Its back online
Lets roleplay
Its back online
Other urls found in this thread:
brick is at the bottom taking suggestions
at least post the link you fucking faggot
Mods will ban me if I do
We had threads yesterday all day where were you
woto dot tk/
come on faggots where are you
Lag/crashing any better?
Well it is better, didnt crash in the first 2 minutes, it took like 10, lets see when it has more people at once
it finally crashed you fuck I was building my fucking town
can't get passed the nickname
Keep F5ing
It's on the stable (crashy) version right now, so expect regular crashes. I found a bug in the experimental version that I need to fix.
Also, == except the tk might load slowly
what is this game
who is asdf and why is he invincible?
erp simulator
I summon suc to this thread.
Stop stalking my bitch
Holy shit this is a lot nicer than it was yesterday or whenever I last played. Still crashes every other time you die, however.
How do I play?
move with wasd
Hold space to shit blocks
Hit S to create balls
headbutt the ball to kill other players
No, it's still crashing every minute.
What a piece of shit I bet you copied this off of some tutorial and don't even know what you're doing
> v0.0.0.1
Crashing less than last night. Good improvement, brick. :3
So what are you going to implement next
What the fuck does that mean? It's just an arbitrary number. I could create a game and call it v0.1 or even just v1 it doesn't fucking matter you fucking fuck fuck
cute shop
someone is mad online
he means it's nowhere close to being ready and stable.
>not calling him a candle sniffing fuck fence
Your not mad enough user
is the game supposed to freeze and then make me refresh
range of explosions need to be smaller
Its too easy to destroy what some anons work hard to create
Replace the """""game""""" with just a chat system and we can ERP.
but the block guys are cute CUTE
This game sucks
>cutegirl playing hard to get
stop trying to rape me
cant get in
You're the one that keeps getting close
Holy shit.
fuck your computer. What the fuck are you doing with it? Its a fucking mess.
Nice reddit tab
Would chat ruin the game?
Letting people change nicknames at any time would be enough
Can someone please murder REEEEEEEEE
And color would also be cool
We already went through that "feature"
No we didnt when was that, Ive been here since explosions killed players
>THREE E-Hentai
>FOURTEEN Sup Forums
>4 Reddit
What the utter fuck, user?
If i press the X would you die?
>cutegirl being chased by a giant blue frog screaming REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
holy shit are there invisible players or is ground being created on its own?
>he has origin
>he plays duelyst
so many bullies
pls no bully
I already bullied someone into a corner. I like to think he begged for mercy.
People keep bullying me
Brick, this just node and HTML5?
Did you follow a tutorial somewhere? I web dev but I can't wrap my head around this.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand we are back to crashing every 5 seconds
>Still freezes every two seconds
You're going to have to press it more then once.
nothing wrong with either of'em
I gatta make sure I never miss anything ever.
Le reddit is bad meme
I have 16 gigs of ram and shit tons of space on my harddrive, I'm good.
>Le reddit is bad meme
fucking newfag
Kill yourself
damn the war for the cute girl is fierce
>nothing wrong with a literal malware
Correct. No one tutorial, but some good articles on websockets and networking in general.
>I'm not new, I've been here for a long time user
>no, u
I don't mind. I'll just a new pc If I have too.
Fuck you
>ledditors being retarded
what a surprise
Who are you quoting, retard?
Cool. If you ever feel like talking about the tech we would love to hear about it on the web development general on Sup Forums
Id like to report a case of sexual assault
Imouto runs from the Bully King.
Loli runs to the king.
Just like my mangas
Then it crashes just like my life
kill yourself cancer
Thanks for the context.
Every time
Hey suc, who's your daddy?
Bully King is not nice :(
it begins
I'm coming back
I like this tutorial:
He goes pretty fast but if you understand html5 and basic OOP in js then it's reeeeeeeal easy (You claim to be a web dev so it should be). He recently finished it like a month ago, but it took him about a month to release each part.
There's more than one.
Take that user, ball right to the face
Fuck you REEEE
Sweet. Thanks.
Why does this keep crashing wtf
y-you are, user~
Get bullied lolibully
Fuck you Sharpie I thought we were friends
Just you and me at the top of the world
Oh my god I'm sorry please don't kill me
I swear Bully King has it in for me
it would be extremely painful
What a sad story
>cute girl with hearts is following me around
cute girl is officially old and busted, cute girl with hearts is my waifu