Is this the best duel cutscene in video games?

Is this the best duel cutscene in video games?

Honorary mentions to Xenoblade and Metal Gear for having a bunch of good ones, but none of them are as complete as this since they usually lead into or out from a boss fight instead of being self contained.

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I see somebody else has been replaying TLR recently. Have you beaten The Fallen yet?

>she actually puts up a hell of a good fight
Reese's in pieces, Emma.

then they replace her immediately with her literally identical in every way daughter, what the fuck

I haven't played it since it came out, I was just reminded of it.

I beat everything back then though, even though the gameplay systems made zero sense and the game was kind of a mess since it was the Xbox version. The Fallen was just the easiest version of that boss wasn't it? Pretty sure there were two more versions of it later on that were way harder.

That was such bullshit. Emma was a great character, why did they have to fuck it all up by replacing her with her previously unmentioned (though you can meet her as a common nameless NPC...) identical daughter who has zero personality and gets about 3 lines throughout the rest of the game?

Because you don't want story to rob you of one of the strongest fighters and one of the only three leaders capable of summoning. And there's more to Emmy character in her Aveclyff quest.

Krauser and Leon Knife fight. Still not topped even by Kino games.

nah all of the dante vs vergil interaction in dmc3 was better

Check out the PC version if you ever want to replay it, it's a vast improvement in almost every single way.


The Fallen is harder than the one in the bonus dungeon because it has a time limit

God, it always puts a smile on my face when people mention this game. I have like 300 hours on it.... don't ask me why.

Though that scene... She was best girl.

That's a great boss fight, not a great cutscene. There's no tension in the cutscene and it's poorly animated.

In fact the cutscene is so bad that it's downright silly to bring it up.

I have almost 100 hours in a single playthrough and still haven't even beaten it. Christ there's too much to do.

It's a long game that is engaging throughout

come at me

Jesus christ why dont your gear fags realise firstly the Xbone is dead and this is what i want all you closet ponyfags to do to them selfs.
1.Slit your fucking wrists in a bath
2.Tell your friends on the phone as you are bleading out to do the same
3.stop posting your crap on Sup Forums
4.Go get a job or something called a life you fucking sad triggered basement dwelling weeboo's

= Crap game !
Deus ex for game of the year 2016

Are you ok user?

Perfectly fine just out fishing for lulz
Deus Ex for game of the year
Metal gear sucks ass

Weeb retardation.

much agreed there is some weeb retardation that is killing Sup Forums atm i realy want to trigger them for the lulz

What the fuck happened to this thread

why is it so hard to troll around here

You happend
