What MMOs are you guys looking forward too?

I was looking forward to Crowfall, but I guess that it's an open-world PvP thing with no real PvE to speak of. Might be fun in its own right, but it's not what I'm looking for.

Albion is the only one I'm interested in ATM.

Albion Online
Camelot Unchained
Project Gorgon
The two new Darkfall Onlines

Absolutely nothing.

Are any of those besides Albion and Crowfall NOT in development hell?

>Download Wildstar and give it a shot
>As soon as I finish the tutorial, chat is spammed by people discussing where/when to ERP and laughing at people who want to actually do content - this was Dominion side

Um, ok? Game was decent tho.

>Giving a shit about f2p games

combat sucks and it runs like shit. The UI was so awful that disabling it and using a custom one gave you a 15-30 FPS boost. That was the caliber of developer you were dealing with.

Are you implying that I can't log into WoW or XIV and experience the same thing? I wasn't complaning, I just thought it was hilarious that they used the planetwide chat for it.

No not really. Project Gorgon is fun though.

Anyone play Gloria Victis? It's on sale for $15 on Steam.

No, you just braindead retard because you willingly downloaded f2p gabage

>albion online
looks okay but since its 99% pvp im not really interested. but ill play for a bit since I loved runescape.
>revelations online
looks great. generic, but I havent heard a single bad thing about it. so im expecting to fuck it up when it comes over to the west.
and thats basically it. my expectations for mmos are pretty low, but I also dont look at 'new' ones that have no real intention of coming out within the next few years.

i gave them 10 burgerbucks to try the beta and the combat is ass it only looks like mount and blade combat

Have any of you fags actually played Crowfall?

>designed with tablets and phones in mind
It's a mobile game, how good can it be? Just wait until Crowfall and Camelot Unchained come out (and fail)

Yeah, because dropping money on b2p or sub based garbage games is any better. At least I don't have to spend money to discover how shit it is for myself.

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen

I don't look forward to anything, because all the good mmos are the oldest.

You just natural born shiteater

Is there any with Battlegrounds type stuff in it? Open world PvP and Arenas are okay, but I like the Battleground stuff more.

Chronicles of Elyria.

The trainwreck will be glorious...

Don't let anyone know I gave you this

zero because all the upcoming mmos the developers are giant faggots and keeping their games in beta forever for early access $


I'm looking forward to the next content update!

Revelations online

fuck that's some pleb taste

>Guys, I'm playing f2p games!!!!!
>But I'm totally not retarded shiteater
Fuck off

I was kind of interested in albion online and crowfall.

But I heard pretty bad things about albion. Boring, simplistic and ultra grindy. Don't know if anyone can confirm?

Crowfall is still a long way to go I think so I haven't really looked into it much.

>It's the vindictus fag again

That's not my name.

I will use your childhood nickname from now on, faggot


Why are you so mad? I am interested to see what you consider to be a non shit mmo though. Inb4 all mmos are shit, shiteater

is this a korean MMO?


vindictus is not even close to being a mmo. Its more like a shitty indie single player game going by design.

WoW and ARR now
EQ, wow, ultima and Galaxies before
Sub based games are always better than f2p garbage
There a good reason why Camelot Unchained developers listed it as feature
F2P model is literally insult for any sane person

He had to of been the units bitch boy

I dont mind you shitting up every MMO thread, but get some goddamn new webms.

I'll make some more soon

>had to of been

Thank you.

I still wont play it though.

You kidding? all sub based games are shit. The only sub based mmo that I felt was somewhat worth was dark age of camelot in its prime due to pvp and pve group content being fun. All p2p games now are gimicky shit and the developers know its shit but they got loyal fanbase of retards that gives them monthly paycheck.

That's okay.

Wow, person who unironically plays f2p games has a shit taste
What a surprise!

I hated Wildstar. It seems it was made for the mentally handicapped with all attacks being telegraphed and easily avoidable. Took all the fun out of it for me.

Why are you getting the impression I ever said f2p was a good model? Its simply better at letting ME try an MMO without having to purchase it in order to find out its shit.

Also, current WoW AND XIV are shit, so I wouldn't go around calling out others on their taste if you have objectively shit taste as well. But you PAY to enjoy your shit, so that makes it better right? Haha.

I've not been playing MMOs since 2005.
Played Ultima and star wars galaxies.
From what I hear it is not worth playing any current MMOs.

revelations NA version coming some time mid 2017 or early 2017

Figures, it looks like Every Other Korean MMO Ever.

Christ, those things are boring.

It'll be good for 6-9 months after release, then the publisher will make one (1!) small change, and the game will be shit and left for dead by it's hardcore community. There will be plenty of players, but everyone will cry on forums that the game is dead.

I'm sorry you see it that way.

Yo Vindictusfag

I got Snow White Wings outta some box and they're worth a shitton, but I dunno why cuz the stats suck. Should I sell 'em?

Also it feels like they fixed it so you can just do the main story quests for all your levels, which really helps the game not feel like a shit-tier grindfest.

>Also, current WoW AND XIV are shit
They both are very good for the raids
Worth $15 and $11 for such fun
> Its simply better at letting ME try an MMO without having to purchase it in order to find out its shit
>I will try shit and then scream everywhere about how I tried shit!!!
There no need to even try f2p games to know what they are shit

Sell them for sick dosh and buy some nice weapons. Stats first, style second.

I think I'm gonna buy into Crowfall for $45 because I'm desperate and have some money burning a hole in my pocket.

hey vindictusman. What class should I play as? Im not so sure.

Can you give me a rundown of all of them?

Slashy swordsman, big on dashing around while dealing damage
Shieldmaiden that's strong with kicks and counterattacks. Has a sick hammer.
Alchemist uses big elemental spells to DoT, Freeze, and Damage enemies. Has a weab scythe.
Big man with a pillar. Grabs bosses with a QTE like system and punches them in the face, Has an exploding fist.
Bowman. That's all I can really say.
Duelist type character, Plays like Lann with a hint of Fiona's counterattack mechanics.
Literally Guts.
Polearm uses that applies "Orbs" to bosses' pressure points. Detonates them all for sick damage. Also very mobile.
Magic Fiona with a katana.
Uses a Bastardsword. Relies on precise movements to land specific attacks, not very good for new players.

>Buying XIV for the raids
>ignoring the monumental amount of shit you have to complete before, not to mention gearing up to even have a sufficient iLvL, then trying to find seven!(7!) competent people to attempt to play simon says in Alex Savage with

So by your logic, if a b2p or sub based game went f2p it'd suddenly become shit right? And in the case of WoW in particular, what exactly makes it different from a f2p mmo? They both has cash shops, they both sell character boosts and game tokens, yet in one you have to pay for the privilege to play their game, whereas in the other you don't have to pay shit if you don't want to.

Again - I wouldn't go around calling out others on their taste if you have objectively shit taste as well.

>XIV raids
>Implying they're not all binding coils remnants

Not only did Yoshit ruin the raid community by releasing normal and savage mode, but he also stated he is going to make savage mode even easier. He literally assumed that Gordian Savage killed the scene (A3S 3.0 still best fight to date) due to the difficulty. Not because he wiped out any potential raiders who would want to raid to see the cutscenes and certainly not because he has shit for brain data centers located in Canada when over half of MMO endgame raiders are in the US. You could argue all would need to be done is add additional cutscenes for those who do average, but is that REALLY going to slide for 99.9% of the casual audience who are playing XIV for their theme park, Glamours, and instant gratification?

T. XIV since 2010 who unsubbed back in May after clearing Midas Savage, fuck Yoshit

whoops, looks like I accidentally bound them to myself because what are warnings before binding.


As a WoW player (plus a ton of other MMOs), I always hated ARR, because while the Group Content was great, everything else seemed like shit. Awful questing, tiny (and boring) zones, and nothing to do besides crafting or broken PvP.

>Baaaaw, why should I play ARR to reach content
Typical f2p shitter
>So by your logic, if a b2p or sub based game went f2p it'd suddenly become shit right?
Basic design is very different
>So by your logic, if a b2p or sub based game went f2p it'd suddenly become shit right? And in the case of WoW in particular, what exactly makes it different from a f2p mmo? They both has cash shops, they both sell character boosts and game tokens, yet in one you have to pay for the privilege to play their game, whereas in the other you don't have to pay shit if you don't want to.
You can;t skip grind in wow by paying real money, you can do it in the f2p games because shops are build by making it easier for the people who pays money
Nah, savage is still fun as fuck

Albion Online
>available on tablet
>pic related

But also worry.

Are they ever going to add anything to Gorgon?

Anyone who praises XIV are either casualfags from /balmung/ or only got into the game per expansion not realizing that every patch has been static since 2.1.

Even patches = 1 story-mode dungeon, 1 hard-mode rehash dungeon, 1 EX Primal, 1 not-Binding Coils, and misc. of shit
Odd patches = 1 story-mode dungeon, 1 hard-mode rehash dungeon, 1 EX Primal, not-CT, and misc. of shit

>b-b-but the misc. shit are all diverse and fun!
Yeah, look at everyone doing those HNM Hunts, Diadem, PotD, or beast tribes that everyone does while watching video streams or multitasking! The zones are beyond a hollow ground that is filled with nothing, but bots grinding jobs or gathering resources.

who do u recommend?

>Bowman. That's all I can really say.

Top DPS. That's what you can say.

>comparing Hurk to Guts

That's a bio for a feminist zealot amazon fae elf-cunt character, what do you expect? This is the same game with male only races too.

I am still on tree of savior after all the Sup Forumstards and Sup Forumsacks fucked off.

Both of you are shitters, the only good one was T6-9 2.3. Gordias was DPS-check heavy with all gimmicks no fun while Midas was all gimmicks and mild enjoyment while dealing with Robot phases in A8S.

Karok and Arisha
Kai isn't top DPS anymore and Hurk is literally based off Guts.

>Brad at it again

Please no. He's a legitimate hack who only runs on the success of EQ1, and that was only good because they didn't listen to him.

Savage can only be fun for so long after 7-man carrying overgrown manchildren, illiterate retards, and weeaboos. The XIV community is pinnacle of casualness.

>excluding Evie's barrel golems
Everything is viable, just pick whichever style suits you the best.

Cestus Karok can completely absorb enemy attacks.


Since when ? I'm always top DPS.

Since every character has been revamped. Kai is still up there he's just not the top.

>that .webm

I didn't know they could become so big.


It's gameplay is basically grind ressources for gear, use gear for pvp (full loot with partial destruction ->everyone needs to keep crafting)

the combat is however equal to mobas and there is nothing else to do so why would you waste time grinding in this game when you can instantly get the same pvp playing a real moba?

Eh, Coil on the whole was good. T8 and T9 were amazing fights if you got to do them before echo, which unfortunately most people did not get to do. And I hope Yoshi learned from Alex to never ever make a Normal(EASY) & Savage mode for a raid ever again.

And not wanting to have to run through the absolutely mind-numbing content that is the 2.0-2.55 MSQ makes me a shitter? Its so easy and boring, people quit out of frustration because who the fuck needs FIFTY LEVELS OF TUTORIALS that don't even teach you how to play the fucking game? If you have EVER been in a DF/PF party for ANYTHING remotely difficult you know exactly what I mean.

The biggest issue with XIV, is that an overwhelming majority of people who play it are incredibly bad at the game, and will never ever believe they are the problem and blame everyone else. Just remembering how much people bitched about every single HM let alone Savage Primal fight makes me laugh.

Vindictus is great.

The thing I like in albion is how the economy works.

Too bad every other aspect of the game seems boring as shit. Really disappointing.

What if I want to be a jew ?

Does Vella is the same to you? Even after the revamp I'm still playing the same way.

was interested until I heard it's designed so you can play it on a fucking tablet


English is not my first language. Is Vella playing the same to you (After the revamp)?

>You can't skip grind in wow by paying real money, you can do it in the f2p games because shops are build by making it easier for the people who pays money

This is bait right? Or is leveling not considered part of the grind in an mmo anymore?

Yes. She's even better now that cross cut isn't affected by latency.

Not them but

Ruin Blade might be the most entertaining skill I've had in an MMO in a long time.

Hey V man are any of the classes you have to pay for?

Entering the input feels so satisfying. I get the most entertainment from clashing bosses in big parties.
It feels even better around other Karoks

If you only care about crafting/trading eve online is without competition. One of the main albion devs even came from eve but they dumbed the whole system down and made it more casual.

I know the whole space thing isn't really encouraging with eve, most prefer fantasy but looking just straight at the gameplay there is no competition. The ability alone to issue and fullfill contracts is afaik unique but overall it's the best crafting/trading game giving the largest ammount of tools for trading. Wouldn't play it for other things like pvp desu but anyone asking for trading/crafting i recommend eve.

I only called you two shitters for enjoying any savage content besides second coil savage. Anyone that cleared it after 2.3 don't deserve to gloat about the most superior content ever released in XIV and most likely the only.

>Paying for classes
user, that is ridiculous. Of course not.

You can't call something grind if you actually can do it in 3 days playing 2 hours after work
Compare to the shit what awaits you on the max level at the start of every expack
F2P games are designed to allow players skip shit like this, see wildstar as example

I already play eve online, which is why I'm looking for an alternative.

That ship is sinking real quick m8.

I can't dick around wormholes for more than 3 months every year.