Gandhi has completed the Manhattan Project

>Gandhi has completed the Manhattan Project.

>start game
>perfect spot with a shitload of resources
>explore the surroundings
>"I am Shaka! Ruler of the Zulu Kingdom! Why have you come?"
>exit game

How long does it usually take to finish/win a game?

I bet his leader agenda in Civ6 is somehow going to involve nukes, people can't seem to get tired of that meme

~6000 years

ahahahaha le gandhi nuclear meme nice reference mate!! upvoted!!

Depending on the settings, from 4 to 12+ hours, it's actually easier to finish a game aerly in the game when it's in marathon mode.

Yeah I bought complete edition without ever knowing what CivV actually was.

I'm pretty sure I put the longest settings because I'm just now in the 1980s in turn 250.

>pick civ and set 3 others to random
>start game
>go a 100 truns before i find the last civ
>it's Alexander
>i have citystates on
>exit game

Were the devs just having fun by making the peace loving Ghandi a bloodthirsty maniac?

i think it was a bug in the first game? they tried to give Gandhi a negative number as his inclination to use nukes to represent how peaceful he was, but the negative number overflowed or something and actually made him the most nuke happy leader. they kept it in the later games as a throwback to that.

when democracy achieved, everyone's "violence" stat would decrease a bit
ghandi's would roll over from 0 to 254 or something
honest question: have you ever played a video game

When nuclear weapons are created everyone's aggression went down 2 points. Ghandi has a normal aggression of 1 but instead of going negative it rolled back around to the most aggressive

After the big in the first game it became an inside joke. The aggression is fixed but if you do war Gandhi in the late game prepare for nukes


>No Indira Gandhi who really is a blood thirsty dictator and willing to use nukes

Niggers, am I right?

>Le ebin reddit Zulu meme
Seriously, they're not hard to beat. Just build 4-5 melee units and fortify them around one of your cities.

It was a bug in the first game. Each AI had settings for how they would act, their aggressiveness, etc. on a scale. Gandhi's aggressiveness was set to zero. However due to civs getting a -1 aggressiveness upon taking a democratic government form, Gandhi's 0 rolled over to the max and he would immediately become a hyper aggressive violence freak.

That was a bug. The devs liked it so much they put it in subsequent games as a joke.

>playing on emperor

>Wah this is too hard
>"Here's a solution"

>play random
>get Poland
>fuck everyone up

>He doesn't BTFO of Ghandi before he starts researching it in every game


defeat ghandi first, no matter the cost
wipe him off the face of the earth

Yes that was my point. Your stupid "advice" doesn't work on higher difficulty.

>mfw Ghandi tries to Ban Luxury: Porcelain

Then why bitch about the game being too hard when you play on difficulty levels you can't handle?

The game isn't too hard, Zulus just fuck you over if you start next to them. That's the whole fucking point.

So you're saying the game is too hard?

>Literally arguing about who is worse against the AI in a game intended for multiplayer

just stop you retard

>Start game
>Salt nearby
>Explore area nearby

>the game is too easy
>except when this happens, then its too hard

Make up your fucking mind you crybaby. If Zulus fuck you over then its making it a challenge.

I don't have friends for multiplayer

What're everyone's favorite scale setting? I've always used the largest map mode and max sims

im not even him, you're just retarded
zulus fuck you over on the highest difficulty to the point where you cannot win if you start near them
this is a fact
it's not much of a problem more than it is funny
you're just an autistic fuckup with no friends seeking negative attention on the internet because it's the best you can do
you should just kill yourself at this point

It's not making a challenge it's making it's so you get waves of impi slam their fucking spears right in your ass so you're forced to completely focus your production on units so you're pretty much unable to do shit up until you get dynamite but since you couldn't really focus on science cause of all those niggers flailing their dicks around you're a lot behind everybody else in the game making it impossible to win. Zulus don't win either. It's like their victory condition is for you not to win. So it's just bad AI and even worse balancing. Doesn't mean the game is too hard it means that in this on in 1000 scenario you're gonna get fucked no matter what you do on higher difficulties. It's pure rng. You're talking to multiple people btw.

So play on a lower difficulty with zulus near you, you fucking whiner. That's a compromise between zulus on highest and no-zulus on lower.

Gee. That sure was hard to think of.

Its a joke. Not everything is a fucking meme

when you force a joke 5 games in a row it's a meme.

uh yes it is

meme just means an idea

all things are ideas

everything is a meme

fight me irl bro. richard dawson is my #1 hero

What's the easiest way to win in Civ V?

you're actually retarded .

Superior Korean Science

Sounds like you are if you can't even handle a hard game

No, you just decide it is. Its funny, let it go and play with randomized agendas if you're so assmad.

Definitely science. You can do it playing both tall and wide, never wage a war in the entire game and just sit back and watch your civilization research electricity and computers in the 19th century while everyone else are still beating each other to death with sticks.

>Don't get great library
>Leave 1 star review on Steam


Is there any better feeling than building the first nuke and having everyone fear your great might?

Funny enough I've never had problems with Gandhi in any game I've played

Alexander and Dragonball Z Move however...

Civ 5 is not a hard game.

This would actually be pretty cool, same with adding that one dictator of Pakistan from the 80's.
>tfw no Cold War simulator in Civ 5 that's reliant on turning city states into puppet governments and espionage

>start new game
>appear to have continent to yourself
>explore a remote corner

>its not a hard game
>except when I can't win because I start near a civ and its too hard

Never said anything about starting next to certain civs. Civ 5 still isn't hard.

Nukes are the only way to achieve true Peace.

Absolute and total deterrence.

>70% of the thread whining about starting next to various civs

I still find that meme funny even if it's old as fuck

Easiest military
Quickest culture

counter question: what's the hardest civ to win the game with?

depends on the difficulty setting and the map

also the difference between the civs are fairly negligeable especially vs the AI

Denmark has the worst bonuses of all

>always play on Standard, Earth or something similar
Am I playing wrong? I've only finished two singleplayer games and I have yet to finish a MP one with some buddies since the game always bugs out at somepoint rendering the save file useless


what the fuck is a scythia?

I'm going to marry Tomirys!

I don't get it

I never get to finish a multiplayer game with friends because we always stop playing midgame and then never bother to resume it

Proud ancient Iranian chinks who liked to annoy to Mediterranean shits with gorilla warfare until the Khans took over


Kind of hope they'll tone down his meme status. It's gotten stale.



>Start game
>Decide to start tradition
>Explore area around my capitol
Didn't want to settle any more cities anyway.
>300 turns later
>4 cities to their 20~ each
>Keep having to pay each other to war with one another so they won't war me
>Get fucking nuked by Ghandi
>Can't pay Russia bribe money
>She takes over 4 cities in a matter of 10 turns
I'm done with this difficulty.

>Want to play Civ5
>3 minutes per AI turn when facing 3 or more AI.

Fuck this shit.

What victory conditions? Depends. But if I had to pick an all round bad civ it'd have to be Venice. That civ is so trash against human players, even on relatively low level AI games I find it hard to win any of it's victory conditions.

I've always wanted to try them out but I'd imagine that you pretty much have to have the perfect spawn to succeed or just survive

Archipelago is the META map type for Venice, but honestly I found the whole commerce side of the game really boring.

>faggots settles a city right between two of my citys
>"oh hi, want a tech agreement, yes?"
>settles one of my citys a bit from their boardes
>"you settled your citys close and now i must kill you"


i've had fun with them before but my friends and i aren't really skilled. if you play it right you just ROLL in dosh. i won a diplomatic victory once while all my friends were in a space race.

the only success I've had with them was using them as a military civ
I built a lot of trade ships and used that to buy Landsknechts

He is a giant killing machine in the game. His power equals around 5 nukes.