Is there an uglier motherfucker tangentially associated with the games industry?

Is there an uglier motherfucker tangentially associated with the games industry?

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Ever heard of mirrors?


oh just go to the gym you fat fucks...


Jokes on you I'm not tangentially associated with the games industry

But really I'm surprised at people here defending Jim Sterling, he's always struck me as an insufferable cunt and looking like a caricature doesn't help things.

He has some good points, keyword some, however they are are wholly overshadowed by how much of an insufferable cunt he is.

Why are all the "acceptable Sup Forums approved" e-celebs always fat and/or ugly?

Got called out in his new video huh?

They're not defending him ya bogan, they're callin you out on baiting for replies.

Check my 5 faggot

he's a faggot and i wish he would stay out of my country

He's more like the living embodiment of the industry.

Bloated, ponderous, repetitive, disrespectful, trend-chasing, arrogant, terrible sense of humour.

Who gives a shit what somebody looks like? You're as bad as shebeasts over at /cgl/

People here unironically believe TB is a good critic too unfortunately.

He is a cunt, but as a game dev I appreciate his shitting on what greenlight has become.

Hopefully he's big lol enough to actually fix something.

At least he's not Anthony Burch

>talks abourt zealot fans
>there were also some questioning if sources are reliable
>simply because gaming news sites love to report rumours and fakes as fact
>Fatling puts those sceptic people together with the zealots
>defends gaming "journalists"
>respects Kotaku

is there honestly a more punchable face?
it's just begging for the hardest punch I can possibly muster
I would not hold back one iota I would cave this piece of shit's face in without any remorse.

Oatmeal "Itagaki" porridge


i think he is really cute actually. i have fapped to the video of him cumming multiple times now. also the vid where he is in the shower. he appeals to guys who are into beary guys :3


I don't mind his opinions, when I watch his videos I immediately skip the bit on the podium because when he's trying to be funny it makes me want to jam nails into my eyes.

have you seen angry joe lately

Surely you don't find the constant snorting and belching attractive?


Jim has some good points in his videos but I hate listening to him talking. You can literally hear him getting exhausted by just talking because he's so fat and unfit... it's disgusting.

He's so much better when he's not getting too involved in scandals and drama and instead trashing games for being shit.

Sterling is fucking awful. He got that one dev to freak out and it actually got views, and you can tell he's desperate to make it happen again.

His stuff purely on the games industry is okay. Sometimes he tends to harp on about shit and go over the same stuff. His social views, I mean I'm left leaning but he's pretty retarded. Like he tried to claim Fallout 4 was doing progressive earth shattering romances by doing "polyamory" when in reality it's just they never bothered to block it off and pretty much all of the characters get pissed at you for cheating on them. His "character" if you can even call it that is completely insufferable and childish and I seriously wish he'd drop it. And of course he's also completely disgusting to look at and the mental image of him and his equally obese wife fucking is disgusting


He would look like a regular dude if he lost some of fat in his face.

Jimmy on the other hand looks straight up inbred.

hes a fag

Does Dobson count? I mean if he counted it would be in the loosest of sense

Because he shit on a developer who releases like 8 games a month?

The specific game in question was made from a variety of asset packs and has a clock with 61 seconds to each minute.

Jimquisition is one of the very few vidya related shows that seems to have any actual thought put into it.

Interesting arguments, valid points, often thought provoking and appeals to my sense on humour.

If you really can't get passed the self aggrandising, sneering, Jim-Fucking-Sterling-Son persona or his physical appearance then so be it.

But there's some damn interesting, actual content in his work. Something which is rarely seen from others.