Bloodlines sewers

Playing this game for the first time. Loved every second of it but the ever since I got into those sewers I am contemplating just dropping this game. The person who designed this fucking shit should get gassed and dumped into those very fucking sewers the faggot designed. Fuck this shit and it was such a good game up to this point.

I'll never understand the hate for the sewers.
You can just run through this section which is maybe 1% of the entire game.

git fucking gud, retard
maybe Fallout 4, Skyrim or CoD is more your style?

>not ghosting past sewers

Get through it. It's a pain, but just get through it.

Just like most great RPGs, everything in the game is absolutely fantastic except for the combat itself.

>most boring part in the game
>never understand the hate

It takes literally 15 minutes to complete if you aren't a complete retard, that's a blink of an eye compared to the rest of the game.

Use celerity and run like a motherfucker

these fuckers are EZ if you are competent with firearms

>that walking masquerade violation on the left

>how do I strafe jump

Just how young are you?

I found the last series of boss battles worse than the sewers. My character wasn't built to handle such open combat so I simply couldn't get through them despite trying dozens of times. At that point I just dropped the game and looked up the ending on youtube.

>>most boring part in the game

>what is the sabbat warehouse?
>what is society of leopold?
>what is the fucking sabbat house that goes on forever?
>what is literally almost every level of the second half?

>Not hallowbrook hotel

Yeah ok

I literally noclipped my way through the sewers.
Great game though.


>what is ...
not fucking sewers, most generic location in videogames history (except probably meddle east village)


Isn't there a hatch that skips the whole thing?

No. The entrance in the cemetery doesn't become accessible until after you've finished the sewers. Shame too cause that would have been completely in line with their game design.By this point they were clearly trying to encourage players to combat spec because they knew the endgame was going to be rushed as fuck.

Added by the unofficial patch. Why anyone would play without it I have no idea, but still...

I don't know why people bitch about the sewers so much.

I went in all worried it was going to be brutal, finished it in like 5 minutes.

Are you people retarded?

Why do people hate sewer sections in video games? If they were disliked so much as you imply developers wouldn't put them into their games.

it's okay, actually recommended, to play bloodlines on god mode or with noclip.

the game isn't about the action or levels. they are awful. the game is about everything else.

I'm sure someone will crucify me for saying this but the actual action gameplay in the game is among the worst of all time for FPS at the point it was released. It's trash. Just cheat.

The thing is that you don't really need to cheat if you build your character properly. Its been like 3 years since I played this but I played toreador, and I remember having enough points by the sewers part to spec into guns AND speech-related skills, plus extra points to put into powers and other things.

>playing mods that are called "patches" by the creator and fuck up everything instead of fixing the fucking game
Fuck off, dipshit

isn't the game impossible to finish without the patch though

Just use a noclip cheat you dumb fucking sperg.

You get the choice between a basic patch, and all the additional the patch maker added. You aren't forced to have both.

They fucked up nothing and you should kill yourself.