Why are vieeo games so shitty these days

Why are vieeo games so shitty these days

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They're not, you just have shit taste

Because you're getting older.

They're not, you just have shit taste

Because you're getting older.

What do you think Enzo is up to these days?

They're not, you just have shit taste


AndrAIa was my first waifu

Because you are an overweight manchildren neckbeard faggot that's why

He lost last night

lol i bet you play games like dishonored and nu male sky

The last Reboot thread was great, lets keep it going

Actual answer:

The continual focus on graphical fidelity and realism in games has, especially in more recent years, resulted in dumbed-down gameplay (QTEs, duck-and-cover shooters, fetchquests, etc.) hogging the limelight. A lot of the modern videogame audience doesn't care about a game's gameplay elements, they're instead sold purely on hype and graphics of th game - but who can blame them? Demos barely exist these days, so judging by gameplay before you part your cash is difficult to the average consumer that doesn't know how to (or can't) pirate.

Shooters in particular have dominated the market - partly because they're easy to make (just some basic raycasting in most cases), leading a lot of vidya to go that route whilst other genres seem to disappear or land in the mixed-bag that is indie vidya. Open world games have also been having quite an impact on vidya recently, but the technology just isn't quite there to make them work, leading to sacrifices (usually via a world that's vast but not very interactive, especially compared to traditional arcade-e or otherwise linear games) and graphical limitations.

I'm oversimplifying for the sake of Sup Forums, but this is what I get out of it.

no I dont

Popularity. Its the bane of every hobby's integrity.

I busted out the CRT and my old consoles for the kids the other day, and even they know quality when they play it.

There's nothing more pathetic than a midlife crisis shitposter on Sup Forums... Go play older games, and see if you like them

>hex is always a qt in concept art
>she looks like some jewish guy's aunt int the show

Share with us some worthwhile games please.

Not even trying to be facetious, anytime Sup Forums can try discussing and recommending vidya is worth striving for - it'd certainly better than just saying the problem is their own whilst not countering it in any way.

Publishers figured out that you don't have to make good games for them to sell

Dead. They all died when MegaByte came back as a Trojan horse virus and infected the entire system. That's why it got cancelled after the second movie.

why is life so shit these days

Rising costs due to better technology combined with how much profit the industry makes now means that decisions are mostly corporate instead of creative. Not to mention the higher costs push out mid-level developers that would have changed things up and pushed boundaries a couple generations ago. Even making something "different" nowadays is boiled down to making a glorified indie platformer.

Risks are avoided as much as possible because men in suits who don't play video games try to play it super safe then fail, eg Star Wars The Old Republic. If you're a guy in a suit you'd think that Star Wars + WoW + Bioware = $$$ but it tanked. Or Battleborn; combine Borderlands with Moba elements and mass multiplayer and you're guaranteed to make money, right? Or combine GotS with FPS, or Thief with simplified "epic" gameplay, or MGS with zombies, or Dragon Age 2 with simplified "awesome button" gameplay, or any given game in the past couple yearswith open world, etc.

The other issue is the way the industry has been run means that it now mostly runs on hype. Other mediums have annual events to celebrate quality achievements but gaming just has the enormous hype machine that is E3 to ANTICIPATE achievements. A game sells on hype, so build that up as much as possible and it doesn't matter what you release; if the hype is high enough people will be so invested in the idea that the game is good they'll convince themselves on your behalf. Just look at fucking No Man's Sky for a shining example of this.

Sony are leading the console "war" because they can generate hype at E3. Look at their Shenmue, No Man's Sky and Last Guardian announcements to see this.


So what's MegaByte up to then?

you want suggestions? fine, but the way this works you have to first tell us what genres you like, what specific games you like, and what was the last game you played before succumbing to this games suck mentality.

Summed it up pretty well

I'm not OP, there's still modern games I like and will play, but to call OP the problem is just ridiculous when there's a definite shift in what types of videogames get the limelight as other genres barely live on. I do feel that videogames have gotten worse, but that's probably since I like platformers, arcade racing sims, adventure puzzlers, and similar genres that don't have much going for them anymore.

Still, why did so many anons blame OP instead of asking the question you just asked?
As always, the vidya board does anything to avoid discussing videogames.

Died when the User gave up and chucked the hard drive in the trash can.

>mfw this is an actual canonical possibility

reminder that Hex will never force herself onto you

He can't access the net before that happens?

To that drawfag who took my ReBoot porn request in the ReBoot thread, thank you.

guys, i think my game's broken. I was playing zelda and this blue skinned npc is jumping all over the map into places you cant normally reach and trying hit me with a hammer or a baseball bat or some other mundane object he pulls out of nowhere. I swear, every time i lose, a big chunk of my workfiles get deleted.

Nice. Very well put.

If the User must not win what do sprites and binomes do if they reboot into support characters?

You might not believe it but there has always been more bad games than good games. Popular ones really stood out before, but now you really have to sift through the polished turds to find something satisfying.


>be a sociopathing insane virus who exists purely to cause chaos
>one guy is still nice to you despite the shit you put him through
>he fixes your face beyond what it even was before
>be devoted to him and only him

Hex would do anything for Bob and that's what made her so perfect

reminder that Mortal Combat killed enzo

Western games are influenced by capitalist interests to appeal to the widest possible audience, which is a stark contrast to the niche market that video games were developed in during the late 80s and 90s.
For this reason, you have games that are satisfying on the surface and accessible being made by the people with the most money. Indie devs have to rely on consumer venture capital, or venture capital corporations (who don't give a shit about video games for the most part) looking to accrue a large amount of wealth to develop niche or more specific games, for what will almost certainly be a low turnout. Games that reach to a smaller audience are now typically stuck in development hell (including early access), or rushed with less budget. Meanwhile triple A games are made with a series of professional deadlines and goals, which tends to result in a pretty but ultimately unappealing game.


*Video games are influenced by capitalist interests to appeal to the widest possible audience

>You don't have a problem with Viruses, do you?
>No, uh, not all of 'em, not you, not now, but this is a bad Virus, Hex. Nothin' like you
>So you'd feel better if they all went away?
>Well... yeah.
>Okay. Wait here.

Hex being sincere was great

and then cut away to austin powers parody


The age old ReBoot question...

Was Bob black?

In short you can sum it up as

>We want to appeal to a broader audience.

Hex is best waifu.

Because any old asshole can easily make them now

where can i watch all of this show?

He was blue, stupid

yes u do

dub a dee dub a die

>dot was only allowed to have a monoboob on ABC
>they leave ABC
>do this

Actually, the lyrics were "if I go pee I will die"

That's why escort missions are such a pain. They're intentionally hampering you.

Link, you putz.

>the ABCs are turning on us!

>not being a target audience
top kek

Did reboot make anyone else sad? The main characters die at the end, the kid has to take their place. Gets rekt and sent in to vidya forever.

Because normies will eat any cinematic SOO REAL minimal effort shit that you shovel into their mouths. Video games are doomed to be QTE movies and mobile garbage.

>Season 2 ends
>Season 3 starts as a coming-of-age story for Enzo with a nice mixture of goofy games and MegaByte being an effective villain
>Suddenly Mortal Combat
>Enzo gets his fucking eye gouged out
>Game Over
>That fucking silence
Young me was not ready.

>Still no reboot videogame.
Some day.

>sent in to vidya forever
most horrible nightmare

Because you won't let yourself appreciate them. Stop being a cynical asshole and/or get another hobby.

There was one for the PS1. It sucked.


Bob getting sent into the net, followed by this blew my fucking mind as a child.
Then Matrix happened.

There was one for the PS, but it was shit.

Also, those fuckers should have wrapped things up after they got their second chance, instead they end on ANOTHER cliff hanger and we never know what happens.


Here you go.


Good for us, bad for poor lil enzo.


I thought ReBoot ended with the computer being Rebooted and everything went back to normal


This is the only game I remember renting from Blockbuster as a kid. I remember being stuck on that damn hoverboard in level 1 and then returning it.

LCD monitors became more common than CRT.
Once that happened, "photorealistic" graphics became more feasible. We've gotten to a point where more money is probably spent on graphics than actual gameplay. If you look at the textures in Mario 64, theyre absolute dogshit. You could accurately recreate them in MSpaint. It probably took them two or three days tops to make all of the textures in the game. Nowadays some poor fuck goes to work and spends five hours making sure the main characters chest hair is properly aligned, reflects light properly, and changes shape in different temperatures. People like to say how fucking cool it is that earlobes turn orange when light shines through them in Uncharted 4 but that doesnt make the game fun, does it?
Games dont even have to fun anymore. They just make it look cool and people buy it. What are you gonna do after you buy it? Its your problem now retard. Its even worse now that people are buying games before they release.
I see three ways that this problem is fixed
>photorealistic graphics become cheaper to produce
>games become more expensive, say $80, so devs can take more risks (fucking impossible in the DLC age)
>demos make a comeback, and majority of players expect to be able to try the game before buying it
Were already seeing demos come back in the form of Open "betas" and I think theyre going to be more and more common. Who fucking knows. Also I see this thread has nothing to do with this anymore but I spent too long typing this to just delete it


How would ReBoot do modern vidya parodies?

because you fried your computer beating all the fun ones.

nope, mainframe did a contest to write a comic over 10 years ago, and the winner's comic was considered 'canon'

Shaking my dick to be quite honest, Proud Family

Think that was a different season


Thats how the main thing ended and then it started following beefed up enzo as an adult in another season. Maybe all went back to normal after that but never saw it.

>Start game
>User falls out of world and dies due to not having day 1 patch

I remember when I was six, and the season 2 finale aired...and I got grounded and wasn't able to watch it on YTV

then the next day all the kids at school were talking about it.

normalshits let this happen
companies can try to hype market shit all they want but if no one bought into it they wouldn't try it
fucking retards buying NMS by the millions AND DEFENDING IT because their lives are so devoid of purpose that they have to attach their entire identity onto a fucking video game
or look at the ps4, a console that has MAYBE 5 exclusives worth owning (and that's counting shit like uncharted and that lazy R&C remake) and will probably cross 50 million units sold by this holiday season. why? what the fuck is the point of owning this shit?

>CoD, Halo, WoW, LoL/DoTA, Minecraft, TF2 parodies
>Invisible walls
>Chest high walls, duck n cover
>Somehow fit online play and matchmaking in since it got way more popular in the 2000s
>Walking simulators somehow
>Pixelshit indie platformers

You can think of plenty of bullshit with modern games to parody.

It's easy to imagine them doing social commentary on modern internet, tech, vidya, and movies. That's practically all they were doing anyways.

The user is terrible, they can't even win at a young children's funhouse game.

Because the entirety of the gaming audience is too busy getting triggered over anything that isn't SJW propaganda, or anything that isn't blatant racist/sexist propaganda.

So there's little to no voice left to complain when companies do terrible shit or release straight up bad games.

>western women in video games

it would be the most sporadic game ever.

Gen Z fuckers and their distorted, entitled reception of reality.