>as a latin
>in every online videogame, ever
>playing the game, chilling
>some random goes in and (buzzwords), (racial slurs), (memes)
why are americans so offensive/edgy/insecure(?) in videogames
As a latin
Other urls found in this thread:
>getting offended by faggots over the internet
You're a language?
You have to go back.
What the fuck is a latin, you retarded piece of shit?
Why are non-Americans so obsessed with Americans?
Baguette Dego Wop
The wall just got 10 ft higher Jose
What the fuck are you doing to let them find out you're a spic?
>americans randomly offending everyone
>"no you are the one being offended here because muh freedoms"
>reading is hard
We just don't get why you shart in the mart.
How can they tell you're Latin? This is coming from a Brazilian-American.
>using what is now called "meme arrows"
>Thinks using green arrows will get him noticed
>Green arrow was bad
>no one watches your thread
I forget what I was doing
>as a latin
National pastime. We're very patrotic about our mart sharting
>reading is hard
apparently it fucking is for you too, faggot. i'm not even the anons you're responding to.
I get that you probably don't know, but I'm taking a shot in the dark.
Do you have any idea why Brazilians are such unbearable nationalist shitheads online?
You guys are our favorite soap opera.
They like to talk shit because they know you cant do anything
9/10 times a game has a mute function consider using it
be hispanic in america
Call everyone beaner, nigger , spic, cracker,gook etc
seriously grow a pair faggot its the internet
You're not a glorious latin, you are a latino, spic.
Nihil spurcius est te
Because I don't use names like "xXLONEWOFLOVERXx", but something more "normal" like latin-related names. And apparently that triggers a few people. Which is the point of this thread -- to why this keep hapening.
It's like the US is always being invaded by mexicans, BR's and the like. And the americans throw tantrums, etc because of such.
>playing a competitive game
>block functions does not work because devs are too retarded to fix
>ameritard decides to pick on me because "memes, lol"
tbhfam the more I play vidya, the more I think that the americans are "today's BR's". Just switch the hue spam to (random racial slurs), and it's the same shit.
>He's one of those faggots that makes their real name their username
And suddenly it all makes sense. You have no one but yourself to blame you fucking idiot.
>using unique/different names makes me a idiot
brb, changing my name to "BURGERLOVER" lmao amirite
>Run a store
>Pride myself in being as unbiased as possible
>Hispanic family comes into my store
>"Good afternoon everyo-"
>Okay, I can work with this
>Has to have her 5-year-old daughter translate
>Takes them 15 minutes to choose two dollars worth of stuff
>Pays with a fifty dollar bill
>Her children are no longer wearing clothes and are running around my store screaming, pulling decorations off the walls
>They stay for an hour
>They leave garbage everywhere, spill soda on the tables and steal half my coffee creamers
>They never say please, thank you or say hello
>There are several families that do this every week
>The other Latinos who come in are similar in demeanor, leave shit everywhere and scare away other customers by having yelling matches outside and selling heroin
I wouldn't be as upset at seeing you if it wasn't a punishment having you around.
>basic grammar is hard
>He thinks naming himself Juan, Marco or Bartolomeo somehow makes him a unique special snowflake
You're nothing but an attention whore with his head shoved so far up his ass he thinks you can't make a unique username without using the ugliest of the romance languages. You're also hypocritical as fuck for bitching and whining about getting "picked on" for your nationality then ragging on and on about Americans
if you get offended by shit like that you must be half american
like seriouly i have never seen anyone for my country or from any other latinamerican country give a fuck about all the shit americans complain about
Maybe I should also generalize Americans and say they are a bunch of fatsos who eats hamburgers 24/7 all day long. Would you like that? Bet you wouldn't.
Spoilers: Retards are everywhere.
Thanks for giving me a reason/motivation to keep this thread going, user.
>be Mandarin
>Can't even afford a computer
Consider yourself lucky OP
You're not a latin you spic shitskin the only people with large ammounts of remaning Roman DNA are Italians
Oh I hate this. Like we need to drag Rome through the dirt any more.
t. Latino
>Randomly insulting others and getting triggered by other languages on a international forum
>Why are you guys obsessed with us
You people truly lack self awareness.
>user points out OP is a dumbass, a hypocrite and being a brat
>lol u mad bro
You do realize this is the reason everyone gives you shit online and not because you're a spic, right?
>Complaining about naked vandals who refuse to communicate is "nitpicking"
You really aren't helping people's image of you being that you have no idea to speak English properly
>nothing than venting anger/frustation over nothing
>"n-no, he had a point!"
If you are retarded.
Most are underage, it's gotten better than it was back in the mid 2000s but if you're playing F2P games you have yourself to blame senpai, it attracts the worst types of people.
Post 5 (five) examples of this happening
I bet you've never even been on Sup Forums
It's a brown Beaner thinks he's a white Spaniard Episode
I use my real name for in-game characters. What's wrong with that?
>nothing than venting anger/frustation over nothing
You're describing OP.
>As a Latin
You're not Latin, are you a Roman? No, you're a New Worlder Indian who speaks a variant of Spanish
Sup Forums is banter and meme central, I wouldn't take the board seriously for anything.
because latin/hispanic peoples are 90% of the time trash talking obnoxious retards, the fact that they shit up English servers with their shitty accents and attitudes is just icing on the hate cake
It's uncreative
are your insults better in spanish?
That's completely different. In-game characters with your name are unimaginative but also harmless. But when was the last time you ran into a guy whose Steam name was their real name and they weren't a humongous retard?
Thread theme:
People hate you because you queue in English and then insist on speaking beanertongue and generally being trash.
source: my 1500 hours in Dota 2
>"OP is the one who is upset!"
If you are retarded/can't read.
it's called insecure white boys under the age of 16. Just ignore them, their culture is becoming toxic so they will just harbor resentment towards to world and leave a unfulfilling life with a side of a narcissistic mood disorder.
Americanization of the rest of the first and second world. Forcing white guilt on countries that never even dealt with niggers and instead were busy with say, classism or christian terrorism is a prime example of how destructive this is to a country's culture.
I don't know OP?
Why are other countries such thin skinned little bitches?
Aside from Aussies and Russians, everyone else I've played with has to have their own little safe space.
It's the internet
ai papi
>some random goes in and (buzzwords), (racial slurs), (memes)
and then you go...
fucking retarded beaner
Daily because he is me
>calls others insecure
>so insecure about himself that he creates a thread on an Egyptian hieroglyphic carving forum blaming Americans for his own thin skin
If you can't handle the bantz, then get the fuck out
You can stop the damage control, OP. Everyone knows it's you.
No, you are not a Hastati, Legio, Triarii or Patricivs
Hispanic, beaner or latino is what you mean
But genuinely why do so many people online love being edgy and offensive? All insults are usually like "nigger faggot" and a bunch of other slurs for no reason. Is it just because only 14 year old white males post on the internet?
Pretty sure the average dude doesn't give a shit about any of that
>You can stop the damage control
Yeah, you are really retarded.
Says the only country with "safe spaces" in universities and literal daycare centers for adults.
t. humongous retard
I use latino named because they're easier to come up with.
I'm not good creating fantasy names.
Neither of you are "latin", you're from the third world and none of your genes trace back to Rome. I don't understand why your culture tries to glorify itself by naming itself after a great empire that you had nothing to do with.
There are still Romans in this world?
>Garbage-slinging nudist vandals are in the right here
How's uncle Juan doing? Still in the can?
Immature players are the most vocal. If you don't like it, mute them or stop playing.
I use my name on my characters/account all the time and never had any problems. OP must be scrub or refuse to talk english in english servers
shut up and kill yourself faggot
Again, character names and usernames aren't the same thing. How are there people that don't understand this?
>American education
You know not everything circles around race? You know from where the Romance languages?
>Only countries with safe spaces
>Europe is literally letting muslims have their own safe spaces with sharia law zones.
At least here we can make fun of the idiots without getting arrested.
The Latins were an Italic tribe in the classical era. OP is either 2500 years old or has a time machine.
>caring what a shart in the mart thinks about you
I name all of my characters after utter gibberish. It's more fun to play as a character named "Trubagool" than say "Ricardo" or "Kevin"
>remove a word
>gets Sup Forums triggered this hard
nice job, op
>only americans do this
>only the english do this
>be me
>from some obscure shitty country nobody cares about
>listen to my non-opinion while i litter in unwarranted condescension
This is why I shit talk subhumans who talk in different languages whenever needed. They're all fucking morons too they can't even reply they'll just go ????? ? ? ? ? ?
why are you such a thin skinned wetback?
>t. Mexican
>At least here we can make fun of the idiots without getting arrested.
no you can't
you can get twitter arrested in the US
Grow a pair of cojones, maricón.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who does this. I just combine a bunch of syllables
>They're all fucking morons too they can't even reply they'll just go ????? ? ? ? ? ?
next time install windows foreign character support
Which word?
But 75% of Amerifats are burger-slurping hamplanets. Stereotypes are based off of something, you know.
>third world education
>cannot form a coherent sentence
You are not latin. Your tongue is a derivative language from Latin, sure, but that would be like English speakers calling themselves germanics. Do you see how stupid that would be? Now apply it to yourself.
>Hispanics calling themselves "latin"
Referring to South America/South Americans as "Latin America" or "latin race" has been a thing since the 19th century.
It was mostly a french plot to get allies to fight the eternal anglos and krauts, unfortunately americans were too dumb and thought it was a real thing so here we are now.
>>as a latin
What did she mean by this?
I've been a victim of racial insults only once. Same with insults for using an anime avatar. Maybe I'm just lucky.
As a mart sharting amerifat McGeneral, I have to agree with you
>????? ? ? ? ? ?
actually, it's Beaners and Niggers who have the highest obesity rates.
And as European i refuse to call them Americans.
>Shitposting at the library
I salute you brother.