21 million subscribers worldwide

>21 million subscribers worldwide.
>Lets say 15 million just in USA and Canada.
>15 million X 50 = 750 million.
>Increase PS+ price by 10 dollars
>Sony now has about 900 million in yearly PS+ revenue
Sony wins again baby.

>B-but buildings sold
>B-but Sony is bankrupt
>B-but Sony is too poor to release a PS4


Only stating facts, m8.

revenue =/= profit

>look at how successful this company i gave a lot of my money to is!
good for you m8

How much of that money will you see, OP? Why do you care so much?

I feel like this is troll post anout sonyggers defending PS+ after shitposting about Microsoft's paid subscription for years.

Why are you so happy that some jap is going to have more money in a year than you'll have in your entire life?

Sony fans really are cucks

Making mad dosh means they will be healthy and stay in the console business for a loooong time and thats good for everyone.

More money goes in, more money will get used for making games.

>ironically cheering for a company getting rich by penny pinching you
Ironically end your ironic life


>More money goes in, more money will get used for making games.
Do you really think they care about making good videogames? They only care about money, kid, and if bad games make money (like they are doing now) they'll keep doing it.

The delusion is real

And look how much they're sitting on their asses right now doing nothing. PS+ is getting more expensive every year, the ps neo looks like crap and microsoft has overtaken them in sales. ;)

>tfw Gabe makes that solely off of hat sales in TF2

another thing
did you know that sony made 7$ for each multiplat sold on ps4?
and ps4 sells around 100M games each year

so you can add another 700 millions dollars to that

Holy shit, I wanna be part of this too. How do I work for Sony? I could even clean their toilets.

>implying everyone currently subscribed will continue to do so at the higher price point

You are not factoring in the fall off from people unwilling or unable to pay the extra $10

>Do you really think they care about making good videogames?
They are the only ones still making them so thats a clear yes. Did you see what MS and Nintendo brought to the last 2 E3s? Spoilers: Nothing.

>microsoft has overtaken them in sales.

>You are not factoring in the fall off from people unwilling or unable to pay the extra $10
Doubt that there will be many. That number is old and I actually believe it will grow as the PS4 sales grow.

>sony making 2 billions yearly without releasing a single game

>They are the only ones still making them so thats a clear yes.

Really? I haven't seen any good games from Sony in a long time. Nu Male's Sky was a trainwreck, for example.

Youre an idiot

A pretty basic fundamental rule of business is that if you increase price, expect less sales volume

Just this year:
Street Fighter V
Ratchet & Clank
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
Shadow of the Beast
Star Ocean 5: Integrity and Faithlessness (Counting it for releasing a console thats appealing for japanese)

Still to release:
and NI-Oh

just from the top of my head.

>More money goes in, more money will get used for making games.

That's why you defend paying to play online? Are you that desperate for games?

I did not say the numbers will not reduce. I just think there will be not many people falling out. Why? There is no alternative.

>Are you that desperate for games?
Yes I am and Sony are the only ones bringing them. There are no games from MS, Nintendo and PC is full of shovelware trash.

paying for multiplayer is now a good thing


Those are just published by sony, dumbnut, it's the same as saying that EA has made a ton of good games, wich they haven't

That retard ZhugeExe is really trying to push this 'PSN is super successful for Sony!" angle.

Is this satire?

It's alright when sony does it :))

>not wanting to support Sony

Holy fuck Nintendrones are out in full force tonight.

Wow, that's pretty hilarious. I gotta admit.

Its understandable that nintencucks are angry. Them giving nintendo money for free by bying happy meals toys did not save nintendo while Sony is making mad dosh.