Is that a fucking BLACK VIKING??

Is that a fucking BLACK VIKING??

Has Ubisoft gone too far?

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They all look white to me

The Berserker? Just looks heavily tanned to me.

Looks tan, desu.

>tattoos on vikings


>white people in charge of not being assravaged when a single black character appears in any form of fictional media

>> tanned
>> literally dreads

come on son

He looks tanned

>Ubishit shills can't even advermeme properly

Holy shit you are the most worthless video game company in existence.

>Valkyrie has the thickest neck

Females don't work that way.

i'm still getting paid for it, just filling my quota *shrug*

>not having a strong black womyn genderfluid pansexual rape survivor viking class or something
le sjws amirite fellows?

You also get to choose to be a man or a woman for your faction
It's a fantasy game user, chill out

who cares

>it's impossible for anyone but blacks to have dreadlocks
Are you dumb? How many black people have you ever met with straight facial hair?

>in a battle

Yeah, nah. It's a typical shoehorned PC bs type of game Ubisoft is known for.

i don't associate with "black people" user, i don't live in Murrica

you can be a black viking or not. they said it wasn't historically accurate.

Its a fictional universe, try a different approach

>> vikings with horns


> that lawbringer
> that warden
oh boy, too bad the game will probably suck and be dead within a month
PVKII update when

>flails confirmed

oh no, some of the character models are different from the others in a way I don't approve of
reee, this game is awful

Alpha in September user, judge game yourself

there is one class for each faction for females only and one class for each faction for males too
the other two is either gender

They must be Swedish Vikings.

>horned helmets

This meme needs to end.

>game about medieval melee combat with swords, shields, spears and axes
>woman character

lmao are these cucks for real

It's dirt

>> hihi womyn can fight too :^)

>he doesn't know shit about history

>Ubisoft making good games
>IN 2016


Ubisoft, EA, and Activision haven't made a good game in years.

japanese women fighting a battle on defence onnabushi where a real thing

Jeanne is only a glorified cheerleader

>female knights
>female samurai

No. Even Shield Maidens were incredibly rare.

Game comes out in 2017, so your argument is shit

Nope doesn't look like it, he's just more bronze in skin.

OP is a faggot

Peacekeeper is cute

Female Naginata users were a thing. Mostly for home defense when their men arent there.

the games premise is pretty fucking retarded:
samurais are what 16th century?
knights looks straight out of 12-13 century at the latest
and fucking vikings are 9th century, in fact given how shit their gear is, they might as well be the proto-vikings from the migration era

Is that a male Valkyrie? Did they even bother doing any research whatsoever?

>Ubifags are this pathetic

Then why do you pretend to know more than you do?

is that valkyr a male?

order of the hatchet, also some shitty nomads had women fighting occasionally and I think I remember reading that the eastern romans were shocked to find that women would sometimes fight in defensive battles (though this might just be propaganda to show barbars as being so worthless that they have to make their women fight)

So you're a Yuropoor who should have more knowledge about Viking shit but don't? That's even worse.

Oh my god peacekeeper


Like Shield Maidens, they were incredibly rare. They are the exception rather than the rule.

i will, but small player capacity, no custom maps and game mods is a complete letdown

Yeah but knowing Ubisoft, they'll make them super powerful, front and center, and make them spout feminist BS all the time.

>vikings fighting samurai
Did anyone on this project even open a history book?

>knights in plate

So they can't die right? They ought to be able to take on the Vikings and Japs easily.

If you're not from America, how do you explain being so uneducated?

Vikings wore braids, and often shaved the sides of their head.

Also if you were well-traveled, you'd know that, unlike Celtic people like the Irish, whose fair skin only reddens with sun, Nordic people's skin tans to a bronze colour.

Well as it so happens this is a fantasy game so historicity is out the window as far as arguments are concerned. Got any other reason why there shouldn't be a game about vikings, knights, and samurai duking it out with and against each other?


Both vikings and samurai had blunt things with spikes on them.


As far as I hate that word, they are kinda right on this one.
You never had a historical battle between those three.

Hopefully their next game will be a WW2 shooter where you have the option of playing as a gay Jewish SS officer.

Those don't look like dreads, they look like braids. And look at the facial hair- thats some pretty vanilla viking beard

Pretty sure the answer to that question is "so we can have a game where motherfucking vikings, knights, and samurai fight each other"

Those are clearly braids retard, and white people can have dreads aswell. He's clearly white.

>get a chance to make a historical warriors video game
>Pick 3 completely different cultures from different periods
>Mirror the characters from each team

How can a company be so mediocre

holy shit

None, you burgers seem to think seeing black people is a natural occurrence in the rest of the world.

>To For Honor director Jason Vandenberghe and the rest of the team at Ubisoft Montreal playing as the warrior that you want to be is important. That's why players can choose which gender and race they want to battle as, Vandenberghe told GameSpot.

>"This game isn't about us creating characters and imposing them on you," Vandenberghe explained. "This game is about you. And so what kind of warrior are you? You can change the skin color of your Vikings, too. You want to have a black Viking? Knock yourself out. It's who you are. I want you to be able to be in that game."

>Vandenberghe added that letting players choose who they want to play as has "been the core value of the team" since day one. In fact, there are 12 heroes in total, and when it comes to gender, "it's 50/50 all the way across."

>"Each faction has four heroes each," Vandenberghe said. "In each faction there are two heroes that are dual gender, male or female, and then there's one hero that is male only and one hero that is female only.

>"I hope that people pick up on how much diversity there is in this game, both in terms of your ability to customize and how much choice you have in all the styles," he continued. "And it's really a game for everybody; it really is. It's so easy for people to say, 'Oh, it couldn't be true, they couldn't have full gender representation and different ethnicities in a game like this.' So we put a lot of time and effort into that."

Best part get ready:
Vandenberghe said that he isn't looking to make a political statement with For Honor, reminding us that it's all about who you want to be.

"This game isn't about politics," he said. "It's a personality test. Are you a knight, a viking, or a samurai? What is your warrior?"[/spoiler

>all those fags bitching about muh realism

You guys dont get tired of the same dumb shitpost all the time?at least the guy made a new complaint with nigger vikings soo at least is something new.

he deserves a (you)
you guys dont

change the disk cocksuckers!

Slav women were competent horse archers, and got in on city defense when shit went south.

>It's a diversity is being used as a USP episode

>9th Century vikings in nothing but gambesons
>12th century Knights in full plate armor
>15th Century Samurai in wooden armor, no shields

Does anybody really doubt what the results would be?

who nobushi here?

>classs based
Damn, I wanted to customize my character.


>> travelling
>> in the internet age

I literally just need to watch a youtube video of some faggot traveling to some place and I have seen everything that shithole has to offer

You cant be that stupid...just stop posting

>get a chance to make a historical warriors video game

and they choose to make unrealistic what is the fucking problem?

yeah, they arent zulu warriors, einstein


Peacekeeper looks gnarly.

I thought I was gonna play Samurai but it looks like I'm going to have to be a Knight.

ITT: single lonely men planning to vote for Trump.



>exception rather than the rule

By this logic male vikings shouldn't be presented either.

Vikings were fishers and farmers, just a tiny group of viking men were warriors.

You sure showed them.

Nigga he's just filthy. Literally every other part of the guy is white.

>It's a "I have no understanding of history" post

If you aren't playing conqueror then get the fuck outta my face.

Reminds me a lot of the vanguards in Nosgoth.

Thanks man!

oh, you're poor.

or i like to not waste my money on traveling and instead use it for other things?

literally who gives a shit about going to some other country just to see "oh, people here are just as shit as everywhere else, wow!"

fucking waste of time and money.

>white people can have dreads as well

That's cultural appropriation, you shitlord. At least that's what they tell us in America (which would explain that other user's confusion).

Why all you fucks going crazy about historical accuracy in a fantasy game? If anything you should get mad that Ubisoft fags actually think Vikings are competent warriors and not the early medieval period equivalent of the school yard bully.

I'd rather they had legionaries or hoplites instead of Vikings.

>can choose any group of warriors in all of history
>choose vikings, literal white niggers

id rather have zulus than vikings

>dat Templar's armors
It is normal to get boners for looking at some armors?

if you were not poor, you would have more spare money that you can use.
Traveling is entertaining, try it if you ever have a job that allows you to get out of your miserable hole.

I have the money to travel.

I do not want or enjoy to travel.

It is not a matter of "can't" it is a matter of "won't".

There is no rule that states "must travel if has money to travel".
Traveling is completely useless to me.

>dal wielding axes

what a moronic idea
dual wielding is questionable to begin with (can work in a 1v1 duel setting, but is absolute moronic garbage in a battlefield setting), but if you absolutely insist on dropping your shield for a second weapon, then please use an actually useful off-hand weapon like a dagger or short sword.

White Zulu's when?

>Has never seen a tan person before
Vikings spend endless hours outside.

>White people can have dreads as well
100% White people can have dreads? Gib link.

no YOU bitch