I just finished Undertale

I just finished Undertale.

I just had one of the most wonderful gaming experiences of my life. I laughed at my friend when he suggested I play this, now I'm listening to the soundtrack on repeat and still coming down from the high from beating Sans.

Will Sup Forums look back fondly on this game eventually or is it destined to be lost in a sea of autists and shitposting?

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post toriel ass

Everyone likes it you tard.

Did you replay it for the "better" ending?

I did, I remember my first play through felt great but for 10 bucks I felt ripped off

Then I replayed pacifist and it felt soothing as hell, so only then was I satisfied with my purchase.

An Ending has to be some of the saddest songs I heard in vidya, given the context it would be 100x sadder

I think once the year is over, if there's no "Undertale Anniversary" or something when September comes, then it'll finally become one of those games that people are like "I never got the rabid hate or fandom around this, it's a pretty good game though."

At least I can hope. For now it's still horribly polarizing but it's not shitposted as much as it was. God I can't believe we really survived that, that was a fucking 4 month long storm

Yes, Undertale is a really fucking good game.

There is a reason it has so many fans and a dedicated fanbase, like anything that's good.

the latter

no mans buy

To be fair, there are definitely outside reasons for why the game garnered such a fanbase on tumblr (such as the Homestuck fandom latching on because it was Toby Fox, the "progressive values" when there really wasn't much) but then again there's a reason why a fair majority of Sup Forums was loving it for the first week (such as the boss fights, music, meta commentary, and the Gaster mysteries)

Game's pretty damn good, 8.5 I'd say, but after it got super popular its flaws got inflated to astronomical heights, and so did what it did well.

It's no 10/10 bestgamebestgame but it's possibly the best Indie title of 2015.

I think there will always be people shitposting about it for the heck of it in the future, but really only people who love the game are going to remember it from now. Unless Toby Fox comes out with something new at some point, then the hate will be reawakened.

I sure hope he tries for something a little less of a shitposting-magnet.

Does NMS really have a following?

I somehow avoided most spoilers this whole time, as soon as the Asriel fight started everything clicked for me, it's when the game went from good to probably the best game I've played in 2016 so far.

Of course, I say most spoilers because I had known about the Sans fight for a long time. Didn't stop it from being an amazing end fight, only took me 9 tries.

I just fucking love the music. I went through a phase of just listening to Undertale remixes on Youtube for like a fucking month.

yes it's great, very progressive and emotional. I liked the internet jokes too, you can tell Toby is one of us and likes memes

>best Indie title of 2015.

Honestly, it's the best GAME of 2015. Metal Gear Solid V, the greatest game of all time, turned out to be FUCKING SHITTY.


I don't find it too good like most fans claims.

Sure, it has awesome music and very memorable characters. but the gameplay is too damn repetitive and it seems it belongs to a mobile game.

Are you trying to meme me user?

i wish genocide didn't require retarded grinding for random encounters. Shouldn't the moral choices be enough to put you on that road?

About that, I hated the Asriel fight

It felt cliche and tryhard as fuck to be the power of kindess bullshit

The greatest fight was Asgore. The way the music builds up to let you know that it has all come down to this, and the knowledge that only one of you will leave the room alive. It was chilling and very well done

The neutral route was the best path imo. The ending for any neutral path is so much sadder than either Genocide or Pacifist

Remember, it's popular - you have to hate it.

To be honest, I never actually got the "fandom" complaint, every fandom (even Sup Forums-focused ones) is shitty and UnderTale fandom hasn't done really vile shit, comparatively.
Also, fandom isn't even a part of the game. The game is fucking amazing.

Genocide ending is shit. Yes it makes sense but it isn't satisfying and ruins the game afterwards.

You may argue that's great design, while I argue thats a fucking cop out.

They don't call it genocide for nothing, you gotta kill every last one of those damn monsters.

I think the shitposting undertale fad has died down.

Reminder that this is a representation of the common undertale fan

>but it's possibly the best Indie title of 2015.
>Not Hotline Miami 2
Get a grip, you mad scrub

>hasn't done any vile shit
There's a /vg/ thread still up. It's very active. It's been going on for almost an entire year.

And you say they haven't done anything vile? That's just the tip, my man.

I mean, it fits right in with the rest of the game's theme. What could they have possibly done with that ending that would have made it better while still making sense?

Redemption through kindness/understanding is the theme of the whole plot up until and including that point user.

I think what the user is trying to say, Toby could have set the kill-bar lower on some part.
Hell, there's a part when you need to kill 60-something monster! You have to grind for a good 15 minutes and it's just plain repetitive.

Even other Undertale fans hated him, though.

Waterfall and Snowdin were comfy af
such cozy music too

Definitely agree. That being said, I'm still pretty fine with the other two endings all the same. You get a wider spectrum as a result.


I just finished the game last night and somehow this is already nostalgic as hell for me.

toby fox is a goddamn genius

It will stay a good way to detect people unable to spot bad writing, terrible character design, holier-than-thou bullshit and total lack of worthwhile gameplay. Nice ost though.

I think that's the point. Genocide is supposed to be a horrible, immoral act, it's not supposed to be fun unless you actually derive pleasure from all the repetitive killing. I don't think Toby wanted to make it fun.

You might find it stupid to make part of a game intentionally not fun, but so many games with "moral choices" don't really make you stand by those choices and take them seriously. Undertale is at least trying to be different there. If genocide was just as fun as the other two routes, it wouldn't carry the same significance.

Wow it feels like I'm playing the game again

I forgot how great these parts were.

It is a genuinely good game and an experience worth going through but the game is short and there's really not much to talk about. That's why I am baffled at how there are still UT generals on /vg/. Do they just post smut and furryfaggotry all the time?

You've clearly never ever heard of Katawa Shoujo.

My only regret, is that I can't experience Undertale for the first time again.

It's good. Some of the dialogue is a bit too "lol so quirky randum xddd I watch anime and browse tumblr too :PP" for me, but it doesn't ruin the game completely.

Mother 3 is superior.

>undertale aniversary
>hard mode comes out
I'd dig it

I like that Toby had the balls to try and make "grinding" an actual mechanic instead of being an outside idea, it's just too bad that the Genocide Route had so little content.

I forgot that was still a thing, I usually search for keywords of generals I visit and /utg/ has been showing up in the search results for quite some time now. I've honestly tricked my mind into thinking that katawa shoujo is permanently part of /vg/ and never questioned it.

I replay and discuss games now and then but how can you discuss one specific game for so long? Don't you get sick of it?

I loved the gameplay. When I played it first it was only out for like two days or so so it was totally new. I was expecting a real RPG so when I first say the shmup combat I was pleasantly surprised. Gotta say it felt a lot more fun than generic turn-based combat.

As much of a shitshow this post is, I can't say I disagree. Undertale and MGSV are the only games I remember from last year, and MGSV was disappointing as hell.

Proper Sup Forums has mixed-good opinions on it.

Underage Sup Forums shits on it because its funny and not destiny

t. someone who works in a special school and sees autistic 12 year olds talking about how shit it is

>terrible character design
Nigga all the characters in Undertale are immediately recognizable. Only the Dreemurrs and Undyne have remotely uncreative designs since the former are based on Mimigas from Cave Story and Undyne looks a bit like one of the characters from Homestuck (donmt remember her name though.)

Pretty much. If it isn't the same old discussion, it's fanart, lewd fanart, outright porn, or "I WANT TO DO X TO Y"

I always feel like some sort of outcast when I say that Undertale is one of the worst games I've ever played.

Either I'm a complete plebian or I'm the only sane person in this universe.

What was so bad about it?

I can't deny the Mother 3 part, but I guess I'm too much a fan of absurdist humor to really find anything wrong with the writing and scenarios.

I'm pretty sure even Toby himself's in the same boat, he's left enough hints.

You do realize that a pretty large part of Sup Forums was shitting on it to high heaven for about 4 months right? You aren't alone if you didn't like it.

t. fat Tumblrina

Most of the work into Undyne's character design probably went into how she looks with armor on. The gotes being based on mimigas is fanwank.

>It felt cliche and tryhard as fuck to be the power of kindess bullshit
I can see why you feel that, but at the same time I feel it's fitting considering Asriel still has the mind of a child more or less, hence why his "Adult" form is so edgy and has attacks with anime-like names on top of calling himself "God of Hyperdeath"

Plus, the theme of the Pacifist run is to be kind and accepting. Of course, this doesn't mean you're wrong by any means, cliché is cliché even if it's done intentionally.

fuck, that hit me hard

Or you have different tastes.

Human beings are so instinctively drawn to groupthink and mob mentality that when they see a community with a different they feel the need to rationalize it as either a failure on their part or on the others' part. It can be neither, you know.

HM2 was a pretty close second, followed by Ori

>4 months
The game has been out for 11 months already user.

I thought it was pretty bad; stopped playing after 2 hours

But then again, I'm a normie and not a tfw no gf weaboo loser

You're on Sup Forums and this is a popular game.
You're going to get the shitposts/bait whether or not it's their sincere opinions

Nah it's still around, I'm not sure how this thread is going so smoothly. Hopefully Tumblrfag doesn't show up

yeah it really could have used some more boss fights desu senpai

Get this trash out of here. I thought this game's fad period was over already.

I was referring to the unabashed storm of shit that occurred since its release until the end of January, it finally started fizzling out by then.

the only "moral choice" in genocide is if you're willing to kill everyone just to fight sans and undyne.

I feel bad for him.

Yes he has a weird fetish and yes he was stupid for putting it in the game and not covering his tracks, but he was the highest donator and he got shafted out of the Kickstarter top tier prize. Even if hes a weirdo I cant help but feel bad that he got screwed out of something he paid tons of money for just for that.

>is it destined to be lost in a sea of autists and shitposting?

well your post is pretty autistic OP so htere's your answer

i'm responding and validation your attempt to bait replies only so the smug self-satisfaction of a job well done gives you the will to make it another day

You literally have to have determination to complete the genocide run

Undertale OST is goat, no other soundtrack save for a few from anime make me feel so many different emotions


I hate how the song itself is called Undertale, it makes it hard to find remixes of it.

uhmmm, Witcher 3 released in 2015 user

Just different tastes. This isn't a game where the main appeal is the gameplay and the complexity of it. The gameplay is fun in my opinion but it's hardly the main reason people play the game.

Undertale's main appeal is a combination of the music and the writing but it avoids being a shitty Walking simulator by incorporating an unique gameplay mechanic that affects the story.

Either way, it's no crime if you dislike it or like, at least you're not acting like some of the contrarian underage faggots in here that feels the need to act like they alone know what's objectively good or not and shout it at everyone.

>no other soundtrack save for a few from anime make me feel so many different emotions
You have some pretty shit taste in music if that's the case.

I remember Splatoon and Xenoblade Chronicles X being really fucking good but then again I'm a massive Nintendrone and one of like 20 people on this board that actually bought a Wii U. I'd say that XCX > Undertale > Splatoon > Super Mystery Dungeon as far as GOTY go in my opinion

i thought my brain was ruined by online competitive multiplayer games, I couldn't get into any singleplayer games.

then I played this game through and realized that all you need is a half decent story and i'm embarrassed for most modern game developers

This was a nice soundtrack sure, but I didn't really "feel it" like so many players claim when they hear this

The only soundtrack to make me legitimately feel upset was An Ending

Pacifist overall felt exaggerated on the feels part

>super mystery dungeon
Mein neger

Story wasn't as tight as Sky but the gameplay was top notch.

Songs in order of emotion felt

>#1: An Ending
>#2: His Theme (Ingame Speed)
>#3: Undertale
>#5: The Choice

Everything else wasn't really trying aside from Heartache but ASGORE does what Heartache does much better.

Apples and oranges.
Though both have killer soundtracks.

I don't even know why so many modern game developers are so shit at it. I mean fuck, a good way to make people sympathetic and emotionally invested in a character is through humour, something which Hitchcock knew as well.

It's why so many people had such trouble committing themselves to the task of killing him, even on Genocide runs. He's a lovable, innocent goof. But despite this fact, so many game devs fail to do even this and tend to make the mistake of trying too hard as well. We didn't even need to spend that much time with Toriel to grow fond of her, nor with the other characters. Sometimes, less is more.

I know it's the Pacifist route but I'd like the option to kill Asriel. :/

>Barely anybody talks about it anymore

This is literally just another FNAF, except Undertale died way quicker than FNAF ever did. Literally nobody talks about it anymore.

Okay game either way. 7/10. It's nothing special.

Should have put it as Bergentrückung+ASGORE, it was a genius move to put them together before and after the fight

Bergentrückung gives me chills every damn time

Don't worry, he's already dead.

Your Best Nightmare + Finale is good too, but even better within the game's context.

Fuck anyone for saying it's neither a he or a she, it's a she for me.

Genocide run is best run.

>emotions felt

No offence but hmm, are you gay or something

But user, he's already dead and at best an emotional husk that is forever stuck with the mind of a child, unable to ever get free.

hmm I don't actually know user, why don't you come suck my dick so I can find out if I want to kill you afterwards

>then I played this game through and realized that all you need is a half decent story
kys yourself

It's pretty good tbqh. i hope it ages well, the farther you get away from the fandom the better it is.

My head canon is that both Chara and Frisk are girls and the King Papyrus ending is the real one.

It's a good game but people who say it's on par with games like Earthbound are crazy.

Shit, it's an ok RPG but it takes only 2 hours to beat at most. There's just not a lot to it.

I just finished No Man's Sky.

I just had one of the most wonderful gaming experiences of my life. I laughed at my friend when he suggested I play this, now I'm listening to the soundtrack on repeat and still coming down from the high from reaching the Center of the Universe.

Will Sup Forums look back fondly on this game eventually or is it destined to be lost in a sea of autists and shitposting?

>2h at most
If you poured shitload of hours beating the first couple times, sure it'll be 2h at most.

Pretty sure you never played it to even consider those kind of times m8.

People say it's the best game of all time because there hasn't been a single game in the past couple of years that truly lived up to it's hype and stuck with it for a while too.

The last time a game did this was Halo 3, and that was nearly exatly 9 years ago