn lets fucking do this
becuase there are several boards dedicated to porn
its not necessary
you know what I mean, it used to be roleplaying threads and spam and threads that were anything but vidya
Does anyone have that old picture of Sup Forumss clubhouse in a tree where it says NO GIRLS ALLOWED and all the fucking off-topic things Sup Forums used to discuss?
She needs more Rule 34.
How fucking gay/sjw are you? You dont realize the potential for vidya faps the fucking overwatch porn
but there is an overwatch-thread /aco/ open like all the time.
Also, just try Sup Forums. It might not be as shitty as we think. Here I even made a thread
if i needed that I'd just go to /gif/ or /aco/
are you too stupid to click on another board?
You faggots need to stop arguing and post pictures of snek.
Sup Forums is fucking terrible its really gotten gay now. Like its completely taken over by fags. Also why the fuck isnt it allowed to have vidya related porn on v? Its all vidya related, we are all (assumably) +18., so what the fuck is the issue?
>why the fuck isnt it allowed to have vidya related porn on v
Sup Forums is safe for work
and there are 5 other boards dedicated to it already
This is a place for vidyadiscussion, not vidyafappin.
I don't want constant erection when I bitch about vidya.
Those boards arent exclusively vidya porn. Also theres many different types/niches. So to shove them all into 1 thread is bullshit user.
I want to inseminate Haruka
Don't we all
we dont need exclusivly video porn
go to any other board and make a thread about whatever you want
its not that fucking hard
sfw boards already get enough shit about the several threads of nothing but just image dumps
making the board nsfw it will make the board significantly worse
every thread will just turn into HA HA JUST POST PORN
go to another fucking board and just make the fucking thread you want you lazy shit
I don't get erection from gayporn, jokes on you!
Also you leave, you alread have a million boards for those things
I like porn as much as the next guy, but the board would go to absolute shit if porn was allowed. It happened to /mlp/, when the board was first made, there were no mods for it, so most thread devolved into porn thread, and there was practically no discussion about the topic.
>second worst girl in the image
I bet you like Yomi too, queers. The rest are fine.
>futas with small penis'
oh bby
So you'd rather have a board full of people obsessed with trapfaggotry and shit eating respond to your vidya porn thread, then a board of vidya bros who love the vidya pron too?
I want a board to discuss vidya, not porn.
If we make Sup Forums NSFW there will literally be nothing but porn.
Psst, guise
>no 3m tall dick
u gay or something?
this board isnt about porn its abotu video games
>let Sup Forums be nsfw
>suddenly every thread is just an image dump
>people actually try to talk about video games
>people then proceed to spam unrelated video game porn which cant be stopped becuase its technically on topic
making the board NSFW will do literally nothing but make the board worse
>Sup Forums is the only board that has porn in it
>So you'd rather have a board full of people obsessed with trapfaggotry and shit eating respond to your vidya porn thread
thats just what Sup Forums will turn into
you are a fucking retard
103 people said yes only 41 said no lads its safe to say we win.
Problem? The best game threads are on /vg/ anyways. All we get is no mans sky shitposting, pc versus console threads, and metal gear survive babbies whining. Its getting old lads...
you forgot blizz and bethesdadrone threads
Im proposing only vidya related porn is allowed, all other types are banned.
you are a fucking retard you know that
it will still be the same just with video game characters
on top of that there will no longer be any vidya related discussion on the board
holy shit you are stupid
41 is still a large chunk of those that voted
>implying it can get worse
>implying you arent just shitposting yourself
it can get worse
Dude, Sup Forums is in pretty good shape now. I don't wanna ruin it. Post in Sup Forums instead or something
I'd say do what Sup Forums does and only allow official porn in. That way you can still keep a tight leash on the fan stuff but still allow h-game threads.
Believe it or not there are people here who actually want to talk about video games. There are plenty of other boards where video game porn is perfectly acceptable. And besides that, the real reason people like porn threads on Sup Forums is because they want to see how far they can go without getting deleted.
No matter what Sup Forums is not going to turn into Sup Forums because the porn will be vidya related. That's the best way to do things t.b.h. Sup Forums is just everything and its fucking garbage. The only other alternative i see to our problem is a nsfw 3dcg.
>No matter what Sup Forums is not going to turn into Sup Forums because the porn will be vidya related
not really
all that will happen is that Sup Forums turns into a porn board
video game discussion will cease completely
Sup Forums managed quite well for all the years it was allowed.
you weren't here when Sup Forums literally was b 2.0
People like to pretend Sup Forums has no discussion now, but do this and it will actually be true. Every thread will just devolve into shitty porn dumps. Actual discussion will get ignored and buried under hundreds of posts of THICC (read: fat) and gay porn. The board will die completely.
Also it makes no sense why you would post SK for this thread as the official art is 100x better than any of the porn. Especially for fapping.
it was also not Sup Forums now
every thread will just have >LOL WHO CARES POST PORN in its first post
then an image dump and then thread 404ing with almost no chance of any discussion at all
Sup Forums will fucking die
no to mention there is 5 other boards for this exact reason
are you too fucking stupid to just go to another board
>not wanting to fuck a succubus (male)
>succubus (male)
Thats an incubus you retarded faggot.
I'm glad you fucking suck on dicks and like them. At least your retarded genes will never make it's way down the fucking tree. Unless you hang yourself and you mike just make it halfway down.
Stop thinking with your dick thats fucking disgusting come on
Oh yes new Sup Forums is so much better. We get all those wonderful e celebrity threads, hourly consolewar/tortantic of the month, BLACKED with legit threads getting hijacked by the epic la bazinga man garbage. Those are totally much better then the prospect of Sup Forums being allowed to discuss h-games.
Hes right you know, every fucking day we get porn threads anyways so why not make it at least Sup Forums official? So we get less shitposting and more vidya porn posting.
sure if you just cherry pick threads
allowing porn on Sup Forums wont be just Sup Forums with h-game threads
every thread will just be an image porn dump
half of them wont even be related to the thread topic because I DONT LIKE THIS GAME STOP TALKING ABOUT IT
tortanic is like 4 years ago
So...no difference
but I made a vidyaporn thread for us right here guiiiissseee
Outside of all the meta though I sure do appreciate a game that let's you kiss lots of cute girls.
how many threads are doing that right now
Should i check every tread currently up?
you wont becuase you cant find any
213 people say yes right now 89 say no, what is that telling you Sup Forums?
>So we get less shitposting and more vidya porn posting.
You are absolutely retarded. You do realize what would happen is you'd just get shitposting with porn, right?
Instead of memes being spammed it would be people going to Deviantart, saving every pic of a vidya girl drawn horrifically obese taking 50 cocks, and then spamming those images across the board. And the BLACKED meme would increase tenfold.
that people are too shortsighted to see how bad of an idea it is
Whatever the case, competent moderation AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA would fix any issues
Its called crack down on the garbage and keep the official stuff. Sup Forums has no problem with this so why its suddenly a problem when it comes to Sup Forums?
And yet vermin keep trying to relive it with every AAA release these days.
>Implying its any better than the shitposting that already exists
At least its fappable and not the same tired overused fucking meme 1000x over
This 100%, if we keep it vidya related porn then there should be no problem at all.
Sup Forums doesn't allow porn. You have no idea what you're talking about.
>Sup Forums has no problem with this
Oh man, this reminds me of nipple mod. Good times
that newfags have no idea what their talking about
>Sup Forums
not to mention if the shitposting is still on topic mods wont do anything about it
Incubi are dominant. They stick dick in you
Succubi are submissive. You stick dick in them, whether it be vag or ass
Its determined by behavior, not by gender.
Not hard to understand guys.
Official nudity is allowed you inbred cocksucker. How fucking new are you that you weren't even here during the Valkyrie Drive incident?
>voting yes instead of yis mane
That faggot got his ass reamed real good. Those who don't understand the board are going to have a bad time there, unlike Sup Forums where just about anyone can show up, act like a stupid dickhead and automatically fit in.
>Sup Forums becomes orange
>nothing but traps and gfur
if you expect anything else you are a fucking moron
>voting yis mane instead of yes
Fucking niggerkin
Except it won't, they have their own containment board, this would be exclusively r34 vidya porn.
Lewd is more fun when it's not allowed; leave Sup Forums as sfw
>Get mods to prune porn dumps since it's still vidya discussion board, not porn dump board
Wew so hard. Oh wait, majority of Sup Forums mods are from tumblr/reddit
>this board will turn into exclusively r34 vidya porn
yeah that sounds about right
I mean I feel like you are far too stupid and naive to realize what it is you want
this board will literally just turn into porn dumps
there wont be a single game discussion to exist
Nudity and porn are separate, genius. Anything sexual is still disallowed on Sup Forums. And this thread is calling for all porn be allowed on Sup Forums not official nipples only.
this board being SFW keeps certain people in their containment boards so we should leave this as they are
>Post official lewd art on Sup Forums
>Discussion follows
>Post official lewd art on Sup Forums
>Vacation follows
What makes you think this will turn just into a porn board? Sup Forums has existed in the past and has had normal threads coexist with r34 you immense faggot. R34 only adds to the excitement and further discussion of vidya which is the goal of this board. To discuss vidya/fap vidya/play vidya/watch vidya. Stop trying to turn us into fucking reddit. Sup Forums has become so fucking tame its worse than Sup Forums. We are supposed to be the fucking pox of the internet. Instead we have reddittors moderating this fucking board.
>What makes you think this will turn just into a porn board? Sup Forums has existed in the past and has had normal threads coexist with r34
this isnt the past
this board has a problem enough with shitposting
making it safe for work will just give them more arsenal
it will just turn into image dumps non stop
there is literally NO reason to believe otherwise