Other urls found in this thread:
When you stop buying into Steam, PS4 and AAA garbage.
When you stop being so jaded.
you're a big guy
When you stop being bored of them
After the crash that can only be brought about by Then devs will go back to taking risks on new ideas and not focusing everything on graphics and having $100 million budgets for a fucking videogame.
Name 1 (ONE) game that is good
Early 2017
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
when you start buying Japanese AA games
Vidya is going to shit, like everything else in the world.
AAA companies know that they can put minimal money and effort into a game, dump it out in half the time it actually needed, and still turn a huge fucking profit over it.
Same goes for a lot of smaller developers too, just look at NMS.
They know that dumb fucks will buy the game regardless of how shitty it is, then buy another game from the same developer a year later because the trailers looked cool. This is perpetuated by pre-ordering, seasons passes, and DLC. Why pay $60 for a great game and support the company, when you can pay $60+$30 Season Pass, before the game even comes out? Companies know that fucktards will fall for this shit every time, so they dont even have to make sure the game is good because people buy it before it even fucking comes out.
When is the last time a game actually lived up to its hype? Or even a game managed to deliver on more than half of what it sold itself as?
People calling you 'jaded' and bored are just giving excuses as to why a game is allowed to be shitty now. Unfortunately I dont think until theres a huge cultural revolution, games will continue to mire in mediocrity.
This. AA games in general, though Japanese seem to be the only ones making them anymore.
Hey man, try this one, it was really fun
I-I can't
Dwarf Fortress
Depends on how you mean.
The industry is dying quite a rapid death. Look at how poorly all of the newest platforms are selling. Ever since mobile gaming came into the mainstream, all of them have been selling like shit. Out of the PS4, the Wii U, the Xbone, the 3DS, and the Vita, none of them have even sold half of what their predecessor sold. I doubt you're going to see another PS2 or Wii ever again, and I expect the industry as we know it to be dead in 20 years, max.
You'll still see games on PC, and on phones, but that's likely it.
EDF 4.1 is pretty fun for what it is.
If you've ever indulged in those corny ass monster movies like original Godzilla or Them and such, you might get a kick out of it.
was dat?
In March 2017, when the Legend Returns
dungeon crawl stone soup
Odin sphere leifthrasir
Tales of Destiny 2
The Deus Ex case is such a kick in the balls
>Hey guys, our game is looking to be really good
>but what if we release 1/3 of it for the same price?
Jesus CHRIST. They don't even have Kojima's excuse of being fucking fired
Sequel to Grow Home
Dear God don't let this game be a piece of shit.
Have faith in the good vidya my son! We will power through the black seas of infinity to paradise!
When colorful mascot platformers become popular again
Shame nobody's gonna buy the NX, huh?
You faggots think you're SO smart, don't you?
I bet you can't name me one video game
give it about a decade
Everything 'good' is just you applying nostalgia goggles to the entire situation. You find games 'shit' now because it's no longer a minor business, it's a big thing, you resent other people being a part of a hobby you were into before them.
You've grown up, at least biologically, and with it have built up a great sense of entitlement, coupled with the fact you're doing the generational thing of "BACK IN MY DAY! GAMES WERE GOOD!", this has happened from everything from books, to music, to TV and comics. If it's a media form, it was always 'better' before.
Games are just the same they always were, but you don't remember the absolute shite that came out in the 80's and 90's.
Think about bro, everyone that skipped Wii U will buy a shiny new NX to play the new Zelda.
What do think drove Wii sales back in 06? Zelda
Typical phoneposting scum, knows he's going to get b&, so he just does it on his phone.
Jackie Chan
>Games are just the same they always were
Pretty fucking sure my Xbone can't play Atari cartridges, don't be dabbn
when AAA devs start giving a shit again and the SJW/PC scene fucks off forever or moves onto some other harmless subculture
Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu on the NES was god tier
Dead by Daylight was a lot of fun for a couple hours. Kind of burnt out on it after I realize how predictable it is with the whole hook mechanic and basically the killer can just sit by the hook and completely prevent survivors from saving them.
Kind of weak, but that Friday the 13th game looks like it's going to be amazing. That and Agony, this looks like a good year for survival horror.
>What do think drove Wii sales back in 06? Zelda
Oh, really? TP Wii sold 7,300,000 copies. The Wii moved 101,180,000 units.
So, why did people buy the other 93,880,000 units?
You know what I damn meant, faggot.
Sounds like you're projecting quite a bit, user.
When Sony goes out of business.
Metal Fatigue
Look up what projecting means and read the papers on it being debunked. Stop using words you've read on Sup Forums.
hm that's a nice thumbnail, i'll click it!
>Chromatic aberration
>Psychological projection is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against their own unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others.
Yep, sounds like you.
Nope. I never denied their existence in myself.
Sounds like you're projecting user.
>So, why did people buy the other 93,880,000 units?
To play videogames? Unlike most of the people on this site.
not him, but the guy asked when will video games be good again, the guy explained why he doesn't view them as good, that isn't what projection means.
>this projection
What video games? You said they were buying it for Zelda, they weren't. So what's the core reason that motivated people to buy it?
No, he explained why everybody who thinks the industry is ailing is wrong because they're some sort of obsessive outcast who are upset because video games are apparently becoming more popular.
The sales disagree entirely, there is solid objective basis to say video games are worse nowadays.
league of legends exists
>armchair psychiatrists telling other armchair psychiatrists how to psych
Rocket League.
>solid objective basis to say video games are worse nowadays.
What kinds of games? Come on, knock your two brain cells together, try to make a spark of intelligence.
>Each console sells worse than the last
>Each handheld sells worse than the last
That's enough to say the industry is in bad shape.
>That's enough to say the industry is in bad shape.
Not when PC and mobile gaming is stronger than ever.
LoL is probably one of the prime reasons video games are in such a shitty place. Fat cats see all the money flying around Dota and League, and figure "shit, how can I get my hands on that dough" and proceed to make "Cash Grab In-Game Purchase Season Pass Simulator #42939852"
Difference is, the original user couldn't have been projecting. This is because he stated that video games are not much worse than they were back then. If he WAS projecting, it would be on the fact it was actually HE who thought they were shit and thus was forcing it on other people.
That isn't the case. If you think every single explanation of why a person does a thing or not is 'projection', then psychiatrists are the biggest projectors in all of existence.
its a good game tho if ur diamond and up
March 2017.
Thanks for confirming what is blatantly obvious. Final (You) for you, shitposter-kun!
>Come on, knock your two brain cells together, try to make a spark of intelligence.
As an professional 4channer I am beyond for feeble need for validation
Mountain Blade
>tfw Nintendo saves vidya again.
Probably next Wednesday
Video games have been good for ages and are mostly better than ever. In the past 3 years, we've gotten:
>Freedom Planet
>Super Sm4sh Bros.
>Drakengard 3
>Shantae and the Pirate's Curse
>Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
>Resident Evil Revelations 2
>Monster Hunter IV Ultimate
>Etrian Odyssey Untold 2: The Fafnir Knight
>Xenoblade Chronicles X
>Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon
>Earth Defense Force 4.1
>Hyper Light Drifter
>7th Dragon III: Code VFD
>I Am Setsuna
>Monster Hunter Generations
>Ray Gigant