Warcraft Legion

7 days remaining.
How are you preparing yourself for the best expansion to date?

yeah, im preparde to get disappointed

>Barely working at all this week
>Working every day next week

Gonna take forever to hit 110.

My fucking vacation is planned next week Goddammit. I won't be able to play till September the 1.

>yfw this was literally what WoW fags were saying last year about WoD
>yfw Legion is garbage

leveling my Death Knight to max level for the first time ever

I'm a chronic altoholic so I only had a Monk at 100 before

>tfw choosing Kayn as a Demon Hunter means I have to torture the shit out of Akama, my favorite character in the Warcraft universe.

I've stopped playing on my DH entirely after finding that shit out. I'll probably re-roll as an Altruis guy eventually but I already farmed out a full 720 set + 2 6/6 Glaives for him.

Fuck though, they make Kayn seem like the more realistic choice for the goose-stepping Illidari they imply you are in the intro.

Then Kayn just goes off the wagon being a dick
>says shit like "I should be in command"
>starts a fight with Altruis the moment before a MASSIVE battle against the Legion
>tortures the shit out of Akama because Akama isn't willingly to be enslaved again on a whim.

Fuck the Demon Hunter story-line.

Levelling my alts. Have a Warrior, Hunter, Mage, Demon Hunter and Shaman at 100, my Rogue is at 83, a lock at 58 and various other low levels levelling up.

Nothing to do at cap so i'm just levelling things so I have alts to play once I lock out on shit to do on main.

>bu-but user, 7.1 is already planned! Blizzard surely won't fuck us over again, despite knowing we'll pay a subscription for over a year between content patches!
>Return to Karazhan, user! AND the old one is staying!
>Let's not look at how Blizzard has acted in the past, several times. Let's look at their promises instead.

Wait. You LIKE akama? The back stabbing cock sucking akama? Drink bleach it might wash away all that bad taste.

>people selling Alchemy leveling kits for 5k when you can get all the mats needed for under 2k

Wish I could bring myself to rip off the retarded.

>it's a Druid has "tree" in his name but doesn't heal episode

>It's a "Tauren with some form of beef in it's name" episode
>It's a "Female human with qt somewhere in the name" episode (bonus points if it's just appended to an ability their class has like Mutilateqt)
>It's an "I'll gladly play Undead but I think Blood Elves ruined the Horde" episode

You real Altruis murdered like 4 of his close friends right?

Im not prepared

>engineering leveling kit for 20k

Priests who have played the beta, how is soloing as shadow at 110? I'm this close to maining a shadow priest in Legion but right now soloing kinda sucks compared to some other classes, especially because shadow AoE is utter trash. Multidotting is okay but I just feel limp compared to basically any other class when it comes to killing groups of enemies.

Yes, I do like Akama. That being said, I'm also someone who has played Warcraft games since WC3.

I loved Akama in WC3 and TBC. Just because the chucklefuck who wrote Gotrek & Felix retconned his character entirely to make Illidan a good guy who dindu nuffin, I'm supposed to 180 on it and hate the guy?

Fuck that, and fuck retcons. Akama is an OG and Illidan tricked him and his people into fucking SLAVERY.

Altruis sends you to murder 1, the Scryers/Aldor send you to murder the other 3.

This is after all of Altruis' outcries, qualms, and questions were ignored by the other Illidari because Illidan can do no wrong apparently.

Holy fuck did NO ONE play WoW before this expansion or something?

The amount of Illidan apologists are fucking absurd.

when will Sup Forums let this game go

Is the first character you ever made still travelling along with you?

>but muh temple
Akama can die in a sewyer for all I care

preordered yesterday, leveling my demon hunter, and then leveling some other 90's I still have lying around through invasions

already tried out all the classes with their new abilities in whatever spec I'm gonna play in legion, so I'm prepared

>don't like warlock after changes
>reroll mage
>everybody is looking for warlocks now

Face it tough guy, Akama was always a selfish bad guy just like Jaina

>tfw you got the 30th off
>tfw you're prepared to be top 100 in queue for world server crashing shenanigans

3 hour queue here I come

Grenar the Gnomish Rogue was deleted just hours after his birth.

need to level a DK to 70 right now cause wanna start with demon hunter on a new server and I need a level 70 there for that

Why can't Goblin or Worgen be monks? I can't think of any good reason why.

If WoD didn't do a good enough job, Legion should put warlocks back to where they were pre-MoP with Rogues in terms of no one wanting to play them because of how the class plays, making people want to recruit them and allowing Blizzard to make incomprehensible changes to/around the class because they don't actually play it without anyone noticing

>people actually get hype for server crashes

You people really want the blizz cuck meme to stick around.

They should just reveal Jaina as a dreadlord and get that shit over with.

No hack 3rd party writer who makes tacked-on novels for MMO expansions is going to convince me that all of the previously written lore was a lie and Illidan is a saint with Akama being pure evil.

Just not gonna happen, Akama and Nobundo have been in my top 5 favorite characters for a long while now.

William King can write a short story tomorrow about how Velen is secretly a brutally violent rapist, that doesn't mean I'm going to believe that shit because of how ridiculously out-of-line with his previously written character/personality it is.

its a joke you contrarian retard

The same reason worgens can't be paladins.

There is no reason.

Sadly it was on a friends account. Then I got my own real account which was banned because somehow I managed to fuck up when I made it and chose a country that I didn't live in, which wasn't even in europe and where wow was illegal so it was automatically banned after my free month was up.

I did make a new account a few months after all that and the first character there is still my main

Because it would maje no sense fir a panda trainer to stand in Gilneas or Kezan.

>Not realizing everyone loved the AQ and pre-Wrath event because of the server crashes they brought

Waiting to play is literally the most exciting thing you can do in WoW, it's why LFR and LFG are so popular

Illidan literally was a hero all the goddamn time. I was fucking dumbstruck when they made him a villain in BC. Keep in mind I've read all the books, played all the WC rts and played WoW since vanilla (yes, send help). Illidan was at worst a pragmatic anti-hero and a goddamn savior at best. Akama on the other hand is clearly retarded and should be killed, if only to stop his miserable existence to hurt himself in his confusion.

Pandas don't make sense anyway.

I don't blame you, Destruction Warlock is boring as fuck to play now, and it is pretty much our most viable DPS spec for raiding.

Affliction Warlock suffers from them backtracking on the Artifact design. They removed Ulthalesh's ability to have souls occasionally escape but kept all the damn "get an X boost to regen after kill" abilities on it for some reason.

Basically Warlocks need to be re-worked entirely again. Demonology should be more interesting that popping the occasional CD, Destruction should be similar to what it was in MoP, and Affliction shouldn't be so reliant on spamming unstable affliction.

Ive gone through multiple accounts since beta, only kept this recent one from 2012 because of bnet.

Kind of sad that I don`t still have my first account.

Bullshit it is. There's threads full of people waiting to line up for quest mobs so they don't feel "alone"

Illidan was clearly a misunderstood anti-hero in Warcraft3. It was TBC that tried and failed to turn him into some kind of Saturday morning cartoon villain. But go ahead and keep sucking Akama's disgusting broken dick I won't stop you.

Illidan did nothing wrong. I don't even remember why we killed him in BC

>plan on being melee
>in a world where bm, demo lock and unholy run rampart

That pet spam is retarded.

>mfw this just so happens to be my last week at my job
>mfw I have the whole next week free to play while I haphazardly search for a new job

I'd argue Illidan was an anti-hero at best, unless you want to argue that Arthas was also a hero...

Every time Illidan tries to "save" things he basically makes everything worse until a 3rd party steps in to fix everything (typically it was his brother, but I guess now it will be us).

Illidan going evil made sense in the same vein that Arthas going evil did. They both got slowly corrupted/manipulated over time in their pursuit of good until they became shallow reflections of their past selves.

This white-washing of Illidan is absurd.

Illidan wasn't a saint but he wasn't the devil either. He was focused on fighting the legion and did good and bad towards that goal. Akama wasn't mr great either. He did some shit as well.

You don't condem one guy for doing some bad and not the other.

Literally because Akama came to us with a pouty face and said "WE WERE TRICKED INTO BEING SLAVES! WE WUZ KANGZ AND SHIT". Seriously, how retarded do you have to be to be tricked into slavery. Literally that was the only reason why we went to kill Illidan, because his naga were abusive to fucking broken retards. The same species that attempted to genocide us in Zangarmash.


lol what a dumb cuck tard you are.. :D
nobody gives a shit about akama, only homos

>tried to flood the world which would have destroyed Stormwind, Gilneas, Kul'tiras,Tarren Mill, Theramore, Sunwell Isle, Pandaria, the vast majority of surviving Night Elf population centers, etc.
>did nothing wrong

>Illidan was clearly a misunderstood anti-hero in Warcraft3. It was TBC that tried and failed to turn him into some kind of Saturday morning cartoon villain.

Unless you make this same exact argument for Arthas and WotLK, you are beyond fucking hypocritical.

All they need to do is make Reap Souls act as though it killed a target, and make the Soul Flame talent explode on the player or target location when it's used to fix their artifact problems.

Destruction really just needs one of two things to happen: either give it embers back and call it that, and make it an easy to learn spec that is all about maximizing efficiency of chaos bolts, or change its mastery to something less shitty; I'd honestly say something like bonus crit damage to hearken back to ruin and rename their mastery to Ruin would be fucking perfect for the spec.

Demo is really fucking easy to fix, just take away a third to half their cast times and make them instant casts, doesn't matter which spells. That way it's far less clunky, another alternative is to make DE an aura on the caster, or better yet, remove it entirely.

But Blizzard doesn't play warlocks so good luck on anything reasonable being done to the class.

You do realize it was Malfurion, tricked by Maiev, that ruined Illidan's attempt on Arthas. He was about to DESTROY the fucking Lich King, instead he just fractured Icecrown. Illidan was always just one step from saving us, and he's retarded kin had to go full retards and ruin his plans.

I don't have time to play that much anymore, so I really want to focus on one character to clear content. However, as an altoholic I just for the life of me can't make a fucking decision. Warrior, Mage, Monk. I have a Paladin but Ret blows complete ass so that has helped my decision.

Metzen agrees with me so suck it

The same flood that Deathwing unleashed.
Noticed how pretty much all the continents are still there?

Arthas became a villain in TFT dumbass. There was nothing remotely dindu about him except for being right about culling stratehome.

He went full retard and attacked Shatt for some reason.

Not him but Arthas totally was an anti-hero though, his turning point though was just in WC3 instead of WotLK.

Best solution would just be to change warlocks back to MoP, as far as play style of each one, I'm still not sure why they felt the need to strip each spec so thoroughly

But user, there must always be a Lich King. Illidan would have doomed us all.

Can someone explain to me how a leaderless Scourge would have been more effective than one with a Lich King?

>Deathwing unleashed a flood


Im grinding away on my cooking so I can give 101% service to real people and only bad food to demons

He had nothing to do with it, Kael'thas staged a false flag operation as an agent of the Legion

Because he was an invading force, to outlands, that did enslave some of the broken draenai to fuel his war efforts aganist the legion.

As said, llidan is no saint, he does do some "end justify the means" stuff but not tot he point of tyring to conquer the entire of outlands or even exterminate anyone but legion.

He took some flack for Kael going bitter and power hungry. And then we tend to blindly follow the Naaru cause "muh light god."

As a paldin I'm rather sickene y some of the crap the Naaru have done. They most certianly aren't 100% pure good.

How is pvp at 110 on the beta?

Also hunters are ruined as a class

what are the estimated sub numbers now they've stopped publishing them?

>Illidan was an invading force to Outlands
>We weren't

I've been away from the game since MoP, but I want to see how the story in Legion plays out. My friend who's playing was telling me about the prelaunch scenario, do we know if that's staying in after launch like how the Theramore scenario stayed in or is it going away. If it's limited I need to resub some time this week...

The lich king keeps all his units set to wander in Icecrown, without him they might actually do something.
But really, it's just bad writing, there was only one lich king ever, the whole "There must always be a Lich King" was just some Metzen ejaculate

Prior to pre-patch, probably around 2.5-3 Mil. Now? Maybe above 5 or 6 Mil. My server went from Low to Medium/High so I can only assume a lot of people are back.

If you're going to fault Illidan for invading Outland, then lets exterminate all the humans for invading Draenor and triggering the chain of events which caused its destruction


>all this ignorance

1st. We encounter Illidan's fel orcs before the Broken. It is evidenced from the very on-set of our invasion in Hellfire Peninsula that Illidan is making Outland a worst place for its natural inhabitants.

2nd. Akama doesn't enter the storyline until Shadowmoon Valley

3rd. Zangarmarsh is filled with Lost Ones, not Broken, there is a difference, although apparently you don't know it.

4th. We killed Illidan because
-Created Fel Orcs, then let them run wild
-Allowed Naga to destroy entire ecosystems, kill off entire species of creatures, and enslave the local populace
-Let Kael'thas drop crystals all over the fucking place to corrupt shit and let him have free run of the Netherstorm despite that clearly being a stupid fucking idea if Illidan never intended to check up on any of these people.
-defected to the Burning Legion during the War of the Ancients
-used demonic artifacts to try and destroy northrend (and with it a large chunk of the world) on the orders of one of the highest ranking members of the Burning legion
-declares himself the indefinite ruler of Karabor and never once gives a definitive time-table for when he will relinquish his dictatorship of being "Lord of Outland"

but no yea, Illidan didn't do anything, there is no way he could've controlled any of that right?

He would've had to actually like... lead... and shit, can you imagine?

Being incompetent apparently is no longer a fault in a Leader.

So why did we venture through the portal in bc to kill Illidan?
He was no threat to Azeroth at the time

Which is the best movement ability in the game and why is it Heroic Leap?

I can't help you if you aren't up to speed with the lore. Maybe the word CATACLYSM rings a bell?

Why the fuck did we invade Temple of Ahn'Qiraj to kill C'thun? He was no threat to Azeroth at the time

Why the fuck did we invade the Molten Core to kill Ragnaros?
He was no threat to Azeroth at the time

Why did we venture through the portal in WoD to kill Garrosh?
He did literally nothing wrong

Didn't the Warlock class developer get fired for speaking his mind on MMO Champion forums?

I think the new Warlock class developer is the old Rogue class developer, i.e. the guy who thought the 5 point combo system was "too complicated".


TBQH lads to this day I still believe Arthas was not completely consumed by the Lich King, and was content with keeping the scourge in check.

Rip Arthas, a true hero.

>7 days to go
>Still don't know what I'm going to main/use 100 boost on

You misinterpreted the Naaru completely. Illidan wasn't oppressing Outland, he was saving it. The Naaru said as much when they order you to redeem himself in Illidan's eyes. You literally killed Illidan because you were too ignorant to inherit the Naaru's will.

But thats okay, Illidan is alive and well and his demon hunters are the chosen champions of the Naaru who will destroy the Legion and save all life in the universe.

>that did enslave some of the broken draenai to fuel his war efforts aganist the legion.

retard that didn't play wc3 alert

>archimonde destroys dalaran just by playing with sand
>they decide to move dalaran near the tomb of sargeras where theres loads of crazy archimondes
Its like these mages just want to be destroyed

I made my tauren shaman back in BC and he's still my main today.

>completely ignores the things that was revealed in the novel

Nice cherry picking with events though

Presumably it would splinter into factions lead by the former lieutenants, and I'm guessing these lieutenants wouldn't be as inactive as Arthas was. Or have the idiotic plan of gathering all adventurers to kill them and raise them.

maybe Sup Forums can help you.

who is going to /takeitslow/ here?

after rushing through the expansions the moment they release since wrath I'm just going to take it slow and enjoy things, I didn't even do anything on beta except try out my class before the changes went live.

Fuck the race, I'm all for everyone being packed into a zone for that mmo feel but just rushing through everything, not reading quest text and nowhere near 100%ing a zone has just gotten me so tired of it I want to relax this time.

I'll still reach 110 simply because of the amount of time I'll be playing, but FUCK rushing through all the new stuff in 12 hours, you don't even get anything out of it besides what little joy you might get from doing something like typing /who level 110 and seeing you are the only one.

I already had a que to get into stormreaver, fuck ques blizzard better be ready this time

Arthas even resurfaces as his old self when the helm of domination is off his head, and frostmourne is shattered. Shame he was already dying at that point.

This hurt to read.

WoW's storyline really has gone off-the-rails hasn't it?

Why don't people like rogues? They're much fun to pvp with

Illidan fucked the legion so hard, they had to reactivate the dark portal so we could get rid of illidan for them. We got rused by big daddy KJ.

That post was about why the players were after Illidan in BC though, not novels that came later.

Illidan was never a bad guy, the bad storyline was the burning crusade

Blood elves, Draenei and slutmogs will be shot on sight

Doing the quests the first time around is really fun. I always take as much time as possible in the zones so I don't miss out on anything. Fuck getting to 110 quickly. We will have 2 years to play before it's too late.

At first no. I don't recall the reason for dark portal reopning but we were an expedition force to see if we could figure out what happend to those who shutdown the portal from WC2.

Then we got to Shattrah and became the Naaru's lapdogs. Being ordered to go remove their problems. Being gruul, Illidan and his lieutenants.

>humans for invading Draenor and triggering the chain of events which caused its destruction

That would be gul'dan's fault for inviting demons into the world and having the orcs fuck eveything up in a demoic fueld rampage.

as long as you're ready for the raid when it unlocks, you'll be fine.
new zones look great so it's a good idea to soak it all in.
rogues are the choice of edgy people who like to unsheath katanas and backstab people in PvP.
but the rogue image is getting better since teenagers will now gravitate towards demon hunters.
also getting cc'd for 12 seconds in a BG isn't fun