This is the best game ever
Other urls found in this thread:
You mean Dark Souls?
No I think he means Bloodborne Game of the Year Edition
why is there a line of "PS4" on the bottom of the box
its the best game ever on the PS4
because it's the only one B^)
Woah! The entire PS4 library in just one picture!
its certainly better than dark souls 3
It pretty much is one of the best games ever made. Really sucks for all those people who can't get into it.
>10/10 Edge
It's the best game of this gen atleast
i think it's just the packaging, looks like some euro shit
Think you accidentally posted the wrong pic my dude :^)
i always though period as in period of time
like best game in period that is right now
not period like .
rly makes u think
post yfw inevitable god tier DLC will place this game into the top of the rankings
if SOTFS did miracles for DaS2 and The Old Hunters was so good, just imagine what is in stores for the latest D A R K S O U L S entry
cant wait
>10/10 Edge
Surprisingly accurate
>10/10 Edge
Next mosaic thread should use this.
It would be if Witcher 3 didn't exist.
I can't wait to finally play this on a PS4 neo
>if SOTFS did miracles for DaS2
it did not
This only matters if Japan Studio are working in the dlc.
If not it's gonna be shit
it did. Please stop memeing
>game of the year
says who?
>PC has no memorable games
>sprouts the no games meme on PS4
TOH is pure and complete bliss, the only way it can be topped if they put you to fight with CU and BotC at the same time.
What are the chances GOTY edition sells out and skyrockets in price? I'm thinking of importing it even though I don't have a PS4 yet.
Not Skyrim. try again.
>10/10 edge
Is edgy really a selling point?
CU? BotC? Please define those
It's a seal breaker I think, like how you get on chewing gum packets
Choosen Undead and Bearer of the Curse
Whew it has two 10/10 scores on the front must be good huh
doesn't seem that rare desu. still a good idea to import it if you plan on getting a PS4
Uhh, did I miss something? None of the Souls games has ever gotten game of the year?
Anyways, everything FROM makes is garbage.
It was a good game.
Best game ever made? That's pushing it considerably. I beat it twice and i moved on, i also think the DLC was only average at best.
says me
>any souls game being GOAT material
>demon souls rehash #4 being GOAT material
holy fucking shit that would be absolute GOAT
but FROM will probably fuck up
Fuck off
No it isn't.
literally who?
Top 10 definitely no joke
OP is the gayest person EVER