There are people here who still defend this garbage

There are people here who still defend this garbage.
Explain yourselves.

Other urls found in this thread:

I put 80 hours into it.


just buy it and you'll see why

i put also 80 hour in it. and like it. with mods.


It's STALKER lite.
I'm sorry you hate fun.
And for the record - Far Harbor was pretty great.

People are paid to raise the scores to more acceptable levels.

It wasn't as good as 3/NV but was still worth a playthrough. I still got some enjoyment out of it.

The worst part is I always forget I own this game whenever someone brings it up. I feel like my subconscious disliked it so much its trying really hard to erase it from my memory.

i know! how the fuck used steam? fucking idiots

i played the fuck out of it and just started far harbor

however its a shitty fallout game

A shit Fallout with shit convo options a la retarded Mass Effect
A dumb ass story that is obvious in 1st 10 mins of the game if u arent underage tard,
Minecraft wanna be with some of the worst building controlls ever made,
Shitty repetitive Skyrim tier shit quests.
>Fucking faggot calls it fun

Bethesdrones in full force.

Like i said, explain yourselves.
Played time and mods aren't a reason as to why a game is good, why it deserves praise and recognition (that's your own shit taste and that of the community/modders).

it has better weapon system than borderlands
weapon crafting was fun

The roleplaying aspect is absolutely garbage, but it's a functional shooter

Are you me?
Bought it, spent 20hours in it and hated it.
Only played it for so long on the hopes it'd improve.
Had to install lighting and graphics mods during that time to make it bareable.

Yep, it was pretty enjoyable. Hence the word fun.

>Weapon crafting was fun

dumb animeposter

I wonder if Fallout 4 will be remembered as that one game Bethesda fucked up, or as game "still better than TES6/Fallout5"

My brother gifted me a copy and I have to pretend I enjoyed it to be polite.

>it has better weapon system than borderlands
You say this like Borderlands was a good game.
Its not hard to beat Borderlands user, come on now'.

You must like eating shit for dinner, breakfast and lunch u subhuman slime.

It's not great but it's at least better than Fallout 3

Played time may not be a reason, but the amount of time you CAN play it is. Face it, the game provides a shit load of environment to explore, and if you like that in a video game, you can easily get 80-100 hours out of it. It may not be a good RPG or fallout game, but it can still provide meaningful entertainment well worth the price of the game.

It might be severely dumbed down but exploring downtown Boston is constantly interesting, with tons of nooks and crannys and small buildings and large skyscrapers to explore.

Not really, I'm just not so jaded that I can't enjoy something just because it's not 100% what I wanted/expected.
And frankly I like it the most of the 3d Fallout's. The original games are still best, although that may be because I first played them as a kid.
Played any vidya lately, or just shitposting all the time?

>It may not be a good RPG or fallout game, but it can still provide meaningful entertainment
>well worth the price of the game

This is some good quality bait because i can't tell whether you're trolling or genuinely believing what you're typing.

Combat is good, exploration is good, side quests are fairly fun. But the rpg elements are missing, leveling up and skills are fine I guess but the actual ability to decide or feel like you have actual choice is gone and that's pretty lame.

The game is still a blast to play if you ignore that, I got 100 hours out of it or so, never finished the main quest and haven't yet done far harbor either.

I am a fan of Fallout, not minecraft cod abomination with no roleplay or engaging story. It is pathetic if its true that u ever played a better Fallout game and enjoying this shit that caters to autists.

It's a good exploring game. Not much of an RPG, like Skyrim, but a really cool world to inhabit and progress through. Locking down more and more settlements is really fun, and pulling a town together feels good.

Does every game have to be a hardcore RPG?

Here is a better question than OPs.

Would you, given what you played in Fallout 4 pay the same full retail price again for another Fallou game by Bethesda?

Would you be comfortable buying it if it turned out the same? And would you buy it if they promised lots of improvements and new features?

If you hype and buy into this shit after Fallout 4 you're part of the reason why it's so shit

>defend it.

I had fun for about 60 hours. Come at me faggots

>haven't yet done far harbor either.
It's great, only problem is the quests are too few.
But exploration on the Island is sweet, the environments are atmospheric as hell and it's also really pretty visually.
And I really liked the music:


I genuinely believe what im typing. I put in 500 hours into Fallout New Vegas over PC and Xbox, played 1 and 2 through and put about 250 into Fallout 3. I've played shit loads of classic RPG's and I have no issue saying I enjoyed playing the fucking game. Of course I would have liked it to be a proper RPG and actually acknowledge the fallout universe and lore but I realised early on that that wasnt going to be the case with 4. So guess what? I put that behind me and actually had fun, try it some time.

No, but if its tagged and sold as an RPG then it should have meaninful and impactful elements that Role Playing Games in the past have. It doesn't have any RPG elements that were consistantly in Fallout 3 and NV.

Do you think those games were hardcore RPGs?

Its a shooter, and a half arsed open world shooter at that. A 5/10 game that offers nothing new that the franchise that isn't shit, such as 'base building.

No, he's making perfect sense. It's like Skyrim, less RPG and more open world first person action adventure game. It's basically a one-person MMO, a big world full of shit to collect, gear to craft, enemies to kill, and homesteading. None of this makes it a bad game, but since nothing will ever live up to how well crafted New Vegas was in the story department, and how much it benefited from being written and crafted by most of the original team with the vision of the game intact, everyone piddles on Bethesda's efforts.
I still put 700 hours into New Vegas, and roughly 300 into 4.

>muh HC 1337 RPG
Come on, every game doesn't have to be Shadows Over Riva.
The game certainly falls short in many aspects, but it's a pretty decent, even relaxing exploration simulator. Lots of things have been improved coming from 3/NV, but it took a different direction.
And I'm fine with that, it's not GOTY or anything, but it was well worth the money it cost me.

Yes, as long as the improvements to combat and overall gameplay remained intact. I'd love to have another Obsidian-led Fallout, but it's probably not gonna happen.

>I put that behind me and actually had fun, try it some time.
I'll instead play a game that'll actually provide me with a worthwhile experience than waste my time trying to defend the $60.00 you spent when it came out.

Justifying a bad purchase by playing it for the sake of it isn't a good thing user.

It's a 8/10 open world RPG lite shooter and a 2/10 RPG.


>It's basically a one-person MMO,
When will summerfags leave.

You're gonna miss out on a fun game because you're too stubborn?

This shut is a bold faced lie. I've recently been playing as I belive in the saying don't knock it till you try it but fuck it's just go in this building, kill and loot, pickup every cup and Fucking spoon, go back to base and store it. I've found a few places where I thought something interesting might happen then it's just "le epic dethclaw lol!!!!!!! So hard!!" or something along those lines. This game is easy as shit even on hard. Fuck this game and fuck all the retards who like this shit,

I honesly can't believe there are people on Sup Forums defending Bethesda, the company responsible for the casualization of the RPG genre with Skyrim and Fallout 4.
This place has really fallen apart.

Im not trying to justify my purchase at all. In fact, my playtime of 101 hours alone justifies itself. Where else could you get 100 hours of entertainment for 60 dollars?

People think it had good shooter gameplay even though it's barely passable and that's being extremely generous.

People play it because Bethesda could make Superman 64 with an open world and people would still say "It's an 8/10 game just not a good RPG but who cares as long as I can explore this bland empty world with nothing interesting in it"

Been here for 7 years, my friend. Think about it. Repeating quests. Grinding. A story to follow, that, upon reaching its conclusion, leaves no major impact upon the overall game world and lets you play past said conclusion. How am I wrong?

Story is atrocious in FO4.
Anyone above average IQ can see the plot twist on the start of the game.
Get frozen, baby stolen, people that died are now skellies.

Fucking ridiculous. Stop playing 10 minutes after leaving the vault and meeting nigger forcing me to play minecraft with retarded controlls, googled and confirmed I was right. ITs a cod minecraft Fallout theme park that is Bethesda's departure of everything that made Fallout a great RPG franchise.
Everyone disregarding this and supporting the game is either cucked by industry, or need to repeat lies in order to have some support online by other cucks saying how great the game is. And then they procede flaming CoD for being a pure shooter.

Not the same dude but I played it and bought it at full price user and i regret my purchase because not only did it not deliver on what was promised (go figure) but it was a dissapointing game that is not only lacking in immersion;

>No likeable characters
>Gen 3 graphics
>No interesting plots
>Generic fetch quests

but also lacked any meat or love'. There was nothing that showed any sense of care and thought. It was and is generic.

Mods with survival mode is pretty lit senpai

Ah sorry i didn't read your full post.
I agree with you'.

Witcher 3

Also post best RPG (Obviously not Fallout) OSTs.

I'll start;


If there's one RPG even more casual and dumbed down than FO4 it's the Witcher. You can't even make your own character for fucks sake.

> Bought it a day or so after it came out
> Played it for 155 hours
> Got burnt the fuck out and bored
> Not picked it up since
I'm still deciding whether it was worth it the money back then.

The voice acting and dialogue were a lot better than usual so FO4 has that going for it.

>"still better than TES6/Fallout5"
this. it will be this.

you faggots are all too young to have seen this shit many times before on this very same 4chin

>i'm having fun because i'm ignorant

how truly american

Me too, I was hyped for it and bought it full price thinking that even if it was bad it'd still be somewhat enjoyable like skyrim but I couldn't even finish the main story. I got 32 hours until I dropped it and never touched it again.

>and in this moment, i am euphoric

>Implying games aren't fun unless they look up to your standards.
Literally What?

Story is garbage, but its a solid 7/10 FPS. Just try to think that you are playing a new Far Cry or something.
Just explore the map and do side quests, some are fun. Then play the DLC far harbour.

See? you have played around 50 hours and it wasnt that bad!

I enjoyed it

there doesn't need to be any more explanation

it was fun

If Fallout 4 was named differently, with all fallout related assets replaced, would it be better as it would be a new IP?


"Enjoyed" and "Fun" are just meaningless buzzwords used by people who can't defend their opinion. Try writing something that actually represents your viewpoint and why you think it should be considered correct. Until then you can fucking be disregarded like the worthless post that is.

Yeah, I enjoyed the Witcher 3, its a great game. That doesn't mean I can't enjoy fallout. RPG's in general are usually good money:time investment. You might not always get the stunning RPG you were hoping for, but you can almost definetely get your money's worth out of it.


I don't understand the "exploration" meme, is it just wandering around and clearing dungeons that you will have to clear in a quest later on anyways? Don't people get bored of doing the same fucking thing over and over again?

>"Stop liking things that I don't like!"

if it was the same game with new assets and different name, yes, but it wouldn't have sold as well.

It's not a solid fps. It feels worse to handle than the old Medal of Honor games and Cod 1. How are they so far behind the times

>3k user think is bad compared to 71k who think is good
Are you fucking retarded OP? I mean if the reviews were 50/50 I would agree but fuck your stupid.

It would be better, but they wouldnt be able to shill it as a good game.
Instead rip out every last interesting thing, combine the shit that was more sucessfull, but make is as half ass and least effort u can (cobble up Mass Effect dialoge shit, Fallout setting, Minecraft building and CoD shooting)
And faggots buy hype and then suck Todds dick.
It seems i am not hating video games. I am hating retarded idiots supporting deconstruction of Franchise identities.
I would love to see TES faggots suffering their game turning into a turn based card game.
Monster hunter fags suffering their game turning into City builder
Cod fags suffering their game becoming Idol Competition
I want to see people suffering destruction of things they liked cus there are idiots supporting that shit.

>Don't people get bored of doing the same fucking thing over and over again?

These are the same people that post on Sup Forums so no

nice edge, eurofriend

LoL is the most viewed game ever.
Twilight Sags is best seller
Justin Beiber is a famour rich singer.
>Proves that people are mindless ship that flock to a community like tasteless retards they are. Insecurity and lack of better knowledge praise the lowest denominators in entertainment industry.
Its the same with shitty anime, games books and music being hailed as "the best thing ever"
I hate it cus I thought humans could understand things.

...../´¯/..../´¯\.HATErr../¯` \....\¯`\
..\.................. /.........\................../

Thankfully there are the educated few, like yourself, that can tell us which anime and video games hold a gold standard.

Well its obviously a bad game, its made by Bethesda a company that has never put out a single decent let alone good game, but its still nowhere near as bad as Skyrim or Fallout 3.

I didn't really like how grenade weapons were handled, dialogue is too shallow, having the MC voiced makes quest mods with character interaction even harder than before, the GECK came out way too fucking late and hamstringed what the modding community could have been, and having a bunch of workshop dlc instead of another proper landmass/story thing is stupid.

Other than that, it's fine. Enjoyed playing it.

And yet more people are playing Fallout 4 over Witcher 3

>talks sarcasm
>Posts an image meme of a literal shit tier "look at my vagina" anime for autists
Stay retarded faggot
Back to youtube. This isnt reddit cancer tier even.

>or as game "still better than TES6/Fallout5"

You just wait. People are actually gonna miss the old settlement building system. Somehow, TES6 and Fallout 5 will be even more empty.

Epic comic my friend! Fuck the original fanbase of the game, power armor deathclaws are so random right xDD

>it has better weapon system than borderlands

Just fucking buy it already

I enjoy the adventuring/finding shit aspect. I thoroughly enjoyed my time before I got bored with it and dropped it forever.

I'm happy that my enjoying things you don't like triggers you.

Enjoy shitposting about games you don't even like/play instead of playing the ones you do.


What's the problem? It looks fucking stupid? Laser/Plasma weapons always look fucking stupid in these games.

This is just like those drunk talk about a would if...
>yo brah who would win, robin or salvador
>death claws are so awesome, what do you mean they aren't suppose to be all over america?

>Implying ignorance isn't bliss

Enjoy your existential nightmare, faggot.


>Small yet empty world
>Done all the quests in 40h
(For comparison - 100+h in current skyrim playthrough and always 10 quests to do so I can do something that fits my character
>Main quest is super forced making it impossible to rp without doing main first

>Explosive guns are so OP that there's no reason to get anything else than explosive starter rifle

>Nine months later, Sup Forums is still BTFO about this garbage.

Move the fuck on you broken record piece of shit.

>All the games in the world have to fit my concept of what an rpg is or i'll go into an autistic fit on Sup Forums

Calm down you fucking retard.

>TES6/Fallout5 Ends up being even more streamlined somehow
>All dialogue options only allow you to choose between yes and sarcastic yes


God its so funny watching Obsidrones squeal because fo4 isn't an exact anal copy of new vegas.

Why do you care? It's just opinions. Not everyone has the same opinion as you.