The Turing Test - Press Leak

Game isn't releasing yet for another 9 days but here you all go, you're welcome.!KcBmHChB!Arxt0F2L486JlvFxI_1CNgO4vsYQ8v-hIqbKZSxXKnQ

Other urls found in this thread:

also going to stream it in a bit here:

twitch tv/hedoesit4free

Dolphin porn

Is this going to give me a virus

you wish

why so paranoid, user?

didn't you post this yesterday too



He already posted it earlier today too

yes i did but i'm spreading the love

No, I'll pirate it when it comes out though, mr.shill





I'm downloading this because I will be playing WoW Legion in 9 days and won't have time for this game. This better not be a bit coin miner or some shit, OP.

Puzzle games are my favorite types of video games, and it's been a good year for puzzle games. Nothing will touch Stephen's Sausage Roll for a while, I think.


can you play all the way through with this?

>lets copy the worst part of portal
>the puzzles and test chambers


Anyone got the solution to 56 side level?

>puzzles and test chambers
>the worst part of a puzzle game set in test chambers

your game sucks

I haven't even played this game yet, I'm talking about Portal.

I got to the second-last chapter already so I don't see why not

The symbol on the right of the round things tell you if they're supposed to be on or off.
v=off, ^=on
I think cross means it's the same as the previous room.

portal is good because of the portal mechanics and platforming, the test chamber puzzles suck ass, the fun part starts when you leave the chambers



twitch tv/hedoesit4free

over here

Portal 1, maybe, but Portal 2 had a lot of good chambers. Some of the chambers on the steam workshop maps are even better, and there are a ton of them. I've put like 80 hours into just playing chambers from the workshop.

the twist is you are the robot

>trying to spoil the story to puzzle game like anyone gives a shit


The fucking title gives it away.

i can see this game doing quite well tßh


>aren't even trying
we know you are shilling for the game


>moving cubes and pushing buttons
>that's what everyone liked about portal, right?



why would someone need to shill for a square enix game

>firing only twice in the game
>I seriously hope you guys don't do this.
SE must be really desperate

The Twist is you arent a robot.

It's theoretical informatics.

v = or
^ = and
1 = not
X = exclusive or (1 or the other, but not both)

the individual pairs are in brackets and are solved first.

>it's this blatant shill again

So what, you made this game and are shilling it here or something?

Can you explain why this shit needs network access in order to save the game? It got blocked by my firewall, which I thought was fine since it's a single player game, but now it keeps saying "error while saving".

Yeah I'm not giving you my IP that easily, far as I know you're gonna put up information of everybody who downloaded the game from there somewhere on the internet and let the hounds go at it.


yes precisely

Can anyone answer my question? Why would this singleplayer game need network access?

>Playing: cyberpunk 2077
stupid lying shit, fuck you!

I'm sorry, user. But I just can't give you that type of information.

can't type in turing test because it's not supposed to be out yet

Well I guess I just have to delete this virus then.


I don't get these threads. I even played this game through now and it is decent. Pretty short, and fairly easy, but works fine enough. Story is derivative, but at least works its own angle and does it nicely enough, especially with the voice acting by Tywin Lannister makes the game, really.

The whole shilling angle is pretty weird. OP is definetly spamming this thread over and over, but no company can be this desperate to get any people at all to play it and then maybe, maybe they remember to pay them for it a week and a half later.
You'd think if someone was actively shilling they'd shill a demo or something.

Welp, guess I'm going to jail then... in whatever country actually persecutes downloads from filehoster sites.

the only free country in the world of course

Wait, Tom is voiced by Charles Dance? I didn't recognize him



>let me force my morals on you and go to the extent of calling them "human morals".
>dare you reject "human morals"?
>you're evil now for not accepting my morality!
>really, they're morals for humans, says it so in the name of the morals!

why is a middle aged politician dabbing?

weow lad

she finna die LMAO

you a robot?

"Sitting out imortality on a space station is booooring. Let's risk destroying the earth and human civilization as we know it because we didn't feel like taking one for the team and really, what could go wrong anyway."

To me the final issue of this game was so one sided they didn't get to make one step into the final room.
Maybe if the writers would've been better there would've been actual conflict about it. Sure the slavery angle is fucked up, but it's not like TOM is unreasonable in any way.

>another female protag walking simulator that thinks it's "advancing the art form of gaming"

pic related will love this

i guess i am user
its from the 2nd side room, there is a bridge that is turned off by a machine making a sound
the machine makes the sound if it detects movement
you can pass it by just tapping forward
pretty retarded puzzles so far

Where's the stream, fuckley?

you can hold ctrl instead of tapping. You go slower then.

>Wait, Tom is voiced by Charles Dance?

Why does the game keeps hanging for me during loading screens?

OP is clearing shilling from/for the devs, but from Sup Forums's reactions:

Are people really this interested in Square Enix Collective games?

Genuinely quite surprised.


shit like this is the future of gaming


>middle aged

>the fun part starts when all of the enjoyable segments are over

> >:(

One of my friends got sent to ISS for drawing a gun like that in school once, with the little bang flag and everything. This was years before the poptart gun indecent. It didn't even happen to me and I'm still mad about it.

Care to explain? He is a pretty cool GM

Not that many puzzle games coming out at any given time.

nu male

So are you just memeing becuase of his looks or has he actually done the SJW part? Because again he's a pretty cool GM watch his D&D sesions

why do you even post here

Well, it's vaguely related to space so I'll give it a shot. Thanks OP.

This thread or Sup Forums4chan?

The first because I like the guy and I would like to know if he is a SJW or not the later because I enjoy the dark, depresing, stupid and sick humor of the board and the vidya discussion aswell

hmm, checks out

enjoy Sup Forums fellow 4channarian! :)

>puzzles games are walking simulators

you are cancer.

Is the game complete? Can you beat it?

if it doesnt do anything to better portal what's the point

i did a little more research into the devs and their previous game(s) and it doesnt look as sjw as i initially assumed

not that ill play it though lol

wonder whether politics will be shoehorned into it; the female mary sue engineer protag is enough of a turn off already

>i-it's not portal so what's the point

seriously, just stop posting.

It's the full game. I've beaten it 2 hours ago.

How long was it?

Would you say it's worth $20?

>buy shitty sjw indie game
>when a superior game exists
>"haha lol guys im so unique and special and indie, can't wait to complete my gender studies degree lol! #ImWithHer


It's Monday, August 22nd. Shouldn't you be back in school?

Why do you keep shilling your shitty game, faggot?

5 and a half hours real time. I did get something to eat in the meantime and took my sweet time with some of that reading material so it's probably more like 5 flat.

Story is good in my book even if it's derivative of things like The Swapper, The Talos Principle and Portal in that order. It puts enough of a spin on things to keep it interesting.
Puzzles felt mostly easy, only a few had me stuck for a few minutes.
18 bucks seems on the high end of a fair price for this despite its short length and basically 0 replay value. It's a decent experience.