Ive been seeing a lot of arguments between virgins and trannies and was wondering what the demographic is...

Ive been seeing a lot of arguments between virgins and trannies and was wondering what the demographic is. Help me out here because Im convinced there are a fuckton of trannies on this board.

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There's not. Transexuals are like 2 percent of the population. You'd probably get a higher number from /lgbt/, but Sup Forums is like 95% male.

Most trans girls are virgin vidya playing shutins who want to become their own gf

Sup Forums only ironically likes trannies. We all know that the liberal media is pushing hard to mak being a degenerate tranny acceptable on the basis of "muh feelings," and we hate it. Only women and nu-males, and politicians who want to get free votes tolerate it.

You know people are going to flood the poll with trans just to be ebin trolls, right?

The reason there's a lot of trannies here is because they're losers who never got attention or girls so they want to become girls themselves. And Sup Forums is already a place where losers congregate.

I would bone the shit out of Erica.

There really aren't a lot of trans girls on this board. It's mostly wannabe trannies who feel girly and like the thought of being treated like a girl. It's mostly just men and girly gay men who are one foot in mentally, but physically haven't transitioned.

>We all
The worst thing about Sup Forums friends is that they think everyone cares about their retarded shit...

Im 11 months trans and i pass but my voice doesnt

If you're really qt you could be like a Dr. Girlfriend type deal.

>2 girls on the poll
Gud one virgins

Sup Forums having total of 2 girls is possible, user.

triggered fuckboi detected

>2 percent

kek you are thinking about the gay population

most estimates put trannies at about 0.02% of the population. we are talking true mental illness trannies, not just a pervert in a dress.

annoyance levels from least to most

male posters < power gap < female posters < trannies < sizable power gap < traps

Big difference between transexuals and traps in vidya like Erica and the real deal. Erica looks like a woman, sounds like a woman, but is actually born a male, "she" is also sexy as fuck. Real transexuals(including those who have had surgery) 9 times out of 10 look like ugly men with lipstick. On the contrary, women that have surgery to become male almost always look like the real deal, I don't know why MtF look like shit most of the time.


>On the contrary, women that have surgery to become male almost always look like the real deal


there's not this is just one of the gayest boards on Sup Forums


>i-it's natural guys!

That does actually just look like an ugly dude, though.

Was this supposed to dissprove what I said? Looks like an ugly dude. You don't have to be attractive to look like the real deal.

They aren't trannies, just gay bottoms

I just hate how some of them don't even try to pass at all desu

I would chain that dude to a pipe.


her facial features look really similar to an actual dude I know, doesn't pass that great aside from a quick glance but way better than the average MtF.

Meanwhile there are boys that are destined to be girls.

That looks a little like the new mary jane.

>7 grills on Sup Forums

That's less believable than there being a gaggle of trannies on Sup Forums.

>Help me out here because Im convinced there are a fuckton of trannies on this board.
i honestly can't even fathom how retarded you must be to draw this conclusion

>no attack helicopter option

repurposed jokes that work better for the new purpose are the fucking best

gives double the satisfaction

That's partly because you can't tell the normal-looking ones are trannies and they're not about to paint a target on themselves by telling every person they meet. Don't get me wrong, there's a ton of uggos too, but the ratio isn't as skewed as people think.

theres always a tranny there to reply to trans related bate you dumb numale

Wouldn't someone who is really trans just vote for the gender they feel they are? Including a trans option for anything seems like the exact opposite of what a transsexual person would want cause it's still affirming they aren't the gender they believe they are.

Mainly talking about people pushing for this shit in character creation modes in games not necessarily your poll.

>there are more trannies than girls on Sup Forums

Genderfluid snowflakes are a whole other problem buddy