>No Mans Sky had an advertising budget of 50 million, exclusively paid by Sony and Other publisher expenses.
>No Mans Sky made 200m in sale profits
>No Mans Sky had an advertising budget of 50 million, exclusively paid by Sony and Other publisher expenses.
>No Mans Sky made 200m in sale profits
>Its still in the top 3 most sold games on amazon and steam
Remember: Marketing > Quality games
>That fat fuck Gaben not on the picture
wew lad, it's ok when valve does it
He needs his own picture, otherwise none of the others would fit.
Nice source OP, but you might want to make your threads a little more believable before shilling your own video.
The controversy surrounding it has also been free advertising on top of it all.
I don't believe it for a second. I mean, where the fuck did that $50m go? I don't remember seeing any TV ads or any expensive shit.
I can imagine them spending $5m on it, and they've probably recouped that from license fees.
Nice rip-off of CrowbCat vids
have to lie about a game that's released or at least in the works for it to count m8
>only one person is allowed to make a clip show of lies
>Space is nothing but technicolor clouds
no thanks
Ill wait for the much superior space game to release
my posts on Sup Forums alone added up to $100,000
goes to show sonyggers will eat any hyped up piece of shit that happens upon their dead console
>same style
>same topic
>same editing
>same music
At least be original nigga
why the fuck does Sup Forums keep making threads about this cunt's feet and teeth
his mom made $200 million in profits by getting her fat snatch pounded every night
You're going to be waiting for a long time, bud.
>Game developer
Good one
Wonder what it's ranking is for refunds.
Quentin Tarantino must be cringing somewhere