Did even one thing go right?
Did even one thing go right?
Combat was pretty good and a lot better than previous installments, everything else was a let down
power armor
it looked nice but that's it. way too much hassle than to just run around without it.
me not buying another Bethesda game
Every Bethesda game has been disappointing in the last 5 or so years now
Todd Howard is a hack fraud
Pic related saves the game.
I had my 100 hours of fun with it and uninstalled it. Mostly exploring the whole map. The Glowing Sea was pretty cool but so fucking empty.
voice acting was varied and decently done
After I became I immortal I stopped concerning myself about the needs of the wasteland.
The aesthetic was really strange. Everything was too clean and shiny. Voiced protag is the main reason I stopped playing.
The customization was good, but underdeveloped. A lot of mods were just tiny upgrades, a lack of variety killed it, plus not having any ability to make different kinds of munition.
Armor was much the same, I really enjoyed having clothing-under-armor return.
Power armor
Weapon customization
Voiced MC
No more time freezing when talking
If Bethesda made the settlement building as upgrading to bigger and better pre-made towns/farm instead of the shitty free-build we have, it would have been a 10/10 game.
>way too much hassle than to just run around without it
That's objectively wrong; you can carry more and run faster with power armor, and fusion cores comes seasily.
Yeah. Especially coming from the Capital Wasteland from Fallout 3 where everything looked depressing. That's what made the wasteland for me. The Commonwealth just seemed so...
Fallout 3: Muh atmosphere
Fallout 4: Muh expanded color palette and optimism
That said F04 was alright for 10 hours but I
ve had my fill of it for the time being.
Really? I prefer the direction fallout 4 took. It actually looked like a city that existed in a 50s ray gun gothic world. The added variety of reds and blues also was easier on the eyes than everything being green and brown.
Aside from her dreadful accent Cvrie was actually one of my favorite things because of the morality of giving a robot life and if you don't try to fuck her you could treat her like a surrogate child or other weird shit.
the new mirelurks were great, I think that's about it
i enjoyed it for a playthrough.
its an FPS with light RPG elements, just like every other first person fallout. what would you expect?
fucking children
Fuck you
>Voiced MC
Are you retarded? Genuine question.
Creature design and models were pretty good
So did the Capital Wasteland...or what little there was in that shithole...I don't know, I guess I'm saying the Commonwealth just felt too....Clean and organized i guess compared to F03. But shit, maybe that's just because of the generation difference.
Appealing to people who started with Fallout 3
Oh look it's this webm again. Dude, every game has bugs in one form of another. No game is perfect. Let it fucking go.
Fuck you. That webm is hilarious
No shit. But if you were posting that in response to the thread as a "point"...it's dull.
Fuck off todd. Your game is shit
Will Summer never end??
I figure that once all the dlc is out for it and there are a decent amount of mods, it'll be as entertaining as skyrim
>get one bug, get another free!
best looking fallout
building/crafting system isn't as annoying and intrusive as I thought it would be when I watched the trailer
bethesda recognize their inferiority and ripped new vegas' system of different factions and endings
removed some annoying stuff from the previous modern fallouts, like repairing weapons
world is more believable than FO3 and maybe even NV
but having that fucking mass effect dialog system was the fucking worst, I swear to Christ I wanted it to be a joke and they wouldn't do it when I saw the trailer
Combat was good. I actually enjoyed the workshop stuff, but they never should've made workshop stuff as part of the season pass. Not everyone is into it.
>best looking fallout
do you like cartoons? do you? fucking subhuman, that artstyle is nothing but cancer
go be a contrarian somwhere else
The change wasn't good but the VAs (specifically the female one) were.
Not who you responded to, but as compared to the other Fallouts? It's the best looking one.
Compared to other games, sure, it's not.
NV, even 3, with some modding feels way better. The cartoonish style is really a turn off for me, and I hope it won't become a trend.
>They didn't remove SPECIAL (it might as well have been though)
>Shooting feels decent thanks to improvements like actual recoil and enemies reacting to getting shot
>There's actual color and contrast, the sky is actually blue for once
>Unlike Fallout 3 people have actual sources of food i.e. farms
>You can side with one of four different (and awfully written, like the rest of the game) factions near the end of the main quest
>Despite them almost completely fucking it up in the gameplay department, they got the look and feel of power armor right
>Stephen Russell voices 2 companions
Some things at least
I enjoyed Fallout4
ok kid
Customization is good in theory but could have been implemented much better.
Sooooo this somehow proves that the game is shit? Everyone already knows this combination is only possible with a mod
what kind of disgusting palette has someone to use for this results?
defend this
I must not have been paying attention but what was the institute's ultimate goal? They make robots and then what?
The ghouls in Fallout 3/NV actually look like rotting corpses. In Fallout 4 they just look like shriveled prunes.
give birth to a new civilization without the radiated scum from aboveground
not what a really want to now is wtf was the railroad's ultimate goal
>say they love synths as much as any other human
>institute makes synths
>want to destroy the institute
>suddenly no more synths
Ghouls in Fallout 3 and New Vegas look like shit, but not in the intended way
Why did Fallout 1 and 2 have better looking NPCs than the newer games?
Sorry, meant gun custimization
Holy shit! It's neither a boring Pipe weapon or the old ass Hunting rifle. Please don't tell me this from mods...can you get this in vanilla version?
her synth model is shit tho. Man I wish I'd never finished her quest.
Because efforts were put into them. Both 1 and 2 were incredible. 4, on the other hand..
I'm the leader of the goddamn Institute and I can't craft a synth body for Curie? Fuck off Todd, thats some bullshit.
Kill yourself.
I hope the next Fallout is a bit more realistic and has lush green vegetation and wild animals everywhere, as it should be after a nuclear war.
He alone might be the best character in Fallout series. And that's including old and new games.
The whole nuclear scenario never made any real world sense and was completely fictional. Also apparently they had a fuckton of nukes in the fallout universe. NV was ok, F3 maybe was too much for some people, I enjoyed both.
I haven't played any dlc but the main story was awful and to linear for me to appreciate. Felt like I couldn't make my own story which is like the main part of this franchise
>brotherhood of steel ending is literally just a copy/paste of fallout 3
>synth storyline is just blade runner redux. It's not even done tastefully
>only good companion is the dog. All the others are Waifu bait/insufferable
>hardcore mode doesn't require you to meet hunger needs it just makes stimpacks heal differently/makes enemies harder to kill
>the whole base idea is silly and pointless.
>power armor is pointless
>90% of the quests are "go to this settlement and kill stuff then come back"
>storyline is laughably short
>no really interesting locations/memorable quests
Yes, vanilla
Yeah, it improved the gunplay.
so not really voiced protagonist, but voice actors?
boston is a great setting for a fallout
Hell yeah. What's the non custom name?
Companions were a huge improvement, we just need a better evil follower than Strong
It is just the hunting rifle with the mods in the picture installed, and with the never ending garbage legendary effect
>They didn't even get the name right
>Fallout 3
>Fallout New Vegas
>Fallout 4
Is it because of the .50 cal upgrade or something? No nother weapon mod does that when I configure my Hunting Rifle.
What? The never ending part? That is a legendary effect. You pick up random items with random effects like these from legendary enemies
Because 1 and 2 probably had only 12 or so actually modeled NPC's apiece.
>pre-rendered CGI from a proto-AAA development house vs. real-time graphics on a decade old engine in 2008
gee I wonder.
How could anyone ever mention that as a positive?
Never mind. I'll figure it out if I ever even play again.
They care more about the quality of the life of current synths rather than them reproducing.
If you had the option to free all the nigger slaves during the 1800s even if it meant they all became sterile, I imagine you would still do it.
Maybe because it's the core of the gameplay?
Fuck, wanted to say, shooting is good (compared to FO3/NV.
Dealing with a head ache right now.
>tfw No Enclave overhaul
desu PPA did it better in 2011
>They finally got around to improving combat
>Deathclaws finally look cool and are now a credible threat if you aren't prepared for them
>Power armor got a much needed overhaul and is not no longer just good armor you get for putting up with the BoS bullshit
>Feral ghouls also got a much needed redesign
>Nick Valentine was one of the best goddamn followers i've ever seen in a Fallout game
>The parallel between you and Kellogg was interesting
Some may call this junk. Me? I call them treasures.
Agree with these
The art style sucked balls as well. Everyone knows the guns looked stupid, but the vehicles, vending machines and buildings looked weird as shit. The aircraft and some of the tank things look retarded.
It fun game to explore and craft shit, but is bad fallout game due to lacking past atmosphere and not being able to decide if it wants to be rpg or fps.
I wanted to be energy weapons only
apparently you can't
um, yes you can
You can, but not during the earlier parts of the game
see, i'm autistic i can't have that.
if i can't immerse myself in the game i just get bored.
they already destroyed a good chunk of immersion making you having a family and all that stuff.
i wanted to be a blonde with power armor and energy weapons, and they didn't let me.
I am going to hate myself for saying this, but use mods/console commands to give yourself a energy pistol and some ammo. You can also have dogmeat glitch through and get the cryo gun, if that counts.
Damn i forgot about the cryo gun. What a bunch of wasted potential that was.
You couldn't start 3 or New Vegas energy weapons only either
Having a family is no different than being a vault dweller test with saving your vault, looking for your dad, or being a mail carrier seeking revenge for being shot
they never stuck with just one thing and tried to do that really well. they wanted to do everything and failed at all of them.
You could in new Vegas if your went straight to freeside
Who's said it has to be revenge?
>fallout 3
you're a teenager out of the vault, you can create your story
You're a courier with amnesia, you can create your background story
It's completely different stuff when the game is telling you from the beginning that you're a husband and a father
The profit
Go away todd
It is pretty horrible when a game forces this shit down your throat
You can easily play a pure energy weapons character in New Vegas, you get to start out with a laser pistol and on top of that you can buy a recharger rifle which is a nifty starter weapon with INFINITE ammo
I don't have the attention span for long dialogue so I'm glad I can just walk away.
>you couldn't start NV with energy weapons only either
You can grab a laser pistol from Doc Mitchell's house with ammo even before you go out of the door. Also how stupid do you have to be to not see the difference between minimalistic story background in NV and full on "this was your character, this was your partner and oh look this was your son"
Mods and console commands aren't going to remove the NPCs reminding you every five minutes that you are "le sole surviver".
>Todd and Pete Hines are in this thread