You have 10 seconds to explain why you are no playing bloodborne right now
You have 10 seconds to explain why you are no playing bloodborne right now
Because I completed it last year.
I already have 1000 hours in it.
Waiting for Nioh beta.
I bought a Xbone instead because I'm loyal to the Forza franchise
I'll buy the next PS4K neo or whatever it will be called, not enough good exclusives with Microsoft
Because I'm playing Total War: Warhammer.
Because I sold my Bloodborne machine after I beat it.
the souls series died after 2
you're an empty husk of a shill if you played any further and actually enjoyed it
plus the fanbase is obscene shit
How the fuck did you get 1000 hours, I'd platinum'd it by 150
Played through the vanilla game twice and the old hunters once.
I've had more than enough of this game.
Playing through DaS3 for the 4th time now
I did a lot of builds/runs and chalice dungeon digging while listening to podcasts or Trump rallies.
Because I'm poor and can't afford buying a console for one game.
But I am, user.
I make Bloodborne lore videos, so I need to record footage.
I don't have a Bloodborne machine.
Because I have no interest in the PS4. And I ain't gonna get it for just one game.
more like bloodbore pvp... fuck that's stupid as shit
It looks really bad in your webm.
I dont play games unless they're 60fps. And I dont care if that sounds pretentious, im not saying it to look cool anonymously. It feels like choppy shit, I cant sit there and tolerate making inputs and there being such a noticable delay. And its not like it runs at a consistent 30 either.
I beat it fucking years ago.
But I am.
you guys know this is a falseflag thread created by a pcuser, right?