Your favourite game of all time

>Your favourite game of all time

>Your most embarrassing secret

Let's see how these two tie up

> I play everything but TF2 with a steam controller, including DoW

I'll start


I like to fart next to pretty girls in public and watch their reaction


My aunt used to bathe me till I was 11 years old, I got erections almost every time when she massaged my penis

Paper Mario ttyd
Being a girl



I enjoyed no mans sky

That feel when you'll never be a trap, that feel when you'll never have a dick. Kill me, Pete.

That sounds hot, did anything else ever happen?

Dark Souls

I like scat

Tie fighter
40 y/o old fag here

Dragon's Dogma

I'm really bad at video games but act like I'm hot shit at them. I try to avoid playing multiplayer games to hide my badness, and if I have to play with other people I pick an easy to play role like support and act like I'm doing it because someone has to.

dumb frogposter

I used to visit her during my childhood when spring break was on. I noticed she was a pervy since she liked to accidentally "massage" my erection as she bathed me. Though I was young so I didn't think much of it. One time she caught me browsing her porno magazines, and instead of yelling she put me on her lap and we browsed them together, with her asking things like, do you like her? oh, how about her? as she flipped pages. She gave me my first orgasm so yea

knights in the nightmare
I've never masturbated

How do you stand the younger people here?

Why did you say you like shit twice?

>I've never masturbated

Pajeet go home

Jeez Louise! It adds up


I want to be a trap but I'm a fit hairy dude with a manly face and deep voice. Also I like sucking dick but not taking it in the ass


I like hypnotism, aphrodisiacs, and other mind-altered states in lewd situations. I'm also a girl.

Pervy? That's a pedophile user.

Now your favorite game.

are you me?

I'd give my left nut and half the other to find a woman like that

Megaman x series

my self esteem is so fucking terrible I'm too embarrassed to post my most embarrassing secret even as anonymous

It's not even that bad in comparison to other stuff here

i have similar interests. hypnosis is really cool, but my favorite is sleep molestation.

I saw some 'AAA'-tier porn a couple months back involving hypnotism and time-stopping. Shit was weird, though, since it was basically fucking a lifeless body.

Iunno, user.

For me, it's because I can't relax and just zone my thoughts out even during lewd stuff. The thought of just having my mind full of thirst for dick and pleasure and nothing else is absolutely panty-wetting.

I didn't realize we had so many girls (male)

I noticed that it was weird when I grew up (26 years old atm), but she was always so giggly and happy about me, she was my best friend back then. I could never think of her like some disgusting pedo. She just loved me and wanted me to feel nice. We didn't have sex of course.

We still visit from time to time but we live far away, and she would joking asking me if I remember when we played hide and seek when I was young, while giggling

So don't label her as some weird creepy pedo, she was just a cheerful woman

Mother 3

As for most embarrassing secret, that's actually a tough one. I've done a lot of shit I regret, but very little of it's actually embarrassing. I suppose the thing I'd be most worried about is people knowing how much of a /d/eviant I actually am, but other than that it's mostly regret instead of embarrassment.

Is it any good? The lack of a second thumbstick has been putting me off

Sounds hot tbqh user
As long as youre cool with it, sounds nice

London, etc.

Not exactly. You sound like someone who'd be fun to play with, though.

>Skies of Arcadia
>my best friend's girlfriend is a gigantic cunt so while I was house sitting for them, i went into their bedroom and jerked off onto a pile of her panties.

doom 4 or original doom? I'm more of a femdom in my dreams.

It's common but I don't say it much since I hate being a female.


Half Life.

I pick my nose and eat it.

Tales of Symphonia

I have an overactive bladder and, as evidenced last week, I still piss in my sleep at 26 if I sleep too hard. Luckily, deep-rooter poor sleeping ability counters this as I normally wake up several times throughout an average sleep cycle but still.

>I still piss in my sleep at 26

How's that life with living with parents?

Both, though the various modded forms of the original are pretty nice too. I'm not picky with my fun.

I'm a switch but can't ever fully get into subbing due to always drifting into other thoughts and daydreaming. It does give me a good sort of detachment when I'm domming, though.


I... what? There is no correlation.

Shadow of Chernobyl
I'm pretty fucking useless at everything outside of household work, minor gunsmithing and a bit of creative writing.


I'm Schitzoid. I try to hide it from my friends, but I end up not talking to anyone for months at a time.


I want my friends to gangbang me and make me their slut. End my life.

>he still pisses himself
Thats pretty hot

>I'm useless outside of the things I do


You don't have to browse internet to self-diagnoze yourself and be a special tumblr snowflake. You're just socially retarded, is all/

Both are pretty ok, but I like playing the best quality mods.
That feel when I'll never get to tease an uncut dick and I'll never be able to have public sex.

Demon's Souls

these threads are so fucking gay you sissy white boy degenerate fags

>New Vegas
>Closeted furfag

I bet you're a chick too. Fucking a. Why is it so hard to learn how to get good? There are people like you, who do play support in overwatch and they fucking suck! Please die

>Ultima Online

>I had a sleepover for one of my birthdays when I was a kid, and about 20 kids showed up. We spent all night looking at porn and jerking off together, and I got mad when I caught one kid who wasn't doing it, so I jerked him off

Metal Gear Solid 3

I´m LITERALLY a mememaster. I know too much about stupid ass memes, their origins, and variations. I usually am the guy who spouts a lot of memes on Whatsapp, Snapchats and other groups, some of them with humor too black to handle by them. I enjoy being "that guy" and acting socially retarded, make others feel uncomfortable and show myself as weird even if I can behave like an normie and get laid. That costed me a lot of schoolmates and "internet friends" but I prefer the solitude and the laughs to the company of other normies. I have really nice friends to compensate.

Neck yourselves you fucking degenerates

>mfw I've known this girl online and she would literally beat the living shit of everyone in any competitive game
>mfw she singlehandedly beat the myth of gurls sucking at video games
>mfw it turned out to be dude all alone

Just swallow your pride and wear some diapers, it'll help you sleep better since you won't have to constantly wake up, and keep your bed dry.

>The Binding of isaac: Rebirth
>I'm bisexual and if i ever told anyone my "cool guy" persona would be fucked and all of my friends would hate me

You forgot your "Shiiiiet, baka", normie

Sorry Jamal but my boipucci is whites only, not for blacks, or NIGGERS as I like to call them, so please leave this community or I'll make black people slaves again

>Pokemon Black & White
>I've lost my ability to get off normally - I can only fap to the idea of being transformed into a girl or a trap. I'd be totally okay with being sexually mindbroken.

I dropped my X360 for it. In DoW the back paddles are to toggle idle units, while the stick is for moving across the map and XYAB are for unit controls. In Mechwarrior Online Bumpers/Triggers are bound to weapons, and if I have more than 4 the left paddle turns the triggers into 5/6. It works fine in everything I can think of.

It's the most accurate controller there is and it's very comfortable.

Crusader Kings II
I didn't realize that the girl that literally let me fall asleep on her shoulder or lap, and would go out of her way to help me study for classes, was trying to hook up with me.

how old were you
i need to know

Dwarf Fortress
I start these threads all the time. I get off to seeing people wallow in their degeneracy, its just so hot.


It's a very rare thing. Maybe once a year tops, if that. What's odd is that I'll feel myself pissing or want to piss while dreaming and then I'll wake up, or wake myself up, before it happens.

>I'm a switch but can't ever fully get into subbing due to always drifting into other thoughts and daydreaming.

This means you aren't a switch, you're a dom. You obviously get bored while subbing.

Final Fantasy VII

[Spoiler]I faked a low blood sugar attack (like a diabetic) during sex because I couldn't cum and was fucking bored. The worse part was the girl was my crush/oneitis who I had only being dating a month and she dumped me 2 days later. As soon as she dumped me I wanted her more. It's over a year since than and I still haven't gotten over her.[/spoiler]

I was around 13

I'm 21, but the event happened like 2 years ago

Lurk more.

>"I-I swear I know how to not be socially retarded," the paragraph

what the fuck
you got my hopes up only to crush them
why would you do that

Dont be fooled if its a girl talking eaither. Back when i had a girlfreind i would always play cod or gta and she would insist on talking in the mic. She would never play, except like alice: madness returns and skyrim. But she sucked, and most girls i knew weren't very good.

Ghost Trick
When I was like seven I took a picture of my dick with the family digital camera, my mom found it, and I was so ashamed I could look at it for like a year and a half

Final Fantasy 7

i have a boxing fetish

>when I was a kid

If you're gonna impersonate me, champ, do it with some fucking INTELLIGENCE

Thats a shame.
Still hot, man.

who do i believe
one year makes a lot of difference

Sorry, boss. I'm sure it isn't too uncommon to find someone willing to indulge your golden shower esque fetish. Maybe it's harder when you're homo but I honestly have no clue.

gonna need a source on that

I was 13.
>afterwards, one kid in school heard about what we did at my party, and was constantly asking me to sleep over

Good taste user..


Vampire Bloodlines

I let a female dog give me a blow/rim job when I was around 13y/o, she greedily ate my boy-cum and licked my dick clean. I was so fucking horny I would have fucked everything with a pulse. I would have fucked the dog I wasn't alone in the (friends) house.

friends judge your sexuality

I just find omorashi really hot.
Im already in a relationship with someone who pisses themselves, so no worries there. Have a good day, user!

Gundam Battle Universe.

I enjoy giving my girlfriend pleasure more than receiving any - I love it when she's moaning and screaming and I'm only using my hands or tongue.
And I was a virgin until two months ago.

Where is dog now?

This. I know my friends wouldnt care. I might not have a lot of friends but the ones I do have wouldnt judge me for being gay.

>And I was a virgin until two months ago.
Means nothing if we don't know your current age.

Couldn't possibly know, I lost contact with that friend a long time ago.

But she was a German Shepherd, really cute and affectionate, she really liked me.

You're a furry, aren't you?


When I was young I did a lot of lewd stuff with my younger sister. I sometimes wonder if she remembers any of it, which she probably does, and then I feel awkward.

>not being a degenarate to pe purified through a new holocaust
>on Sup Forums

You do know you can only pick one, right?

Turned 22 on the 10th.
Oh, and I learned every single maneuver I used in bed from erotic VNs.

>This ENTIRE thread
>All these anons thinking their secrets have shock-value on Sup Forums

Never come out its not worth it