I think it's wonderful how Sup Forums went from despising her to actually acknowledging she's cute and loveable

I think it's wonderful how Sup Forums went from despising her to actually acknowledging she's cute and loveable.

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That's because Sup Forums realized that she is as far removed from SJWs as possible. It's just the hairstyle that sucks but the Olympic skins are great.


She's as far away from obnoxious as possible. She may be detached from the other members of the main cast but blizzard did a good thing.

It's because she's overpowered as fuck and people are trying to justify playing her.
If she wasn't as powerful as she currently is, barely any of you would be defending her design.

Last I checked she still looks uglier than sin and is a disgusting robro-racist.
Best hero coming through.

good goys

There were two types of people complaining about her:

a) "I don't want womyn in my vidya games"
b) "I don't want Blizzard to pander to SJWs"

a) never played the game and mostly just shitposted about it, and b) got over it when she turned out to be fun to play and also incredible powerful.

And that's all you'll say, you hater. You know this stuff makes her stronger, right? She doesn't care. So keep trying. Not to mention she has a dedicated fanbase that loves her for her strength and racism. So, fuck off, because you're just another dumb hater.

Funnest support by far.

>And that's all you'll say
That's all you said, that she was cute and loveable. I disagreed, stating how she was ugly and a racist.
She is ugly because she has the girth of a man, and is not loveable because of her hatred for robots.
So tell me, why is she cute and loveable?

thats because her blond hair skin came out where she actually looks non retarded

literally this

>This place is full of easily influenced little children that lap up social engineering

Tell me something I don't already know.

Her rule 34 is pretty good mate!!

Because she's full blown "remove omnic" mode together with Torbjörn.

Which is a pretty funny statement by Blizzard.

Her base design is still hideous as shit tumblr pandering stuff, but apart from that she's a pretty nice character.

In her summer games skins I have no problem whatsoever with her. Fuck your forced random looting, Blizzard.

She's a good character and a great asset, bit I wish she had good skins.

Zarya is a massive bait and switch.

When she was introduced, she was introduced as an alternative punk strong girl meant to appeal to people who protest against "female objectification". She also had a contemporary visual design appealing to the LGBT and especially college aged LGBT communities.

What we got is a qt3.14 musclegirl I want to put my dick in.

She's playable now, because she finally got a decent skin.

a skin that starting today, you cant get anymore

Filthy and dumb, omnic scum

I always liked her. Short haired buff girls are amazing.

Zarya is pretty much TUMBLR bait so the Feminists and SJW's don't throw a hissy fit. The character itself, while ugly, is pretty fun.

The character is also heavily racist towards all Omnics

Even better, since I have both!

>Sup Forums is one person

I still think she's the absolute worst in the entire wretched cast.

>Dude russia makes you strong lmao
>Pink hair because juxtaposition am I right?!?!

It can't get dumber and more artistically bankrupt than this.

>Sup Forums is one person general

She's shit btw

>tfw Omnics are literally an allegory for Islam
>tfw Reaper did literally nothing wrong

I didn't give a shit about the hair when she came out. All I saw was muscle babe.

>There's actual SFM porn where Zarya is having sex with men instead of being a giant dicked futa now

>funnest support
>anyone but Ana
Delete your tumblr and don't ever post on my blog or my wife's son's blog ever again

she's caught on to it brehs

can't blame her desu, i'd do the same

>playing snipers

>playing Ana as a sniper

theres ur mistake pal

>playing Ana

theres ur mistake pal

>playing Zenyatta

Enjoy your discord nerf, faggot!

>Not Lucio
Have fun dying to everything while I'm contesting the point in lijiang tower and never touching the ground.

>tfw you can see the shape of her nipple piercings

>nerf that only affects the other shitters on my team
>still getting gold elims and damage cuz headshots
>outhealing the ana by 5k

Damn it feels good to be a gangster.

>outhealing the ana by 5k

Jesus you're playing with some shit Anas. I'm horrified.

I loved her from the very beginning. Shes MINE

the only heals they did were from the grenade
...to themselves only

pub-ana's are more frustrating then pub-hanzos imo

I like how she is racist to the robits

Like, if you wanna play Widow just play Widow

Weightlifter skin is waifu tier.

Rest is literally retarded.

You know what it is OP?

People have gained attraction to her due to her enjoyable play style and practical use. she's so fun to play as that we've gained attraction to her on that aspect. her gameplay made her sexy.

wait no that's probably just me.

nah im with you there. as soon as i hit MAXIMUM CHARGE and started melting everyone i fell in love

Oh my god.

Shes not as popular as Sup Forums thought she would be in the game, and Sup Forums is full of contrarian fuckheads so they like her since no one plays her

I wouldn't say her gameplay made me like her design, but it allowed me to tolerate it because I love being able to keep friendlies from dying and then melt the fucker who tried to kill them.
Getting her summer skin helped too.

>main Zarya from day 1
>everyone makes fun of me and says she has a dick
>fast forward to today
>everyone loves Zarya

Fuck all of you bandwagon faggots. My musclebound waifu knows the truth.

>no one plays her
She's one of the highest picked tanks

>only do hair
It's fucking Mei "cosplayers" all over again.

She's not cosplaying you actual retard, that's how she normally wears her hair.

How do you people ever expect others to get better unless they practice that character?

now that I can see face to face her, she is handsome. RUSSIAN MOTHER'S STRONG.

Olympic skin fixes her retarded hair

>"zarya on wall"

>white girl
>died hair
>nipple piercing
>most probably she is railed by Tyrone every night

That's a lot of NAH in one person.

Her basic design and most of her skins still suck though. I swear, its like someone decided to over compensate with the design cause they thought they made her too manly looking, so they decide to balance it out with making her hair and nails neon pink.

I really hope Zarya makes it so we can see muscle babes more often in vidya. Would be great.

She is still ugly as hell.


She still looks like a man, with a man haircut and retarded dye.
She's not a SJW, but thats all.

The kind of Ana they are talking about is too retarded to improve. Spamming no-scopes into the enemy team should get you gold healing over a Zen.

Yeah, keep up. Those images existed before Overwatch came out, then people found them and immediately went "Oh shit, it's real life Zarya!" and now she's caught on to the fact that she's getting attention for looking like Zarya and changed her image set names to cash in even more.

Her Olympic skins have made me appreciate her default hair more.

Sup Forums is fucking stupid and reactionary, and should never be taken seriously, who would have fucking thought.

I want to skimo kiss Widow's perfect nose.


kill yourself you dumb faggot

Everyone with taste does.

>she'll never give you that look while going deep on her


I want to provoke another reaction in her.

I want to kiss her frigid lips.

Her Olympic Skins go a long way to making her looks appropriate.

You sure?

>you'll never suck her blue french dick while she gives you the smuggiest look of your life

thanks liara

>pink tongue

Any tips on accuracy for Zen? I can barely get above 33%

I wish her charge didn't decay so fast

I'm for the head.

We need to go SMUGGER


Go for tanks, inflate your accuracy score.

>rewind 1 month ago
>never really used Zarya
>friend needs help getting Dva cute spray
>went from less than 1 hour playtime to my main tank.
No bandwagon. She's like Zen, compared to other tanks she's better in all regards, however, you have to get gud to play as her.

shit like this is why i hate zarya.

just a tumblr cunt where bad tumblr artists can try to make her as ugly as fucking possible.

Didn't hate her I want to lick her sweaty abs after she worksout

Sup Forums is exactly 3 people
And Gabe Newell


Dropped a bracket there :P

>Something that never happens the post.
There are to many Lucio counters for this to happen. Phara, Junkrat, Mei, Torb, McCree, Winston, Symmetra. All of which can put an end to his wall running with little effort.

I want Widowmaker to put her tongue in my mouth.

Suck on an icecube for the exact same sensation.

But ice cubes don't speak French, have soft, pert lips, or taste like Widowmaker.

You haven't seen her nudes then?

what you don't realize is there are actually some gifs and webms out there of her being a stronk girl

she also has a hairy cunny dyed pink. Kinda hot.