Go Sup Forums for a couple of years

>Go Sup Forums for a couple of years
>Start to hate games and not have fun with them always looking at the flaws for things
>Stop going on Sup Forums
>Start being able to enjoy games more, not constantly trying to find something to hate
>I'm a lot more happy and enjoy things more

Why are you still here? this board does nothing but drain the fun from you

Other urls found in this thread:


Learn to differentiate between Sup Forums shitposting and honest assessments

There is no difference

Trash """"anime""""

If you still believe that than you need to lurk moar

Why do you care about the general opinion of this place? They are shitting on good games for little, stupid or autistic things and the next day, when a Game of the Month cames out they make hundred threads per day of this Game of the Month.

Just come here when a Dark Souls game comes out.

>letting a shitty forum affect your opinion on things

you're a retard

100% this.
You lack perspective.

Everywhere else is worse.
>the Sup Forums who used to make fun of graphicfags and showed you cool ass gems isn't the same Sup Forums you know now

>Why are you still here?

I wish I knew why.

Sup Forums is a miserable place where miserable people make each other even more miserable and yet I still come here every single day.

I don't know how you let these greasy fucks have any influence on your opinions. The entirety of Sup Forums unifying on one opinion would account for about 3/4s of my own opinion in terms of how much I value them.


"You're here forever" isn't just a meme.

you can do better then this

75% of Sup Forums are hateful ass clowns who hate every video that there is.

15% say that Sup Forums is not a hive mind and shitpost about shitposting

10% are actually good people trying to talk about games.



Dude, there are genuinely good anime you could be watching right now, and yet you choose to focus on disappointing, cringe-inducing crap like RWBY? What are you doing with your life?

Finding the Joy in all things

huh, like waht good animu. seriously give me a 10 out of 10 faggot. i wanna hear ur opinion.

FMA, HunterXHunter, Soul Eater

anything not made by shitting into a blender and calling it animation

This is literally my story with Sup Forums. I started coming here instead because I barely play video games. I use Sup Forums as my shitpost playground.

HunterxHunter is never guna end. EVER
Soul eater is... there is no point in anything the characters do.
FMA... i actually like that one. i should finish it.


Not like I have anywhere else to go...

Sup Forums has terrible taste for the most part. Their manga threads are pretty dece usually though.

Go to Reddit you tripfag.

>Why are you still here?

Just to suffer


pick one

>HunterxHunter is never guna end
Would you prefer watching the other three-five neverending anime instead?

>Soul eater is... there is no point in anything the characters do.

Ow the edge

>I should finish it.


>entry-level shit
>entry-level shit

Step your game up or I'm gonna post smug anime faces


Fuck off boco

Sup Forums is the worst community next the LOL.


Fuck no. Can't even figure out where to go with that awful layout.

I want to hug and kiss her in the lips

I need to take a dump somewhere, senpai


Only in like 3/4s of their threads. Their good threads are some of the best I've seen. Talking about dorohedoro with them was fun.

But most topics are just about what some flavour of the month chicks anus smells like.

LOGH, Tatami Galaxy, Welcome to the NHK, Haibane Renmei, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

post the one with the penis

That's better

no! go back to black and red hair-chan!

Of course it is, 3x3 snob.

Ruby is such a qt

R > W > Y > B

It's the same character

Never bothered making one, give me 5 mins

Id rather a story with decent foreshadowing, lore, and consequences for the main characters ridiculous actions.

But since japs are shit at story telling im forced to watch western media.

well in the previous pic she looked a little more childish
also where is she from?

>getting influenced by Sup Forums

>tfw can shitpost endless about everything and still enjoy games I shitpost about

I'm on Sup Forums for entertainment. I don't get all my opinions from Sup Forums. Yes, I have a distaste for 7th and 8th generation to an extent, and I am having much much fun emulating 3rd-6th gen games. Why? Because they can be short and fun.

>But since japs are shit at story telling im forced to watch western media.

Congratulations on being completely bigoted.


Super mediocre as fuck 3D """"anime""" series by westeners. Girls are top notch though.

ur the kind of person they were talking about. shit posting all day and masturbating to the responses


Good post.

well I still like that qt
I'll save her from that horrible anime

See my friends if we can find the beauty and enjoyment in 4/10 pretend anime's we can find enjoyment in anything

I'm usually here for porn dumps and the occasional Console-Tan Tuesdays. I could give less of a shit what video games Sup Forums likes or doesn't like on the count of no one on Sup Forums actually plays them

i dont see you disputting the facts. Look a Fuly cooly, evangelion. thought to be fantastic. shit main characters that face no consequences. and they just throw metaphorical bullshit in your face and call it deep. minimal forshadowing in the og show, down to 5 lines in the 26 episodes. The best the Japs got going for them is lore, and drawing skillz.

>allowing weak negative outside stimulate to dull or affect your perception of enjoyable mediums

WOW, How you so fucking basic!

LITERALLY best girl
>best character design
>most character development
>second best weapon
>best ability

>R > W > Y > B

I want to disagree but I can't.

why is blake so terrible

>it's a "newfig makes a retarded thread" episode

Not gonna lie.
Even if the show is pretty bad, the fights are still fun and the fan work is top notch.


You're overselling it.

lurk more faggot

fuck off

damn look at that face
she's my perfect girl


RWBY is shit and the only people who watch it are 12 year olds, who only watch it because their favourite substitute friends (e-celebs) made it.


>Ruby will never get together with Weiss


Why are you so concerned with what perfect strangers that you will never meet think about a piece of media that you do not watch?

Nah but she's totally gonna fuck Jaune

Do it for her, user.

>3rd Birthday
No one deserves that crap.

watched because Monty Oum was a fantasic choreographer. Bet you generally dont like things and think be a hateful ass is clever.

because I fucking hate you fags and you shit up my board

is this guy fucking stupid


>My board

We all know the true end game.

Reserve your hate for people you will meet, even once, in your lifetime.

proving my point. go jack off or something.

>that dork hasn't pinned Pyra to the ground and fucked her silly as a form of training practice

the Exile would've done it.


>Why are you still here?

Because /u/ is too slow

I live with a redditor. He's fucking obnoxious and has tried to shove RWBY the rest of the guys' throats multiple times, despite us telling him we weren't interested.

appreciate it

Sup Forums please. White Knight is going to be the canon Jaune ship.

I cant wait for Jaune to start becoming a bad-ass

>Pinning down and fucking a pile of ashes

Kinda hard when, you know, she's a pile of ash.


>/RWBYg/ breaking containment

Guys no

HAHAHA... to soon.

Since if you are able to look past the shitposting you actually find the most trustworthy and well informed people on the internet.

Also good OC.

>R > W > Y > B
I feel like Yang should be higher but I don't feel like I can put her over Ice Bitch.