No Man's Sky is an overwhelming financial success

>No Man's Sky is an overwhelming financial success
>the scandal revolving around it's release, Sean's lies, and its low scores from critics is already blowing over
>the general populace has no long term memory or pattern recognition
>Hello Games will continue to operate and succeed financially, and other equally as shit AAA games will also succeed despite the way they fail to live up to the hype just like this game

There was no blunder. There was no failure. Things just keep spinning downward as usual.

Other urls found in this thread:

Amanda Love


You're a retard.

There were no "lies", just oversaturated dumb hyped up marketing spurred on by Sony. They're the villain here. Not a 12 man studio in Brighton.

I'm going to let them update it 2 times before I judge them.

Based on what?

Any game they try to release now can never get credibility as long as he is the one preaching.
Plus they strike me as a one game dev.
the amount of "effort" and "work" to get this done strikes me as a cop out and sob story. I can't see any future in the team at all.

You are good user, have a nice night


>Amanda Love

I don't remember her tits being this huge.

>there were no lies
>"is there multiplayer?"
>there's no multiplayers

If anything, NMS ia a bold new step in marketing, it's setting the precedent you can just objectively lie, whereas previous blunders were simply misleading.

Sean said multiple times there would be multiplayer. Even if it would be rare to see another player, he confirmed multiplayer...where is it?

This is really good bait.

thanks famlam.

It's not her. I've combed through a ton of Amanda Love stuff, I haven't found any of this, and her tits aren't that big.

Welcome to Sony gaming. Enjoy the future.

>you will never impregnate and start a family with a woman with Amanda Love's top half and love.randalin's bottom half.



I guess.

NMS is different than TLoU. It's a failure critically, even IGN gave it a 6.

But it'll sell anyway, and the next one will also sell anyway. zr5bswz

The entire point-by-point argument that got baleeted and the account b&

hi aceman i think youre cool
thanks for posting anime tits all the time

it was literally posted on her snapchat not too long ago, you freak


I fucking love saggy titties

>no matter what girl you meet, there tits never live up to their ass or vice versa

Shit, i have restored my dick only recently. And it is not working properly, stahp. I don't want to overwork little guy to much.

Man of taste i see

Doesn't look like her.


Loved that doujin

All modern Sony games are the same: Over hyped mediocre "games".

Humanity will stop it advances if TA was that easy to get. You should always try to be greater at everything and be constantly in search for a promised grail.

I am going to sleep.

What are you talking about?

The next game is probably gonna be 10 years from now. People are gonna be like "No Man's what?"

See you user.

>tits like this do not exist in gaming proper
>all examples are F- class indie shit


>if you ever depicted tits like OP's in a game you'd get slammed by press for sexism
>when in reality they're huge past the point of mainstream attractiveness and refusing to ever put them in is a disservice and erasure to actual women who just happen to have a body like this

OP is so desperate for replies that he has to post attractive women to draw in our attention.

muh nig-nog!

literally the first post after OP ffs

she needs to do porn already

Game so filled with nothing its better to post huge tits than discuss indie shit that under delivered on everything promised.

i didn't even read what he posted


she said she wasn't going to ;(((((

>Shit, i have restored my dick only recently. And it is not working properly, stahp. I don't want to overwork little guy to much.


This is correct.

she just hasn't been offered enough money yet


Not a failure because you can't get refunds on PS4 and it "gets good after 40 hours".

>it's setting the precedent you can just objectively lie

This is hardly new - don't you remember Outpost, where a bunch of features were described on the back of the box that weren't in the game, and only half-assed implemented in a (much) later patch.

Just like NMS, though, I really fucking enjoyed Outpost.

I didnt buy it because I waited for reviews.

They lost my 60 dollars. I know I'm not the only one.

Really made me think

>you will never be a hyper endowed girl with outlandish tits and an ass to match

Sucks desu mang

fuck man


Do you think there will be a sequel to no mans sky?

I pirated the game because I wasn't going to give them money 1st day after learning my lesson from Spore

Served me well, cause I'm already getting bored

Sony has done this before multiple times, people just forever have no short term memories

This right here. It is still in my Steam wishlist to track it, but fuck if they are getting my money with all of the loss of features, gameplay, graphics, and the PC port suffering shit performance.

why does v post the best sexy women threads?

Just like their anime division

Largest, highest traffic board means largest pool to pull from, it's off topic so it hasn't suffered discussion fatigue and descended into ironic shitposting.

I mean my god have you seen the "thick" threads on /s/?

I liked spore
There was also something better at the center of the galaxy

It sucks at everything else that doesn't involve girls

What games let me be an xbox hueg girl? Especially if they're also tall or have extremely long hair.

Sup Forums always has the best offtopic threads.

Is there Amanda Love here? Looking for Amanda Love!

Fags need to die desu

Maybe he got a burn for fapping to much. Same happened to me when I was a teenager.

Shut up faggot.

As long as he keeps posting big titties I'm OK.


Too much masturbation. He is at a crossroads.

welp gg

This tbqh

What's the underpinning logic behind /fit/'s belief nofap can make your dick bigger and increase testosterone?

She is named uldouz wallace btw. Iranian ass godess

How do i summon demora?


I liked spore for several hours. Then I realized that very little of what I had been following over years had actually made it into the game, and somewhere along the way, everything went more googly-eyed than a banjo-kazooie game.

But you are right about the second thing.

