Other urls found in this thread:


>its real

They never learn do they

>praxis kit pack
Square Enix is literally EA tier now.

What the flying fuck? They selling in game items as fucking micros?

Those who played it, does the level pacing feel normal or they gutted it so people would buy their shitty praxis kits with real money?

The memes were right all along.


Shameless bump

Normies have ruined video games, their attention span is thanks to this, they can't stand playing video games and just gotta rush it and move on to the next big thing.

Fuck the internet and fuck this cancer and fuck the devs pandering to it.

>optional microtransactions in a singleplayer game
Who gives a shit?

Because the devs are more likely to slow down the pacing of the game, the leveling system for more revenue. If it is slow enough, people will buy those stupid packs to speed it up.

cheat engine exists

in a $60 singeplayer game that is

this is also coming out on consoles aswell

>$60 singeplayer game
So literally every singleplayer game other than indieshit?

Oh no things you don't have to buy
how dare Square Enix attempt to make money from stupid people.

So uhh source? I'm not seeing anything on psn or steam. Is this xbone exclusive thing or something?

Dude Sex is dead.


So sad Square Enix forces that bs over such great game. Same with the augmented pre-ordered shit.

>Buying Currency in a single player game


>this will what happen to Bloodlines if we get a sequel

Maybe lads, this sequel this stuff is not that good..

What? It'll get a bunch of pointless microtransactions that you don't need to buy? Oh no that ruins everything.


It's the intention that matters tbqh

Ability points


In a goddamned single player game

What the fuck

Thanks god Denuvo allows publishers to go away from the repressive idea of maintaining consumer goodwill.

>muh principals
Pathetic tbqh desu


>a business tries to make money

ah yes this is bad how?


paying for ingame shit in singleplayer games is the worst fucking thing ever

>pay $60 for game
>pay $60 not to have to play it as much

Who cares about console gaming?

how about they just cut the items out of the game entirely, and only have it on the cash shop. it's okay though, square enix is making money so it's all good.

the point is that you can't use cheatengine on a console so dickheads on console will spread their arse cheeks for squeenix

and it's a full priced game too

I should have done the testing for this game when they emailed me

i would have told them to kill themselves

they already made 60$ off every purchase, not to mention the season pass
fuck off with this shit. personally I dont care because im not planning on buying this, but companies nickel and diming like this is only going to get worse and worse. especially since they realize that they can slow down progression to a halt in games to 'force' people to buy currencies.


DLC has been a thing for a very long time and has become accepted by the gaming community. Whilst that isn't ideal, people still buy it so publishers are still going to put it in.

Well if it truly bothers you send them a strongly worded letter expressing your concerns.

Looks like Xbone interface alright.

Those are multiplayer items, those are the content for "breach", whatever the fuck it is i just know is multiplayer.
Check your sauces goddamn.


breach isn't multiplayer

>Check your sauces goddamn.
did you?

it mentions five breach booster packs as a single bullet point, and a bunch of others that upgrade Adam's "potential"

>Four Praxis Kits: These additional Praxis Kits will allow you to further develop the augmentations of your choosing, moving you one step closer to unlocking Adam's full potential.
>5000 Credits: Bolster your wallet with additional credits, providing you with extra spending money to purchase Praxis Kits, ammo, weapons, or anything else you may find at the shops in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.
Those sure sound like singleplayer content to me. And those are also being sold in the OP.

cinemablend.com/games/Here-What-Expect-From-Deus-Ex-Mankind-Divided-Breach-Mode-143567.html k whatever i tought it was multiplayer, still is not story mode so fucks given?

praxis kits can be found in game and if you go into new game plus you'll probably be able to unlock everything anyway


Yeah is not that difficult, you see a store singleplayer for the story mode? Refund. Peace out.

I don't want this shit anymore, post ending in 48 gets it. Include steam link.

but it's not locking out any actual content

its a single player game
It's really scummy but they're only making money from retards

I'd like that.

I don't want to play it.

>"it's OPTIONAL man, you don't HAVE to use this jewish microtransactions in a $60 single player game"

No thanks.

Some things you do on principle.

SP game you pay $60 upfront for STILL has microtransaction bullshit?

No buy. Don't care if I might enjoy the game.


gib pls

Well, you don't.

When these kind of things are on the table, expect the balance to be out of wack in order to encourage DLC sales.

Bruh pls


I'm not sure what you're hoping to accomplish really?
Personal satisfaction that you're not supporting such practices?
You're not going to really accomplish anything in the grand scheme of things unless you have an army of people not buying the game because of that.

Doesn't matter, their existence is still a fucking disgrace.

It's a single player game.

And then companies wonder why people pirate games.

So where's OPs picture from?

>Money and skill points micro-trans for a linear single player game
>Micro-transactions of any kind for a solo game mode with leaderboards

It doesn't make any sense.

Lets fucking do it.

>Micros in a $60 singleplayer game
>Micros in a $60 singleplayer game
>Micros in a $60 singleplayer game

fuck me, microtransactions for singleplayer ingame currency?

what the fuck

>Personal satisfaction that you're not supporting such practices?
Yes. Do what you can to fight against shitty practices. I have other ways to spend my time in vidya, I really won't feel I'm missing out in the grand scheme of things.

Meaning you're going to get a cruddy amount of praxis points and money that plays like shit. Moron. "Balance" doesn't exclusively mean between two human players.


>single player currency

Why would anyone buy this

On one side, I want to see how it goes. On the other side, I don't want to ruin my recent experience of HR.

nu-Deus Ex is fucking abhorrent. At least they can't fuck up the original.

Have you played it yet?

>he never asked for this

No review mentioned any problems with getting praxis kits though. Are you just assuming or what?

No thanks, you can keep it.

IS there new game plus in MD?

same jewish person

>yfw MP dies 2 months in

watching Lirik play it. doesn't seem that good imo. it's basically part 2 of HR with little improvements aside from better graphics.

not buying it.

But if you dont stand up because it seems futile, then who the fuck will?

Change starts with one person

You can unlock it for 5.99 USD at the cash shop

fuck it rolling

From :
>When these kind of things are on the table, expect the balance to be out of wack
It is conjecture. There is a pattern of games with this kind of thing. Be open about it.

dont gift it, refund it.

Sure why not

Underage please leave.

I'll sell it on steamgifts if you are too lazy to do it.


Here I go

None of the reviews mention an issue with balance.

GUYS is the jihadist screenshot from mankind divivded real of fake? only seen it posted on Sup Forums and the thread seems to get deleted

pls help u know which screenshot im talking about

Yes and it's free despite what says


>it's basically part 2 of HR with little improvements aside from better graphic
How is this bad?



Okay fucko, name me 1 (ONE) singleplayer game with microtransactions that have fucked up balance.

It's real but it's not "SJW" really.

MacReady thinks that the goldmasks who attacked them were Jihadists
Jensen says he doubts they were since it's absolutely haram to modify your body (ie: augmentations)

It's not an issue