How the fuck is Metal Gear Solid so critically acclaimed when it is basically a bad movie?

How the fuck is Metal Gear Solid so critically acclaimed when it is basically a bad movie?

How the fuck is PS4 so critically acclaimed when it is basically a underpowered PC?

How the fuck are legs so critically acclaimed when they're basically bad wheels?

Because a well-designed game sits between those cutscenes.

Can't for you to greentext "well-designed" and then say nothing of worth.


You called the game well-designed without saying anything of worth so you can't be upset if someone called it shit without saying anything else.

I had never played an MGS game before V and I thought it was pretty good.

Legs are vastly superior to wheels, thats literally the reason why metal gears were created

>Vastly superior

You're right. I'll go to work in my walking car now.

You don't get to bring games

So bad its good, the rediculous shit is the best shit.

>Go PS4 play to the extreme!
>I will, thank you father!

no fucking idea. i tried playing the games and there's too much damn dialog.

like holy shit just shut the fuck up for once.

Do you have any idea how hard our brain works to keep us steady on two legs?

maybe if you're retarded or fat

Seriously? Mastering bipedal movement is like the fucking pinnacle of mammalian evolution. Your brain works its ass off to keep you just standing up and you don't even realize it.

I dont see the point you're trying to make.

That a vehicle that can travel and climb over any terrain is somehow bad.

Or that it doesn't exist, to which i say no shit? we're discussing fiction

fat retard detected

Whoa it's almost like..... metal gear....stay with me here.......isn't actually real

Are you talking about MGS1 or the entire franchise?
How is it a bad movie? Because it's known to have plenty of cutscenes?

Because they are greatly designed games with a fun enough storyline to keep you hooked.