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Yeah, and all the Disgaea DS characters have been added to Disgaea 1 PC.
How the fuck is NISA actually being competent? Don't most companies when they port their games just move onto the next game after release?
Jesus, you're fast.
That's good news then.
So this... is the power... of the PC...
disgaea 3 and 4 when
They skipped Makai Kingdom. :(
>and all the Disgaea DS characters have been added to Disgaea 1 PC.
You're shitting me
Maybe next year?
>horse weiner is gonna be censored
Disgaea 1 had some of the worst balance ever in a srpg so the story battles weren't the least bit enjoyable. I know some people like to grind their characters to level 9999999999 but I only see that as tedium. I generally love the TRPG genre, especially games where positioning plays a large role and you need to change your tactics depending on the level design and objectives of each mission. Please tell me if I should get disgaea 2 or any other NIS game.
We'll see.
It just seemed like they were going to release games in order from Disgaea onwards. I mean, they put out Phantom Brave a month or so ago, no?
At this rate we're gonna get Disgaea 5 in 2021
And nothing of value was lost
Finally, the best disgaea
First one has goat ost
Running Fire or something the track for the first snow level is great.
D3 is nearly playable in rpcs3.
Thanks NISA, another game that we played on emulators thousand of years ago!
I liked disgaea 2____________
Why do they keep using that shitty character filter when advertising their games? Its ugly as fuck. Please tell me no one actually has that shit turned on when playing these.
Cool, but those where already modded in. I bet the port Dev even used the same mod code for it.
3 and 4 next plz
The port's not being done in-house, so I doubt it. Based on interviews it looks like NIS Japan's the one making these ports with NISA just relaying information over to them.
2017 is better than never ever.
These ports look better than the games emulated though. Its not a total loss. Plus it gives the chance of combining content from various releases in one.
wake me up when they add a game i didn't emulate 10 years ago
>tfw no fast forward button on pc version or quicksave function
why is emulated version always the best
>liking Disgaea
>liking any NIS game
I bet you like the fucking big bang theory and other memetacular things.
Why would I play this on steam when I can play an emulated copy with graphical errors, a dodgy save system and crackling audio?
>What is turning off animations and skipping cutscenes?
Gee, it's like those features were there ALL ALONG.
But you could already play 2 on PC you monkey
This might've had something to do with it
Except the best version of Zetta.
Neat gives everyone that hasn't played 1 time to get halfway through it
>10 years ago
lmao nice try newfag, emulating wasn't around 10 years ago, especially for a game like that
Well, not in D1. At least not skipping animations, you could hold triangle to skip through dialogue
This UI looks kinda neat
Now how the hell do i update my pirated version of D1 to get the extra characters?
You don't know how this industry works faggot, so listen here.
If a company hires new blood, they have them work on Remasters and ports as a means of something that pays for itself. If the newbies make the game work they sell a 50k+ copies that enough covers for development costs + builds experience.
Having a 16 year old game (?) sell that much on steam is hella good. I hope they bring over all Disgaeas.
>First one has goat ost
It does, but it's the higher difficulty that really makes it my favorite.
I'm not sure you understand what I was trying to point out there.
I was just trying to show that Disgaea sells like hotcakes while Phantom Brave, an NIS game in the same universe that isn't Disgaea, seemingly sold like shit. Hence why maybe Makai Kingdom isn't getting a port (at least not yet, anyways) but Disgaea 2 is.
>crispin mememan
Nigga... emulating has been around for almost 15 years. Give or take.
Didn't Phantom Brave PC also get next to no marketing?
Like, most of its awareness came from the fact it was part of that huge Steam database leak a few months ago. Then it gets announced and released, what, a week after that announcement?
You're an idiot for multiple reasons.
1. Emulating consoles has been around longer than you seem to have been alive if you don't remember trying to download roms back when people were still watching 90210.
2. PS2 emulation couldn't emulate shit for nearly as long as you're trying to state, retard.
From the math it looks like they made around $98,000 on it. How expensive is it to port a game?
>How expensive is it to port a game?
Depends on how much effort was put into it.
>10 year old game coming to steam
OP didn't post anything like that. No one in this thread posted anything like that. The fuck are you even butthurt about?
It lists SteamOS system requirements Linux support confirmed!
Wow. Only 1-2 more years to go before they release one I might care about.
My bet is that none of those games took more than 10k to port.
They are also getting better after D1, it was probably the same engine.
He's one of those niggers who needs to shitpost crap like that so he can screenshot then repost it later in another thread showing how bad PC players are to console ports, and how they need their own board.
That one is only seen when you are in the Dark World.
Consoles have short set life spans, bringing games to the PC especially to Linux is important for long term preservation of games in light of both the end of backwards compatibility in the console market and the looming end of life date for Windows as a traditional desktop operating system.
That's disappointing. It has a very slick look to it. Never played Disgaea 2 and have basically been playing these games as they get ported.
They might also be skipping games where their re-release simply stayed in Japan.
The most up-to-date versions of La Pucelle and Makai Kingdom are Japan-only PSP versions.
Disgaea 2 is probably the best one for new people who don't usually play SRPGSs to jump into since D1 is very difficult. I plan on getting this for my friends who have only ever played Fire Emblem.
I just want Disgaea 5, fuck. I don't want to buy a ps4 for one game.
I'm thinking of picking up Disgaea 1, 2, and Phantom Brave to practice my Japanese since according to the Steam pages they let you switch to Japanese which I am always thankful for. I imagine these ports are made with the west in mind due to PC being dead in Japan so I'd like to know, are there any issues with how the Japanese text displays or anything like that?
at this rate, wait 2 years for nis port everything they have for PC (and after that they will go bankrupt)
>What are
Emulators are good, but native ports with ongoing support are better.
>Makai Kingdom
Would love if they translated the PSP version.
how is phantom brave PC?
I just want them to get Freeman for Zetta again. I don't know why they don't, as he's said it's one of his favorites due to how much they let him ham it up.
At least WB got the hint when he said he loved voicing Faramir in War of the Ring & Haldir in BFME2 and have since gotten him on board as basically the official vidya Legolas (who he also gushed about).
thats fucking retarded how does it take a year to port a 2006 game to PC
We'll see. Time will show.
It's a bizarre thing. That is all.
Yeah they should just put them all out at the same time and eat up their own profits.
Look up the developer. They're niche as shit.
Probably so niche that they didn't realize Steam was viable until a year or so ago.
Its good, much better than Disgaea 1 in its original state, thankfully NIS has listened to feedback and also patched Disgaea 1 to be pretty good.
They aren't good for anything else.
Pretty great in my opinion. MUCH better than Disgaea, both as a game and as a port. The gameplay mechanics are unique in a good way; instead of having grid based combat, you can freely move a certain distance per turn. Added to this, characters can only remain on the battlefield for only a few turns at a time, meaning you have to summon them to battle in the proper location and time or else you waste them and could fuck yourself over. Some people don't like this, but I think it adds to the strategy. The music is also pretty great, and I much prefer its down to earth story. Its much more serious and character focused than disgaea.
If you don't believe me though, you can play a demo of it. NISA actually put a demo on steam.
They don't have infinite workers. They're also porting Yomawari: Night Alone and The Longest Five Minutes.
I haven't played Disgaea since 3. Is Rozalin still the best Disgaea girl? Or at least the best titty monster?
simultaneous multi-platform releases actually generate the most income as advertising and word of mouth will be strongest in that situation. Leaving platforms till months or years later risks the game releasing to a tepid response on the later platforms.
That's why cross-platform development is so important and why console-first, or windows-first development practices need to end.
>Or at least the best titty monster?
Still is.
No one is talking about multi platform you worthless cunt
one day I will actually play a game in this series.
it looks so daunting to someone who can only spend a few hours every other day gaming
He means that releasing several games at once would not bode well.
I'm going to guess the item world?
You don't need to supergrind to get through the story in the games, only if you're an extreme completionist.
In fact I think D4 fucks you if you just blow through the final chapter with a hilariously OP team.
Wouldn't be practical anyway even if the games all use a common engine you still need to QA them individually to sort out problems.
Hanako is a pretty underrated Disgaea loli. It's all about Etna, Raspberyl, Desco, and whatever Bunny Cunny's name is.
Disgaea isn't as bad as you think. You can just beat the main story without grinding much if at all. It's only post-game where Disgaea turns into a grindfest game.
Feels bad man, NIS needs more love, Coven Vita release when?
Anyone? Do all NIS srpgs follow the same fundamental design philosophy?
Seems somewhat interesting but there's a couple red flags for me. You say the player MUST replay missions you already beat. Is it possible to beat the game without replaying battles at all or doing any other sort of grinding missions? In virtually all SRPGs the player is expected to revise their tactics if they fail to complete a mission, not to "grind". Is that not the case here?
I should probably go back and finish Disgaea 1 some day. After getting multiple crashes trying to beat Item God 2 after clearing 100 Item World levels I gave up and uninstalled the game. Heard the damage bug is finally fixed now?
>Do all NIS srpgs follow the same fundamental design philosophy?
Um sorta?
They follow it to an extant but pretty much all non-Disgaea games do it's own thing.
Yes, you are right that Disgaea TRPG follows and aquired taste. You could power level for an hour in item world and blow the fuck out of story with one character or 5 to get the majority of experience.
To be fair for the amount of freedom it gives sky's the limit in what you want to do, unfortuantly in the genre only Knights of Lodis offers the best story experience, but that game cripples custom characters.
Only dungeon crawlers give a satisfying feel for raising custom parties, it won't be found in the TRPG genre.
I think the majority of bugs have been fixed.
>Disgaea 2
Cool. Might buy it on a sale for support.
They better not have changed the opening. It was the best!
It had a news notice on steam when it was released.