He gets mad and screams and swears and throws stuff when he loses at video games

>he gets mad and screams and swears and throws stuff when he loses at video games

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No faster way to let me know I can disregard your existence. I golf with grown businessmen who do this shit. It's absolutely pathetic.

>he plays on easy mode

I usually inflict pain to myself by biting my fingers or something.
Doesn't happen that often though.

>he posts on Sup Forums


>he posts memefrogs

My friend when he loses in games basically screams shit tier insults



I don't throw stuff

>he replies to memefrogs posters

>he replies to people that reply to memefrogs posters

>not killing your dog in a fit of insufferable rage so you can regret it for the rest of your life
Step it up


>not raping your sister so that she commits suicide and everyone in your family hates you

only when its bullshit circumstances. like the AI being a cheating cunt.

My girlfriend does this when she plays vidya. It's fucking insufferable and I can't stand it.

I grew out of being a rage-baby when I was 14. There's no excuse for 22 year old adults to pull that shit.



>play a competitive game like league of legends
>start losing
>quit because of anxiety and turn off computer

Fuck you nigga the day I decide to start Nofap and I avoided the porn boards you post this shit and give me boner

>he loses at video games

>playing overwatch with friend
>dies to an ult
>dude it's always been a one hit kill

what's the point of nofap

To build up mire semen in my cum bank

i wish i was not that guy
but i am.

>he still plays video games after age 15

They post anime

This tbqh. Video games are not compatible with a responsible adult's schedule.

>he takes games seriously

Why are you posting Canadian kamiya?

>he thinks Touhou is anime
GTFO newfag



>phil fish

only cucks that like to be inferior men participate in the no fap bullshit

low test

Reminder if you hate anime you're no better than Phillip "choke on it" Fish

>I agree with him

Sup Forums shit should stay on Sup Forums

>im a superior man by masturbating all the time instead of actually getting on with women

I'm an adult now, I only do those things while driving.

>playing Tekken 3 with a few friends after school
>friend 1 keeps picking Eddy
>friend 1 keeps winning
>friend 2 always says, "you keep picking Eddy and just spamming. fuck you man!"
>friend 1 shrugs and keeps winning
>friend 2 gets so mad he starts shaking so the point where his shoes come off his feet
god that shit was hilarious. Drew i'm glad you kept picking Eddy despite what that faggots Maldonado said.

No, he's a superior man by doing whatever he wants instead of trying to restrain himself from his desires

Also if you actually had a lot of sex you'd know that people who regularly get laid fap too.

I no longer get physically mad when playing video games. The most I'll do is just say(not scream) "faggot" or "nigger" when something annoys me.

I'll say shit under my breath if I get frustrated but like my old roommate had this friend who would come over and play League with him and he would actually break out stuff in anger. He broke a lot of glasses and mugs and even our chair. They'd play at like fuckin 4 am too

>No, he's a superior man by doing whatever he wants instead of trying to restrain himself from his desires

What if restraining himself from his desires is exactly "what he wants"?

>if you try to lose weight then you're an inferior man who doesn't do whatever he wants

Not him but no fap started as a competition to see if you could even complete a month of no fapping.

It was basically "you're such a pathetic virgin I bet you can't go 30 days without fapping "

I'll say shit like fuck, shit, dammit, god DAMMIT, "are you fucking kidding me?", etc if something catches me at a bad time, but I'm not yelling or throwing shit. It depends on the game though. If It's a Souls game I don't really curse, it's more like "one more try", "this time's it", "you got greedy", "stop being a fuckup", etc.

Fapping frequency is very serious dillema, it's choice between quantity and quality. Stop fapping for a month, then try getting off with just one finger on the dick and spasm like a girl. Priceless.

Sounds like a way for a man to test his own body's capabilities. Like seeing how long you can hold your breathe underwater. Nothing wrong with that.