Describe this scene in one sentence

Describe this scene in one sentence.

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Held back by console hardware




Ebin fanservice.

Pure kino.

i honestly dont understand why this boss is so highly regarded
Ludwig in general wasn't really a character that was hyped up at all in the game, and the boss battle itself wasnt anything too surprising.
the only reason i can think of is the moonlight sword, but i dont really think that alone makes it such a fantastic boss battle.

>the job...Killer is Dead

Video games transcending into art.

what did he mean by this?

>my guiding moonlight

Because after year of putting MLGS in every game, From finally managed to make it look good.

I have no idea, Sup Forums figuratively and literally creams their pants over this fight, but all it really has going for it was its difficulty, but even that, like the rest of the old hunters bosses, was hyped up.


Great design.
Great moveset.
Multiple phases.
Pure kino cutscene.
Flawless theme.

A man finds his salvation, and his purest insanity, in a trusted ally.


The best moment in video game history.

Absolutely based

Dark souls 3 didn't top this

the dlc probably won't

Anyone else really hope that they put chalice dungeons back into Dark Souls 3 for the DLC? I would really love a sort of chalice dungeons to padd out the pve experience and get better items and maybe even new stat gems to upgrade your weapons with.

I don't know why chalices aren't in DS3, they are genius as fuck.

never ever


>moonlight sword
>name change in the middle of the fucknig battle
>the startegy top beat him suddenly changes
>that fucking ost
>that fucking ost
>that fucking ost
>that choregraphy
I wonder why this is so highly regarded

My guiding moonlight... NEIGH!!!!!!!!!!

I was really hoping for a refinement on the chalice system in DS3, but the reception to them in BB was no negative/apathetic that they probably decided not to bother. I'm sure they'd need to suck Sony's dick to get the rights to use the same system as well.

metaphorical representation of git gud
>spams cheap moves while neighing like a retarded donkey, screams every 5 seconds
>stops after taking a serious beating, thinks for a while, properly holds sword and looks at it
>starts acting respectably towards opponents, fights with proper well-executed and varied moves


People hate them. Because they suck.

Because of this:

And then when he starts attacking in time with the music, slashing at the clash of the cymbals; it's just perfect.

how can people still be this salty, holy shit

nah, going through them for the platinum shouldn't be mandatory

it's just boring

There's something special about what looks like a monster acting like a monster before something triggers their humanity.

It's when that clarity and realization hits them that shit gets really good. From their perspective, they're fucked. But the dignity is still there, so even if they know they're going to die or be stuck as a monster forever, they're going to give it their all regardless.

They showed that well here when his moveset and animations changed from bestial to actually coherent and precise.

A curse is a horse of course of course.

I know it's immature for me to be sleeping with my Mom at my age. I'm a senior in High School, and Mom tells me I will have to learn how to sleep in my own bed if I am going to college. "I can't crawl into your dorm room bed," she sweetly tells me. My mother and I have a special relationship, I'm most happy when I'm with her, and when I'm apart from her I am always thinking about how to please her. I guess you could call me a "mama's boy," but if you could feel what it's like to be around her you'd understand.

Mom has recently traded in her flannel pajamas for satin nighties, she's been putting on expensive lotions, and she bought a membership at a gym. I coyly asked her last night when I saw her slip on a silky black gown with lace trim if she 'bought new pajamas?' She smiled and explained, "I want to feel beautiful even if your father isn't around anymore." I struggled to respond, do I tell her she looks beautiful, sexy, should I tell her that whatever she wears is sexy? "I like it, Mom." Her eyes sparkled as she smiled and kissed me, "good, at least I can still impress you."

I wake up to hear her reach over on the night table. I peek over my shoulder and see her turning down the sound on her iPad. She begins to watch a porn video, and the male actor calls the woman, "mommy." I hold my breath. Could she fantasize about sleeping with me? I listen to my mother moan, I her her fingers slip in and out of her wet pussy. I'm throbbing hard. I muster the courage to peek over my shoulder again. She catches me!

They don't suck, it was vital and fun to get truly OP in BB for pvp. I had all the best gems, beat all the chalice dungeons, and even pvp'd in them and it felt more satisfying to grief players in them.

I had 880 damage with ludwigs wheel and I used amygdalas arm in my off hand which had 650 damage.

Because I had the best 23% phys damage/21% arcane damage and 3 of them with the middle one being something like 30% phys/26% arcane damage I would one shot people.

It's just that chalices were literally way to hard for people and so everyone went full retard and refused to learn the mechanics.

In other words, git gud.

Which part of "one sentence" did you not get?

Go on.

Like you even need a strat for his second phase


I love that they offer the challenge that they do, and getting OP is fun, but their implementation sucks. I feel like their reception would be much butter if they had cut out the first 2-3 depths completely.


you do. it's called "a boss fight"

>she bought a membership at a gym
I'm sorry user, but she's not doing that for you, it's for the trainer who's always alone with her in the yoga classes.

>Dark souls 3 didn't top this


>wasn't really a character that was hyped up at all in the game
nigga he was basically the founder of the church hunters

Nah it wasn't as close to that level of "OH SHIT WHAT THE FUCK"

I'd say Nameless King was at least on the same level

Sup Forums attracts autist, PCucks also happen to be primarily autistic .

Put 2 and 2 together.

I didn't really care about that boss fight, I loved it, but it wasn't some amazing cinematic that gave insight into ludwig, it was standard fare for souls games and wasn't particularly impressive.

That pre boss build-up.
The road to him is flowing with blood.
There is an insane man desperatly banging on a fallen gate to get away from him.
That boss intro.
Wild feral horse beast leaping and flailing and screaming at you.
Constantly keeping you tense with preassure.
Get to secound phase, he is transformed from a wild raging animal to ashadow of his former noble self
That fucking ost.
It's a near perfect boss fight.

>trying to make fun of fanfiction

Do you even get anything ?

the horse from berserk finds a glowing sword and really fucking likes it

>PCucks resort to shit posting

Remember NEVER. EVER.

Pretty sure everyone could see that coming.
Everyone got caught off guard by Ludwig.

Yes, I enjoy jerking off to seeing hopeful fuccbois thinking they'll score, only to see their waifu being dominated by the bull and crying in despair.
specially when they later decide to embrace their fuccboi nature and end up getting banged by another bull, or even by the same one.


Most soul bosses that change halfway trough the fight go from composed to feral
He is the opposite, he went from feral to composed
Also, the Moonlight Greatsword, a staple in the series, was missing up until that point and it left everyone wondering where the fuck it was, then it turns out Ludwig, a legend of his time, one of the founders of the church, not only found the sword but owned the right to use it

>In general wasn't a character hyped up in the game at all
He was on the same level as Artorias, what the fuck are you saying

I agree that he's not an 11/10 boss fight. I think Orphan is much better executed, but Ludwig is still great.

What is your favorite boss from each game?

Not him, but you really don't. There are three moves required to beat the second phase in this order 1) dodge into boss past wide arc of sword 2) wail away in relative safelt 3) get the fuck away from the AOE. Lather, rinse, repeat until dead. 1st phase was infinitely easier.

jesus I'm an autist. 2nd phase was infinitely easier.

False King
Centipede Demon
Tie between LG Knight and Velstadt
Either Micolash or Orphan
Nameless King

Fucking why

False King
Tower Knight
Skinny and Fatass (O&S)
Looking Glass Knight
Nameless King
Soul of Cinder
Lady Maria

this boss is very poorly balanced in new game plus and i had a really bad time fighting him. he was hard in a way that was frustrating instead of engaging. am i the only one who thinks this?




Atmosphere is top notch, it's Solaire's last battle with you before he goes insane, and it's the best boss theme in the game
I just really enjoyed fighting him

ornstein and smough , artorias
dark lurker
ludwig and maria
aldritch ,soul of cinder and abyss watchers

>Demon's Souls
>Dark Souls
Black Dragon Kalameet
>Dark Souls 2
Burnt Ivory King
Ludwig, the Holy Blade/Orphan of Los
>Dark Souls 3

The OST is just ok man.

Nah, just git gud and properly upgrade your weapons
I was the same, fought him on NG+ and he took me 3 tries

Now Laurence that motherfucker is bullshit on NG+. He can nearly two shot you if your dodging isn't literally perfect


False King Allant
Pen & Teller
Lost Sinner
Lady Maria or Ebrietas

>it's Solaire's last battle with you before he goes insane
Someone didn't finish his questline. You can summon him for Gywn too.

>He can nearly two shot you if your dodging isn't literally perfect
Sounds like half the bosses in DS3, everything kills you in two hits even with 27+ VIT

>Didnt know that Japan only PS4 theme was eventually brought here
>Bought that shit today
>Go to Sup Forums
>This thread

I think its time to replay this damn fine game. Its the wheel a fun weapon?

Penetrator is the best boss of Demons' Souls because he's the only great boss of Demons' Souls. The others are so cheap as to be tedious or are trivialized by not handicapping yourself.

has a badass name, is the first hunter of the church, the Holy Blade was made with a trick to mimic his Holy Moonlight Sword, the fight is great etc

Like you're supposed to figure that out the first time you play the game
The impact was still there even after I replayed having known that you could save him

Video game kino.

Even a year later and still asshurt.

Penetrator is a joke of a fight though. All he has is style points because his armor and sword are pretty cool. FKA and Flamefucker are the only legit bosses in that game.


I know, but it still requires you to do those steps. It may be a lot easier (and it is), but it still requires you to have a strategy

a hunter is a hunter still, even in a dream

talk to vatir, join his covenant, summon him and younger madaras twin. Fuck anyone that says you "cheesed" it and just have fun defeating the fucker.
Also put fire paper on your weapon and stunlock the everliving fuck out of that rape horse.

Nameless King
Orphan of Kosm

I would say O&S, Artorias, Manus and Gwyn are all roughly on the same level as Kalameet but he wins out for being one of very few cases in vidya history of a well handled dragon boss fight, where the dragon really feels like a legendary and extremely threatening creature, and it manages to not feel like a slog to fight it, nor is it a clunky / mechanical mess. Large bosses in general tend to be boring in action games, Souls games too, but this one was fucking great all around.


I agree with all of this but kalameet. He's awesome and all but I always preferred Artorias.

Fuck sir alonne. He was cool until he had that gay ass attack with the terrible hitbox. You know the one.

It's true though. FROM is a Downgrade King.

Too easy.

False King
Gwyn? I guess
Fume knight if counting DLC, pre patch Lost Sinner on ng+ if not
Champion Gundyr
Gehrman if not counting DLC, Ludwig if we are

It didn't bother me that much. All the final bosses of the dks2 dlcs are roughly equal to me though, I think I just picked Alonne because he has the best theme and the room he's in is pretty.

Des: Never played
DS: Tie between Artorias or Manus
DS2: Burnt Ivory king
BB: Ludwig
DS3: either pontiff or Aldrich

Alonne is easy as fuck. Stop being bad and lrn2dodge

didn't play DeS

sir alonne
maria. ludwig would be my fav if his moveset wasn't so bullshit and he didn't have so much health. still a great fight tho
twin princes, easy. my fav fight in the series.

>he has the best theme and the room he's in is pretty.
I agree.