This game is five (5) years old now

>this game is five (5) years old now
>there are people posting on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW who were 12 when this came out and unironically have it as their favorite Zelda game

How does this make you feel?

Other urls found in this thread:

I was 13

Wouldn't that make them 17?

Who cares. I'm turning 21 this year and I feel pretty old, if you are proud of being old and you visit Sup Forums kill yourself.

It's so weird. I always feels like this game came out yesterday.

I'm 19 now
This came out while I didn't have my wii
Which I only got back at the beginning of this year
I tried to play it but it seriously just is not engaging.

i was 21 when this game came out
and honestly, it's not that bad. It had some great parts at least, like the desert parts. I think its badness is a bit exaggerated.

Shit I remeber the hype from all the 10/10s it got. It was pretty dissapointing after the intital excitement wore off.

It is a weird feel man. Same deal with Skyrim. Shit feels ancient now.



>implying underage b&s dont post here

>I was in 8th grade when Wind Waker came out
>Most of Sup Forums was in diapers when Wind Waker came out

>it's 5 years old and I still haven't gotten around to playing it
>I'm replaying DA:O
self pls

IGN made a Top 10 list a few weeks ago. SS is not even on it... even though they gave it a 10/10 when it came out.

I wonder how much Nintendo paid them for the score.

i was 6 when OoT came out.

I was 7

Sometimes if I wonder if it is paid reviews or IGN caught up in the hype OR IGN not wanting to get shit for not giving the next big dick Zelda a big score.

I mean just look at the responses their Uncharted 4 review got and that Gamespot (?) GTAV review. People vehemently defend games that aren't even out yet.

Not yet it's not. It came out on 11-20.

I will never forget because I thought it was to relate it to Ocarina of Time, given how similar their artstyles also were and the fact that SS Link being right-handed would finally explain why the Master Sword is in a righty position on the title for OOT.

Oh how wrong I was. Oh.... why did you have to remind me that it existed. Why did you have to remind me this is the 5-year anniversary. Why couldn't you just let it be forgotten in the winds of time like a whisp of smoke.

I was 1

I'm now in college

I got it the day it came out and I've only played it once in this whole time..

Yeah.. I still remember when that Jeff Gerstmann guy from GameSpot gave Twilight Princess an 8.8. People flipped their shit.
But I think they gave TPHD a 10/10 when that came out.

I was joking about Nintendo paying them. I think they were just caught up in the hype and the whole waggling thing. But looking back, it's not all that great.

I was 22 and it's my favorite Zelda.

I think is the best 3D zelda game
Pure gameplay and difficult

>Oh how wrong I was. Oh.... why did you have to remind me that it existed. Why did you have to remind me this is the 5-year anniversary. Why couldn't you just let it be forgotten in the winds of time like a whisp of smoke.

Well, if it makes you feel better, it's the least accessible console Zelda game yet due to needing the Wii Plus controller, which apparently not alot of people seem to have.

>mfw I'm 26 and Skyward Sword is up there in top 3 zelda games

damn it feels good to be a gangsta.

Eh. It alright.

I was 19. It was a great game. Honestly, very cute and charming. It lacked a lot of what most Zelda fans had wanted for ages. Breath of the Wild is fixing that and everything I personally have been dreaming for in the Zelda series.

On paper post-BotW, I think that Skyward Sword is a great game in the cons text of the whole series because it offers something unique and fun in the control department.

In the future it's a solid reccomendarions if you like environments laid out like dungeouns, OoT style puzzles, gimmicky but fun and reliable motion controls, a decent and cute story, a charming world despite not having quite enough life to it, it needed more characters.

It's nowhere near the best, but it's a great game. There are people right now who posted about it as angsty 14-year olds and never grew up in these past five years.

I was 21 when this came out and it's unironically my favorite Zelda

Can't beat that fucking ost

OST is dope. The Stone Tablet is my favorite track.

>I was 14
>I saved up for the special edition with a crappy paper route
>Vicious dogs, crabby baby boomers who weren't even on my route, rain and 40 dollars bi-weekly
>It was like a quest of my own to obtain this game on launch
>Play through it
>MFW it's shit

My fear is that Nintendo will retailor it for the Wii U without Motion+ controls and it will once again be remembered.

They've already shown with TWWHD that they're not beyond removing features from games and releasing them with BUT LOOK MUH TINGLE BOTTLE cop-outs.

richard george gave it a 10/10 and is no longer with ign.

Dang, I would've sued.

Just because youre on the interent, doesnt mean you can continue to be a dumbass.

I like SS but the OST is probably my least favorite major part of the game. It's easily the most forgettable of the 3d Zeldas, at least to me

Dang, only 5? feels a lot longer than that, granted I only played it once so its a pretty distant memory now

>TWWHD that they're not beyond removing features from games
How exactly would you connect the GBA to the Wii U for that? Did you seriously expect that feature to be 100% retained when the GBA and the cable have been discontinued for well over a decade?

They did WWHD 10 years after the original release, same with TPHD.

SSHD won't come until 2021, probably for the NX... They're gonna have to work hard to get rid of the motion control stuff though. It's basically rooted in the core of the game.

>mfw it took IGN to make the perfect Zelda ranking list


Well, in my nightmare Nintendo realizes that the motion controls (despite being 1:1; and having hundreds of minute slice/wrist variations) only amount to an 8 way grid that can be mimicked by an analog since the game already lacks a rotatable camera. What I was implying was that they would take out the bugnet and eye-rotating puzzles, which are the only thing that actually use the VSIM of the Motion+.

If anyone says Twilight Princess is his favorite Zelda game, i can see why
If anyone says Wind Waker is their favorite Zelda game, i can see why
If anyone says Majora's Mask is their favorite Zelda game, i can see why
If anyone says any other Zelda game is their favorite Zelda game, i can see why

But never will I ever understand how anyone can say that Skyward Sword is his favorite Zelda game. It was such a broken and shallow experience

I'm 24 and don't care.
I assume you played and enjoyed some games when you were young too.